I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 283 The Taste of Freedom

After spending about half an hour, Qianye Feng and Zhenyi finally returned to the underground lake. Judging from the scattered footprints on the ground, many elves should have been here during the day.

If they hadn't packed up the tent and taken it away, the place would have become a mess by now.

Since Hao Li helped dig for a whole day today, Qianye Feng planned to let him rest in the Poké Ball. He just sent out the energetic Chicken and Heracross to let them defend the camp.

But then Qianye Feng thought about it and released all the elves. He didn't want to keep the elves in the elf ball all the time. This would undoubtedly be a waste of their lives.

Sure enough, of course the King Yan stretched its wings directly after coming out, and flew several times at low altitude underground only a few meters high before landing near him.

The Mosquito-Repellent Frog Emperor jumped directly into the underground lake, and then enjoyed doing backstroke on it.

The shuttlecock looked a little haggard because there was no sunlight underground, but soon it floated next to a large cluster of fluorescent plants, apparently intending to absorb some fluorescence and recover.

"Xiao Feng, why did you release all the elves?"

At this time, Zhenyi, who had just finished setting up the tent, asked curiously.

Based on her past adventure experience, it is best to only send out elves for defense in such a place, while other elves stay in the elf balls to recharge their batteries and replace them when needed.

Moreover, after the elves are sent out, they may attract the attention of some surrounding elven groups, which will be regarded as a provocation to them and easily besieged.

"I just don't want to keep the elves trapped in the poke balls, because it's a waste of their lives."

Qianye Feng looked at the elves playing and playing in front of him, and then said.

"Xiao Feng, your statement is very novel, but after thinking about it carefully, I think it makes sense. Then I will release all the elves too!"

Just one sentence, Zhenyi felt that it had a huge impact on her. She had never thought about whether trapping elves in the elf ball was a waste of their lives before.

Like other trainers, she thinks about things from her own point of view, especially when she goes out on adventures. She feels that she is more thinking about her own pros and cons, and does not look at the problem from the perspective of the elves. .

This discovery made her feel a little ashamed. Normally, Zhenyi felt that she treated the elves like friends, but after listening to Qianye Feng's words, she felt that she had not done enough.

As an elf loved by the world, Qianye Feng believed that except for a few exceptions, most elves would not like being trapped in a small elf ball.

Later, after Zhenyi also released its spirit, the area suddenly became lively, bringing some vitality to this closed and dark underground world.

Like the mosquito-repellent frog king, the Gotha duck immediately jumped into the water, and then started playing with the mosquito-repellent frog king in the lake. Apparently being trapped in the elf ball also made it very boring.

The Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird came directly to the Big King Yan. It can now be said to be the Big King Yan's fanboy. It wanted to learn more about flying skills from it. The Big King Yan didn't hold it either. It had two flying attributes. The elves were chatting animatedly.

After the flaming horse came out, it ran directly towards the distance. It easily jumped over any obstacles encountered during the process, and the flames on its body were particularly eye-catching in this underground world.

This also attracted the attention of the strong chicken. It also stretched out its strong legs and chased the flame horse, hoping to compete with the opponent for speed in this underground environment.

As an aborigine here, Moon Eevee doesn't have that kind of novelty. It likes to hide in the shadows and blend in with the shadows. This can give it a great sense of security, even after being conquered. The habit has not changed.

Its habit is very similar to the ghost stone next to Qianye Feng that hides in his shadow and observes everything around him.

The pangolin king and the dragon-headed gopher, who are the heroes of today's excavation, have very similar hobbies. They both like to roll themselves into a ball when they are resting, and protect their soft abdomen to prevent them from encountering enemies while sleeping. sneak attack.

After the Lizard King, the real ace, came out, he immediately found Haoli. He felt the same kind of temperament from Haoli. This kind of likeness refers to a feeling that he likes to train himself and strengthen himself as much as he does.

Naturally, Haoli responded directly to the Lizard King's expectations. The two started a fierce battle in an open space by the lake. Neither party used skills and simply relied on their own bodies to fight.

"I knew it would be like this, but forget it, as long as they are happy!"

Zhenyi held her forehead and looked at the performance of her elves, feeling panicked, but she didn't intend to interfere, because she saw a kind of vitality in them, which was different from when she trained them.

At this time, only Eluredo is left by Mayi's side. For it, guarding the trainer's side and protecting her safety is what it wants to do most.

Qianye Feng didn't have the sentimentality of Zhenyi. After he released all the elves, he started to prepare for tonight's dinner. At noon in the mine, he and Zhenyi could only eat some bread to satisfy their hunger, so he planned to reward him in the evening. Own.

For this reason, Qianye Feng did not cook noodles or soup as before, but took out a wok and started cooking. Although the preparation work was a bit cumbersome, in order to have a full meal, Qianye Feng felt that it was still worth the effort.

After Zhenyi smelled the smell of Qianye Maple cooking, she ran over and was busy helping him. After all, for a senior foodie, she couldn't wait to taste the delicious food.

The commotion caused by Qianye Feng and the others was actually noticed by the elves living nearby. However, because there were many tyrannical auras here, they were wary and did not dare to really come to ask for trouble, or rather Waiting for someone to come out and try the depth here.

"Mai, please prepare the food for the elves first, and then you can start dinner after I finish frying the last dish."

Qianye Feng looked at the elves around him, and then said to Zhen Yi who was guarding him.

"Leave it to me, I can't wait to taste your cooking!"

After taking one last look at the food on the table, Zhenyi began to prepare food for each elf.

After Mayi distributed food to each elf, Qianye Feng had already prepared dinner, and they began to enjoy the rare leisure time today.

"I'm so full. I just want to take a hot bath and then have a good sleep."

After finishing the meal, Zhenyi leaned on the chair and touched her somewhat full belly.

"I'll change the water in the pool later, and then you can take a shower!"

Afterwards, Qianye Feng came to the small pool. Although the water inside was still crystal clear, Qianye Feng still directed the mosquito-repellent frog king to clean up the water in the pool.

This is very simple for the mosquito-repellent frog king. He puts one hand on the water, then waves his hand and throws it forward. The water in the pool shoots into the distance like a cannonball.

Immediately after Qianye Feng removed the big stone blocking the water flow, the water in the underground lake continued to enter the pool. When the water in the pool was full, he put the big stone up again to block the small pool and the underground. Connectivity between lakes.

After doing all this, Qianye Feng found a place away from the pool and started practicing the Tianxin Exercise Technique, so that he would not be embarrassed to take a bath in Zhenyi. (End of chapter)

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