"Xiao Feng, are you okay?"

Makoto on the side noticed that Qianye Feng had been silent for a long time, thinking that something had happened, and hurriedly asked.

"Haha, there is something, and it is a very important matter!"

The voice of ecstasy came from the pit where Qianye Feng was, and then Qianye Feng climbed out of the hole more than 3 meters deep. At this time, he was holding something tightly in his right hand.

"Oh, what is that?"

Zhenyi, who was shocked by Qianye Feng's unusual behavior, also left the chair he had been sitting on, jogged to Qianye Feng, and asked curiously.

"What do you think this is?"

I saw Qianye Feng stretch his right hand in front of Zhenyi, and then slowly open his clenched fist, and there was something like a glass bead in the middle of his fist.

"You really dug up the super stone, it's incredible!"

After carefully examining the beads in Qianye Feng's hand for a while, Zhen Yi spoke in disbelief.

In fact, she and Qianye Feng had the same idea. They didn't think anything good could be unearthed in this place full of puddles.

She just didn't expect Qianye Feng to bring her such a big surprise. While envious of Qianye Feng's good luck, Zhenyi also gave up the idea of ​​changing the excavation site. After all, it was uncertain whether there were super stones in other places, but here It really showed up.

“I originally thought I would just dig out the current pothole and call it a day, but I didn’t expect that the current pothole would give me such a big surprise.”

Playing with the super stone in his hand, Qianye Feng said in a complicated tone.

"Then let's not change places and just dig here. I believe that since there is a super stone here, there may be other super stones nearby!"

Zhenyi changed her previous salty attitude and said in high spirits.

Stimulated by the super stone, Zhenyi now plans to grab a shovel and dig with the dragon-headed gopher. Anyway, she can't sit still in the chair now.

"Okay, let's continue digging here for a while and see if we have any luck in getting the super stone."

Qianye Feng can also understand Zhenyi's mentality, but now that he has a super stone in hand, he no longer has the same anxious mood as before, so in the next few days, his state has changed with Zhenyi.

Now Qianye Kaede sits on a chair from time to time and watches Chuanshan King and Haoli dig, while Mayi works very hard on her own and only takes a few breaks a day. The rest of the time she works hard with a shovel. Digging.

This situation lasted until half a month after the two entered Meteor Falls, when Chiba Kaede and Mayi finally completely lost confidence in this location.

It's not that the two of them gained nothing at all during this period, it's just that there's no comparison between what they gained and what they put in day and night these days.

And Zhenyi also lost her patience in this daily disappointment, and returned to the state where she was sealed by the chair monster.

In the end, the two discussed it and decided to go to the next marked point. It would be best to explore all four marked points before the expiration of one month.

The last two marked points are not in the current layer they belong to. To get there, you need to go through a type of downward passage into the inner layer of Meteor Falls.

After a long journey for most of the day, Qianye Feng and Zhenyi finally arrived at the entrance to the lower level. The journey was not stable. There were many scars on both Li Zhuangji and Haoli's bodies, although they were not serious. But the physical exertion is real.

Looking at the somewhat narrow entrance, the pitch-black passage seemed like a monster's giant mouth swallowing up everything, even the light.

"Let's go down!"

After Qianye Feng said to Zhenyi, he followed Xiao Suizhuan into the passage.

Zhenyi did not hesitate and followed, while Eluredo was guarding behind her, always alert to possible problems around her.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive on the next floor. Qianye Feng felt that the temperature here was several degrees lower than the previous floor. He didn't have anything to do with it, but after Makoto came down, he hugged his arms and shivered.

Not only that, if there is still some light on the upper level, this level is completely in darkness. It is impossible to see anything clearly after leaving the range of Little Diamond's flash skill.

They are like dots in the darkness, and they feel like they will be swallowed up by the darkness if they are not careful, which gives people a creepy feeling.

After the two looked at the map, they walked towards the relatively close marked point. However, before they had gone too far, they encountered a group of tough-headed little guys blocking their way.

These guys not only have their heads wrapped in steel, but their whole bodies are also covered in a layer of armor. They are the steel-plus-rock elf Kokodora, and there are about a dozen of them in this group, and they look like lumps of iron.

Coco Dora has a round body, four stubby legs and a big, round head. Its body is dark gray and its eyes are light blue.

The head, feet and back are partially covered with a steel helmet, and there is a horn on the back. The holes in the armor are distributed on Coco Dora's body, six on the head and three on each side.

The two largest ones are its eyes, and there are one on the left and right sides of the horns on its back.

Kokodora usually lives in the mountains. In order to build a body of steel to protect her body, she will dig iron ore from the mountains and eat it. But occasionally she will appear at the foot of the mountain and eat bridges, railway tracks or vehicles, which is a headache. Pokémon.

Its body is wrapped in steel armor. If it hits it with all its strength, even a dump truck can be smashed into pieces. Then it will eat the damaged dump truck with big mouthfuls.

When Kokodora evolves, she will first shed the steel armor covering her whole body, and then grow a new pair of armor. The shed armor can be used as a material for iron products, and people once picked it up and used it in their daily lives.

Despite their small stature, Kokoduola has an average weight of about 60 kilograms. These little guys may rarely see humans. When they saw the arrival of the two of them, they had no intention of running away. Instead, they swarmed up to them. The two of them were surrounded in the middle.

Seeing this scene, Haoli originally planned to fight off these Cocodora, but was stopped by Qianye Feng, because he did not feel any malice from Cocodora, but just some curiosity.

But being surrounded by the Cocodora like this was not an option. After thinking about it, Qianye Feng took out a few pieces of rare ore directly from his backpack, and then carefully placed them in front of the Cocodora.

Although Coco Dora can grow by eating iron ore, if you want to make their external armor tougher, you need to add some rare ores. This is the same as the difference between pure iron armor and alloy armor.

After seeing the rare ores that Qianye Feng took out, the Cocodoras stopped being curious and quickly gathered around the rare ores to eat.

At this time, a gap finally appeared in the passage surrounded by the Kokodora, so Chiba Kaede and Makoto took advantage of this opportunity and quickly walked over.

But before they had gone far, they heard a rustling sound from behind. Qianye Feng turned around and saw that the Cocodora was running over from the darkness again.

Fortunately, the Kokodora did not approach the two of them, but stopped a few meters away from them, but they still looked at Chiba Kaede and Makoto curiously.

When Qianye Feng and the two continued to walk forward, the Cocodora continued to follow. This scene also made the two of them feel strange, but seeing that these Cocodora did not affect their plans, they let it go. . (End of chapter)

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