I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 270 Dr. Odamaki’s Commission

The evolved Queen Bee is completely different from the previous image of a foodie. She exudes a sense of oppression from the inside out, and has an awe-inspiring aura that cannot be offended.

Qianye Feng knew that the personalities of many elves would change a lot after they evolved, and he was also a little worried that Queen Bee would become less close to him after evolving.

Fortunately, his worries were unnecessary. After the queen bee adapted to her evolved body, she flew over naturally and nodded to him somewhat reservedly. Although her behavior was more mature than that of the three bees before she evolved, Qian Qian's bee queen also flew over naturally. Ye Feng could tell that Queen Bee still recognized him as a trainer.

"Queen Bee, you must lead the tribe well in the future and strengthen the tribe!"

Qianye Feng said with a smile.

The queen bee nodded firmly, and then she glanced at the three bees surrounding her. The three bees quickly flew out of the hive, apparently continuing their work of collecting honey.

After staying in the hive for a while, Qianye Feng left. With the presence of the queen bee, the three bees no longer need to worry about him. I believe that it will not take long for the queen bee to give birth to new three bees and grow stronger. The number of one’s own ethnic group.

Now the number of flowers in Chiba Farm can satisfy the three bees for a long time. Even after the number of three bees expands to a certain level, he can ask Xie Mi to expand the scope of the flower fields.

After leaving the hive, Chiba Maple came to the small building where Terada Yuri and the others lived. As expected, they were all in the backyard taking care of the flower seedlings they had just planted.

That's right, the three of them have planted the seedlings on their own reclaimed land, and from time to time they ask the shuttlecocks to help unleash their grass field skills to speed up the growth of these flowers and plants.

For ordinary flowers and plants, the life energy contained in the grass field skills is very helpful for their growth and can greatly shorten their maturity time.

When Qianye Feng told them the news that the three bees had evolved into queen bees, several people were also very happy. They felt that the day of realizing sweet freedom was not far away.

During this period, in order to allow the three bees to evolve as quickly as possible, Qianye Maple did not collect sweetness, leaving all the sweetness for the three bees to eat. The sweetness in the farm had already been consumed long ago.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng stayed in the backyard and helped the three of them pull out the weeds that had grown due to the grass field skills. He was also very familiar with this job.

Qianye Feng, who was working hard, suddenly felt his cell phone vibrating in his pocket. Apparently someone was contacting him.

"Dr. Odamaki, do you have anything to do with me?"

After seeing the caller ID, Qianye Feng asked quickly.

"Xiao Feng, are you free during this time?"

"If you have time, come to my research institute tomorrow. I just have a commission that I want to entrust to you."

Dr. Odamaki was not polite and expressed his purpose concisely.

"I'm free recently, so I'll go to your research institute tomorrow!"

Chiba Kaede knew that Dr. Odamaki did not want to discuss the content of the commission on the phone. After thinking about it, he felt that he did not have any urgent matters to deal with recently, so he agreed to go to the Odamaki Research Institute tomorrow. As for whether he would accept the commission, it was still necessary. Determined based on specific commission content.

"Okay, then I'll be waiting for your visit!"

After hearing Chiba Kaede agree to go, Dr. Odamaki's tone became a little more relaxed.

Neither of them were the type to enjoy small talk, so they quickly hung up the phone.

"Boss, does Dr. Odamaki come to see you for something?"

Terada Yuri happened to be near Chiba Kaede, so he got a general idea and asked.

"Dr. Odamaki has a commission that he wants to give to me. I'll go over there tomorrow to check it out. If it's suitable, I should come next. After all, Dr. Odamaki is really good to me."

"It's just that the beach vacation I promised you has to be postponed for a while. I hope you don't mind."

Since Chiba Kaede may need to go out for a while, Chiba Kaede needs to explain the matter clearly to Terada Yuri and others, so that they can take good care of Chiba Farm during this time.

"Well, you can go on a beach vacation anytime, but boss, you have to be careful when you go out and don't do anything too dangerous."

Terada Yuri gave some instructions with some concern.

"I will pay attention, and with the protection of the King Swallows, I will definitely be fine."

Qianye Feng responded with a smile.

Afterwards, Yuri Terada and the others stopped tending the flowers and plants in the garden, and turned around to enter the small building. They needed to prepare some food for Chiba Kaede when they were traveling.

During this period of time, Chiba Kaede has been staying in Chiba Farm, and he is actually a little bored. Dr. Odamaki happened to entrust him with a task. As long as it is not a too dangerous task, he plans to take it.

Qianye Feng believes that King Yan and the others feel the same way, and they must be yearning for the outside world more.

Since this time he was not traveling but accepting a commission, Qianye Feng decided to take the elves with him after thinking about it for a while, including King Yan, Heracross, Hao Li, Mosquito Frog King, Strong Chicken, and Little Broken Diamond. , ghost stone, shuttlecock cotton.

Originally, with the strength of Menus and Gyarados, Chiba Kaede should have taken them with him, but he was afraid that something might happen to the beach bay after taking them away, so he gave up.

Since these elves are usually kept scattered throughout the farm by Qianye Feng, in order not to affect their lives, Qianye Feng asked the Arrogant Swallow messenger to summon them in advance.

"I need you to follow me out tomorrow. It may take some time to come back. If some of you don't want to go out, you can tell me in advance."

Qianye Feng said to the elves who looked puzzled.

The result was not beyond Qianye Feng's expectation. All the elves readily agreed to follow him out, especially the strong chicken, which was so happy that it circled around him.

After the setbacks some time ago, Li Zhuangji has been training very hard during this period and its strength has improved rapidly. However, the speed of strength improvement has slowed down now, so it is planning to go out for some training.

If Qianye Feng hadn't summoned him and Little Diamond today, then maybe in a few days the Strong Chicken would gather Little Diamond and Straight Bear and go deep into the Orange Flower Forest to find a suitable opponent.

Both Heracross and the Mosquito-repellent Frog Emperor felt a little tired of staying in the farm and wanted to go out and experience some things.

Among these elves, the only one who is somewhat reluctant may be Haoli. It still prefers to exercise in the farm, but as long as the trainer needs it, Haoli himself will not have any objections. The main reason for its hard training is I want to be able to help the trainer defeat powerful enemies when the trainer is in danger.

Needless to say, Da Wang Yan and Ghost Stone, Qianye Feng basically takes them with him whenever he goes out.

As for Shuttlecock Mian, he is regarded as a team doctor by Qianye Feng. Basically, he will not let him go into battle, but will only let him return to the state of other elves.

Soon, the group of elves quickly dispersed. King Yan and the Mosquito-repellent Frog King needed to arrange things in the group, while Heracross and Haoli also needed to arrange the training plan for the little flame monkeys.

Only Strong Chicken and Little Diamond have nothing to deal with. However, they need to say goodbye to Straight Bear. After all, they get along best among the farm. (End of chapter)

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