I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 269 Three Bees Evolution

After cooking dinner, Qianye Feng turned on the TV out of boredom and casually changed channels, trying to find a program he was interested in watching.

Suddenly a piece of news caught his attention. In the picture, Daigo, the champion of the Fengyuan region, officially resigned, and his successor was Mi Keli, a top coordination trainer.

Qianye Feng can predict that during the period when Mikri is the league champion, the coordination trainers in the Hoenn region will definitely develop explosively.

After all, even the league champion is a coordination trainer. The role of this role model can be said to be unlimited, and Mikri will definitely spare no effort to promote it to expand the team of coordination trainers.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Qianye Feng. He is just a small farmer now and only needs to worry about his own farm.

"Hey, boss, when did you come back? Why didn't you go to the backyard to notify us?"

At this time, the three people who were concentrating on taking care of the backyard also walked in with a smile. After seeing Chiba Kaede who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, Terada Yuri asked in surprise.

"When I came back, I saw that you were all taking care of the backyard seriously, so I didn't bother you. By the way, I've already prepared dinner. You guys should go wash your hands quickly and you can start eating later!"

At this time, Qianye Feng also recovered from the news that Mi Keli had taken over as the Fengyuan League champion, and then said to several people with a smile.

"Then we have to taste your craftsmanship today, boss!"

Ogata Akino said with some anticipation. She had not seen Chiba Kaede cooking since she came to Chiba Farm, so she planned to taste his craftsmanship.

"Hey, boss, your cooking skills have improved a lot recently!"

Takemoto Yui was very surprised and said that she had tasted the food made by Chiba Maple before. Although it was not unpalatable, it was not up to the current level. Takemoto Yui felt that the food tonight could be compared to the food she cooked. Comparable.

"Yeah, it's really delicious!"

Ogata Akino said very respectfully, and Terada Yuri, who was sitting next to her, also smiled and nodded in agreement.

Seeing that everyone was very satisfied with the food he cooked, Qianye Feng was also very happy, and then he shared with a few people what he had experienced throughout the day.

After several people heard that Feiyue Lake could lead directly to the sea, they were also very interested. Especially after they heard that there was a bay and beach with pleasant scenery, their eyes lit up.

I saw Yuri Terada and the others looking at Qianye Kaede expectantly. Naturally, he knew the meaning of this. Then, he agreed to find time to go to that beach with them for vacation.

Since this beach is located in a wild area deep in the Orange Forest, it can be treated as a private beach. Moreover, most of the wild elves living in that bay have already succumbed to the majesty of Menas, so , Qianye Feng is not worried about any danger there.

Everyone enjoyed the dinner with gusto, and they had already agreed to wait until Yuri Terada and the others had finished tidying up the backyard garden before heading to the beach for a vacation. Now the three of them wanted to spend most of their energy on this.

Qianye Feng naturally didn't care about this. He could go to the beach at any time.

In the next few days, Terada Yuri and others spent their time taking care of the backyard. Of course, they did not neglect their own work. At this time, the backyard already had some prototypes of a garden, but it had not been planted yet.

The flowers and plants that several people want to plant are different, but they have purchased the corresponding seeds from the Internet and can sow them only after the seeds are delivered.

Qianye Feng, on the other hand, focused his main energy on the three bees. He didn't want to miss the moment when the three bees evolved into the queen bees. Compared with other types of elves, the evolution of the three bees was very rare. After all, everyone There is only one female three bee in the group that can evolve.

It's just a pity that although the three bees have a faint tendency to evolve, they just can't complete the evolution. However, because the food is so good, its size has increased a little.

Qianye Feng seriously suspected that the three bees in front of him were deliberately suppressing and not evolving in order to eat his food. He could be said to have a deep understanding of the greed of this three bees.

Now this three bees don't even go to collect honey. They stay in the hive every day. They eat energy cubes when they are hungry and drink sweets when they are thirsty. Life seems very comfortable.

Of course, all this is just Qianye Feng's own speculation. He has never cultivated a queen bee before, so it is not clear whether the three bees are accumulating enough energy for the final evolution.

Therefore, Qianye Feng did not interfere too much with Three Bees' behavior. He just quietly observed Three Bees, hoping that it would surprise him.

On this day, Qianye Feng came to the hive as usual, and he also brought some energy cubes and fresh fruits to the three bees.

Normally, three bees would have surrounded him before he even entered the hive, but today there was no movement at all, which made Qianye Feng feel a little strange.

After entering the hive, Qianye Feng found that all the three bees did not go out to collect honey today, but were guarding the hive in twos and threes. After seeing him come in, they instinctively blocked him. However, after recognizing him as Who later returned to his position.

When Qianye Feng reached the deepest part of the hive, he found that the three bees were lying on the ground again, but this time it was different from last time. There was no pain on its face and its consciousness was very clear.

After seeing Qianye Feng, Three Bees instinctively wanted to flap its wings and fly. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, it flapped hard for a while and was unable to lift its body.

"Okay, Sanbee, don't get excited yet!"

Seeing that it was indeed unable to fly, Qianye Feng hurriedly stopped it, and then came to it to check on the three bees.

After observing carefully for a while, Qianye Feng discovered that the body of Three Bees had grown a bit larger, which also caused its two small transparent wings to no longer be able to shoulder the important task of helping it fly.

Suddenly, Qianye Feng noticed that the body of Three Bees was glowing with white light, but the white light quickly dissipated.

This performance of the three bees made Qianye Feng know that the three bees in front of him had reached the threshold of evolution. If there were no accidents, it would evolve soon.

After thinking for a while, Qianye Feng placed the energy cubes and tree fruits he brought in front of Sanbee and let him choose whether to eat them, because he didn't know whether Sanbee still needed to continue to accumulate energy at this time.

When Three Bees saw the pile of food in front of them, they were not polite and ate it directly. They didn't know whether it was because they were greedy or because they wanted to accumulate more energy for evolution.

As time went by, the food placed in front of Three Bees was eaten into its stomach bit by bit, and the frequency of the white light flashing on its body became faster and faster.

After the three bees finished eating the last fruit, its body was wrapped in white light again. This time the white light did not flash past. It was obvious that the evolution of the three bees had begun.

Seeing this scene, the three bees were also excited to fly around the white light. They were obviously celebrating the birth of the queen.

Soon, a queen bee with a body length of more than 1 meter appeared. At this time, the queen bee could already fly. The originally only one pair of transparent wings became two pairs, and the queen bee was easily lifted into the air. . (End of chapter)

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