I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 284 Unexpected Grand Prize

After Qianye Feng finished exercising, he found that Mayi was directing his elf to perform some simple training to pass the time.

"I just finished taking a shower, Xiaofeng, you can go take a shower now!"

After seeing Qianye Feng limping over, Zhenyi said quickly.

"okay, I get it!"

After Qianye Feng dragged his tired body and said hello to Zhenyi, he entered his tent. He needed to recover for himself first.

After Qianye Feng took a shower, he felt mentally exhausted, so after arranging the elves for today's night watch, he went into the tent to rest.

After a night of silence, Qianye Feng and Zhen Yi set out for the marked point early the next day. After arriving at the marked point, the two found that the leader of the pangolin king had led the pangolin rats to dig, and they had also piled up some rare ores. In the middle of the mine, they obviously knew that Qianye Feng needed these rare ores.

After seeing these things, Qianye Feng knew that the mountain rats must have been digging last night, so Qianye Feng was not stingy and gave them some energy cubes as rewards.

Chiba Kaede and Zhenyi have been digging at the first marked point for 5 days. It was not until they harvested less and less that they began to consider changing places.

During this period, the two of them also harvested a lot of things. Of course, most of them were rare ores, but Mayi was lucky enough to dig out a fire stone, and the quality of this fire stone was very good.

Of course, Qianye Feng's harvest is much more than that of Zhenyi. After all, he has the help of the Chuanshan King clan.

In addition to a large amount of rare ores, Qianye Kaede also obtained some golden beads, but what made him happiest was that he obtained another elf fossil. After he returned, he could ask Dr. Odamaki to help resurrect the elf in the fossil.

The location of the second marker point is a bit far away from Qianye Feng and their previous underground lake camp. If they go back and forth, it will not only be time-consuming and laborious, but also the probability of encountering wild elves on the way will be relatively high, so Qianye Feng and Zhenyi must not Don’t give up on the underground lake campground and start looking for your next camping spot again.

Fortunately, they got the help of Moon Eevee, who had lived in this underground world for a long time. It led the two to an open area near the second marking point. The view here was wide and there was an underground river flowing through it. A better camping spot.

However, the light here is very dim. Without the help of the small diamond, they can hardly see the environment a few steps away. This is why this place is not as good as the underground lake camp.

After arriving at this location, the Chuanshan King group did not follow him, which made Qianye Feng feel a little regretful. After all, with their help, he would have been able to obtain many more items.

Unfortunately, the territory of the Chuanshan King group is in the previous area. If they move at will, they will be misunderstood by the elven groups in other territories, and then a battle will break out between the two sides to compete for the territory.

Moreover, the Chuanshan King group does not want to lose the territory they currently live in. After all, in order to obtain stable residence rights in this area, they have fought countless times with other elven groups.

The new marked location is not like the previous mine, but an area similar to an archaeological site. There are large and small holes left on the ground. These holes were all dug out by previous trainers. Among them Some of the deeper holes have been filled with water.

Here, Chiba Kaede and Zhenyi met three uncles who also went to Meteor Falls to dig for treasures. According to them, they are the kind of stone lovers who spend a few months every year to places that may produce precious stones. Digging, and this time they happened to come to Meteor Falls.

However, they had been digging in this place for several days without any big results. After seeing Qianye Feng and the others coming here, they had already planned to move to other places to dig.

In this regard, Qianye Feng and Zhen Yi also breathed a sigh of relief. In this kind of underground cave, the only ones they can trust are their teammates. It is very dangerous to rashly dig with strangers.

If excavating rare items can easily arouse others' greed, it is obvious that these uncles also have this mentality, so they planned to move to other places after meeting the two of them.

Although Qianye Feng and Zhenyi are both young, the elves following them are not weak in strength. If they really fight, Qianye Feng guarantees that he can completely torture the opponent.

When there is no profit to be gained, it is wise to stay away. The three of them are the kind of adventurers who have been in and out of various wild and dangerous places for many years. They will not look down on Qianye Feng and Zhenyi because of their age. On the contrary, Pay more attention to it because they have seen too many talented young people.

After that, Qianye Feng and Zhenyi started their digging career again. Qianye Feng actually has no confidence that he can get good things in this place. He just has the mentality of digging and seeing if he comes here. If there is no harvest after a day or two , then they will go to the next marked point.

In the map given by Dr. Odamaki, there are only 4 marked points in their entrance. Chiba Kaede plans to dig through these marked points before looking for the location where the super stone may appear.

"Looks like we need to head to the next location!"

After Qianye Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead, he looked towards Ma Yidao, who was sitting on a chair in the distance and watching the dragon-headed gopher work hard to dig a hole.

"Okay, let's set off to the next marking point tomorrow!"

Zhenyi gave Qianye Feng a smile and said.

Today is already their third day at this location. During these three days, they have not dug even a piece of rare ore, which has gradually exhausted their patience.

The thing Qianye Feng excavates the most is actually water. Yes, as long as you dig a little deeper in this place, water will come out. I wonder if there is an underground river underneath.

Logically speaking, this kind of place should not be set up as a marking site, but from the many puddles around it, it can be seen that many people have dug here before.

Fortunately, the soil here is very soft and digging does not take much effort, so Qianye Maple can persist for so long.

However, it was now time for his patience to run out. He planned to call it a day after digging out the current hole and then go back to the next marked point tomorrow.

What Qianye Feng didn't expect was that the hole was dug to a depth of more than two meters and there was still no water. This made Qianye Feng unbearable. He felt that the hole was trapping him, but he had no evidence.

With the momentum of not giving up until the water came out, Qianye Feng shouldered the hole and even called Haoli to help dig it.

When Qianye Feng and Haoli dug to a depth of more than 3 meters, they found a stone. He originally planned to throw it away after completely digging out the stone, but he found a glass bead-like object inlaid on the back of the stone.

"Is this a super stone?"

After Qianye Feng took the glass bead off the stone, he looked at it carefully and found that the size of the glass bead was similar to that of the key stone, but the internal pattern was different.

At this time, Qianye Feng's heart was filled with joy. He did not expect that he would unearth a super stone in this place where it was least likely to appear.

Although Qianye Feng still doesn't know what kind of elf this super stone belongs to, but having a super stone and not having a super stone are two completely different concepts.

As long as he finds out what kind of elf this super stone belongs to, he can specially cultivate an elf of this group according to the type of super stone, or he can exchange the super stone he needs with other people who have super stones. (End of chapter)

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