I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 253 Imagine Carlos

As far as Qianye Feng knew, the origin of key stones and mega evolution stones was in the Kalos region. As for whether they were available in other regions, he didn't know because there was no such information from the known information acquisition methods.

Each region has its own unique natural environment, and it may be that the unique environment of the Carlos region has created this evolutionary miracle.

The shape of the Carlos region is a five-pointed star. The center of the region is the city of Miare. According to the classification of the illustrated book, the region can be divided into three regions: the coast in the northwest, the central region, and the mountains in the northeast.

The Central Region is located in the central and southern parts of the Kalos region and is covered by vast forests and numerous rivers. Some towns are surrounded by ancient walls, and many castles stand here, such as the Balfam Temple of Incense.

The coastal area is located on the western coastline and consists of a narrow strip of land between the mountains and the ocean.

The mountainous area is located in the northeast. It is surrounded by mountains and has lower temperatures. Some areas are covered with ice and snow. There is a swamp area in the north that is said to be haunted.

In addition, there is desert to the north, snow to the east, rivers flowing through the entire area, and mountains surrounding it.

Xerneas, the God of Life, and Yveltal, the God of Death, are the elves in the myths and legends of the Carlos region. One of them brings life energy to the Carlos region and nourishes the earth, while the other absorbs life. Energy brings death to all living beings.

They symbolize the cycle between life and death, which is why Xerneas and Yveltal are revered as the gods of life and death respectively.

Although Qianye Feng still hasn't figured out why his Dantian generates a ball of extremely high-quality life energy every day, he knows that if he wants to make a breakthrough in his ability, he must find the God of Life. Xerneas will do.

He even wanted to obtain the cause of his physical abnormality through Xerneas, the God of Life. After all, there is probably no elf in this world who understands life energy better than Xerneas.

Going to the Carlos region, Qianye Feng also has another reason, that is, the diamond mining country where countless small diamonds exist also exists in the Carlos region, and the princess of the diamond mining country is the fantasy elf Dianxi, who rules Covering the entire diamond mining country.

Of course, Qianye Feng himself did not know the specific location of the diamond mining country, but he believed that as long as he arrived in the Carlos area, he would be able to find the specific location of the diamond mining country through clues.

Now the diamond on the top of the small diamond has shown a pink light to the outside. Looking at it from a close distance, you can find that there are dense pink dots inside the diamond.

Although there is still a long way to go before the diamond on the head completely turns pink, as the pink energy in the diamond increases, the fairy energy in Little Diamond becomes more and more powerful.

In addition to the fairy attribute skill Magic Shine that he learned before, during this time, Little Diamond gradually learned the two skills of Coquettishness and Moon Power.

However, the skill that Qianye Feng hopes most for Little Broken Diamond to master is the mist field skill, which is the same domain skill as the grass field.

The effect of mist field skills is to prevent the elves in the field from falling into abnormal conditions, and the damage of dragon attribute skills will also be halved.

Although the function of halving the damage of dragon attribute skills is of little use to Little Diamond, who has fairy attributes, the biggest advantage of learning the mist field skill is that it allows Little Diamond to control the energy of Fairy attributes. Go to the next level.

Qianye Feng believed that only if Little Broken Diamond itself had reached a certain level of control over fairy attribute energy and life energy, would it be possible to bet on the possibility of evolving into Dianxi.

Otherwise, even filling all the gems on the head with pink energy may not be enough to allow it to evolve into Diancie.

This is like a child swinging a sledgehammer. Without enough control, it is easy to hurt others and yourself.

Filling the diamond on Little Broken Diamond with pink energy that is a fusion of fairy attribute energy and life energy only gives it the foundation to evolve into Diancie, but whether it can fully grasp the secret depends on Xiao Broken The degree of control the drill itself has over these two energies.

After seeing the power of Rabbi and Shemi, Qianye Feng already knew the power that the phantom elf could possess. This power was actually somewhat similar to the rules.

As for letting Diamond, who is just an ordinary elf, evolve into Dianxi, Qianye Feng feels that this is many times more difficult than the evolution of Magikarp and Ugly Fish into Gyarados and Menus.

Now Qianye Feng can only tell Xiao Zuizhan some of what he knows about the mist field skills and let him understand it by himself. As for whether he can understand it, he himself is not sure.

You can also look for an elf-type elf who can use mist field skills to guide Little Diamond. However, in the Hoenn region, where there is little research on elf attributes, it is difficult to find an elf who can use mist field skills. .

Of course, if you look carefully, you should be able to find it. However, it will take too much thought and time. It is better to wait until he goes to the Kalos area in the future. If Little Diamond has not yet understood this skill, Then find an elf who knows this skill to learn it.

However, Qianye Feng still hopes that Little Diamond can master the mist field skills on his own. During this period, Little Diamond will try and use the fairy attribute energy. These experiences and hard work will not be in vain, and will contribute to Little Diamond’s success. Evolution provides the means.

As for the training of life energy, what Qianye Feng could think of was the grass field skill, but Little Diamond itself did not have grass attributes and could not learn this skill, so he planned to let Little Diamond learn the sleeping skill.

The sleeping skill can be said to be a very practical skill, but it is not very useful in elf battles and can easily become a target for others.

The sleeping skill is classified as a super attribute skill because using this skill requires the mobilization of super attribute energy and life energy.

First, super attribute energy is used to perform self-hypnosis to put the elf into a deep sleep. However, after the elf falls into a deep sleep, the body will spontaneously mobilize life energy to restore its own injuries and abnormal conditions.

At present, Kirby is the most proficient in using sleeping skills in Chiba Farm. Basically, it sleeps for more than three-quarters of the time every day, and as long as it is damaged during its sleep, it will spontaneously Recovery, unless the damage exceeds a certain limit, it will not be able to wake up.

If coupled with the sleep talking skill, Kirby can actually defeat most elves that are weaker than it in its sleep.

Little Broken Diamond itself is very satisfied with the trainer's plan, especially after the diamond on its head turned pink, and it is now very satisfied with its appearance.

Moreover, Qianye Feng also told Little Diamond about his idea of ​​letting it evolve into Dianxi. Originally, he didn't want to give Little Diamond hope so early.

But in order to give Little Diamond a direction to work towards, Qianye Feng still told it all his guesses and thoughts.

Dianxi was a god-like existence to Little Diamond. Little Diamond couldn't believe that one day he would evolve into Dianxi. It took him several days to digest this news before he could calm down. .

From then on, Little Broken Diamond obeyed Qianye Feng's words.

Therefore, this time Qianye Feng wanted to let him learn the mist field and sleeping skills, and he agreed without hesitation and was ready to work hard to learn them. (End of chapter)

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