I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 254 Encounter in Kaina City

On this day, Qianye Feng took the time to go to Kaina City, found a jewelry store, and then took out the glass beads of the same size as the keystone that had been prepared in advance, and asked them to make a glass bead inlaid with the size of the glass beads. wristband.

The owner of the jewelry store is a middle-aged uncle. Although he was a little confused about Qianye Feng's request, he didn't ask too much for the sake of alliance coins. After understanding the style of bracelet Qianye Feng wanted, he asked him He can just come back and pick it up in three days.

It was a rare visit to Kaina City. Qianye Feng was not in a hurry to go back. Instead, he planned to go to the department store to purchase some supplies. It would be great if he could get some more rare fruit seeds.

Walking on the streets of Kaina City, Qianye Feng looked at the people passing by with interest. Suddenly, he found that a group of people seemed to be gathering in front of them. Out of curiosity, he quickly walked a few steps and gathered around them.

Sure enough, no matter what world we are in, it is human nature to watch the excitement, just like eating and drinking. As long as there is excitement to watch, there will be no shortage of onlookers.

At this time, the place was already crowded with pedestrians watching the excitement. After Qianye Feng circled around a few times, he finally squeezed to the front and discovered that there was a person doing a difficult performance art.

I saw a strong man in martial arts uniform, with muscles all over his body, sitting upside down with one hand on the ground.

His eyes were closed tightly, as if he had fallen into sleep. If he hadn't rolled up his sleeves to reveal his strong arms, Qianye Feng might have thought that the other party had a support hidden under his clothes.

However, Qianye Feng stared at the strong man in front of him, and the more he looked at him, the more familiar he became, but he couldn't remember it for a moment. This was also related to the fact that the man's face was somewhat deformed when he was standing upside down.

Suddenly, a picture flashed in Qianye Feng's mind, and he finally recognized the strong man in front of him as Uncle Kenjiro, who taught him body-building techniques.

Although Chiba Kaede had only known Kenjiro for less than a day, he was still deeply impressed by the fighter who taught him physical strength techniques.

Kenjiro in front of him seemed to be doing some martial arts training, so Qianye Kaede didn't know whether to say hello to him or not, so she could only watch him silently like the crowd of onlookers.

"Don't stand around here, it will cause traffic jams on this road!"

Not long after, Miss Junsha, who was patrolling in Kaina City, was also attracted by the scene here, but she was more concerned about the gathering of crowds that caused some people to occupy the driveway. Although there was no traffic jam yet, But if we continue to gather like this, maybe it will happen.

Miss Junsha is still very prestigious in Kaina City. After hearing her words, the crowd finally dispersed in twos and threes, and soon only Qianye Feng, Miss Junsha and Kenjiro were left.

"Hey, isn't this Xiao Feng? Why are you here too?"

Miss Junsha also discovered Qianye Feng at this time, and she was quite impressed by the young man in front of her. Of course, this had something to do with the fact that her cousin in Chunhua Town often shared Qianye Feng's information with her.

"Hello, Miss Junsha, I'm glad to see you here. I just happened to come to Kaina City and passed by here!"

Qianye Feng walked up to Miss Junsha and answered politely.

After listening to Qianye Feng's words, Miss Junsha just nodded towards him to show that she understood, and then looked at Kenjiro who was still concentrating with his eyes closed.

"Sir, please don't do this kind of thing here. It will easily cause traffic jams here."

Miss Junsha said to Kenjiro in a somewhat serious tone.

After Kenjiro, who was still in a state of concentration with his eyes closed, heard Miss Junsha's words, he pressed his hand on the ground hard, then turned his body in the air and stood in front of Qianye Kaede and Miss Junsha.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think so much about it before. I will definitely not do this again in the future. I'm sorry for causing trouble to your work!"

Kenjiro showed an apologetic look on his face, and then apologized to Miss Junsha very sincerely.

"That way there will be no problem. Thank you for your understanding!"

"Xiao Feng, I have to go on patrol now. See you next time!"

Miss Junsha saw that Kenjiro had a good attitude in admitting his mistakes, so she said nothing more. After saying goodbye to the bully, she planned to continue her patrol work.

"Goodbye, Miss Junsha!"

After saying goodbye to Miss Junsha, Qianye Feng turned to look at Kenjiro again and said:

"Teacher Kenjiro, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to meet you in Kaina City."

Kenjiro had already planned to pack up his luggage and leave here, but he didn't expect that the young man in front of him knew him. He had been focusing on Miss Junsha and not paid much attention to Qianye Feng.

"It's you, young man. How are you doing with your body-building exercises?"

After carefully observing Chiba Kaede for a while, Kenjiro finally remembered who the young man in front of him was. He had a very good impression of Chiba Kaede and thought he was a person who was qualified to become an excellent fighter.

After all, among the people Kenjiro had taught, Chiba Kaede was one of the few who could directly learn the body-building technique. Unfortunately, his ambition was not on this path, which made Kenjiro regret it for a long time.

"It should be okay, but now that I practice the strengthening technique once, it won't bring much improvement in my physical fitness!"

Qianye Feng scratched his head, and then said with some distress.

Since the last time he practiced the Strengthening Technique in the lava cave to strengthen his body again, the effect he could achieve by practicing the Strengthening Technique in a normal environment has become minimal.

This proves that Qianye Feng's physical fitness has exceeded the range that the physical strengthening technique can strengthen. Unless he continues to stay in the lava cave to exercise, it will have a certain effect.

After hearing Qianye Feng's words, Kenjiro couldn't believe it. Suddenly, he punched Qianye Feng directly. The punch was powerful and heavy, and the wind was roaring. It was obviously not a showmanship.

Facing the fierce punch that hit his chest, Qianye Feng had no time to think. He instinctively crossed his hands to protect his vital parts, hoping to block the fierce punch.


Kenjiro's fist directly hit the place where Chiba Kaede's hands met. The huge force made him involuntarily take several steps back. The part of his arm hit by Kenjiro's fist became a little numb, but the pain was still there. Within the tolerance range.

"It seems that you did not lie to me, but how did you do it? How long did it take for you to use the body-building technique to improve your physical fitness to this point?"

Kenjiro stopped after punching and did not continue to attack. This also made Ghost Stone, who was hiding in the shadow of Chiba Maple and was about to take action, shrink back again.

In fact, when Kenjiro punched, Ghost Stone was planning to take action, but it did not feel the other party's malice, so it just waited and watched temporarily. If the opponent really endangered the trainer's life, Ghost Stone would attack at the first opportunity. Use protective skills for a while.

"Teacher Kenjiro, is there anything strange about this?"

Qianye Feng shook his numb arm. He now knew that Kenjiro was just testing his strength just now, so he was not angry and asked directly.

"Of course there is a problem. It took me three full years to reach where you are now. You must know that I trained very hard to achieve it. If I slack off a little, it will take more time. long."

"It's less than a year since I taught you the body-building technique, but you have already completed the strengthening of your body through this body-building technique."

Kenjiro looked at Qianye Feng and said somewhat complicatedly. (End of chapter)

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