I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 316 Rare tree fruit matures

On the second day, Chiba Farm welcomed two groups of guests, Cai Zhi's mother and Qian Yu's parents.

They all came to pay the fee for purchasing the Proud Swallow Elf Eggs. This was somewhat beyond Qianye Feng's expectation. He did not expect that the parents of the two children had agreed to purchase the Proud Swallow Elf Eggs.

Qianye Feng learned that Caizhi's mother was more open-minded. After some persuasion from the principal of Songlin Lingmei, she quickly agreed to let her daughter raise proud swallows.

Regarding her daughter's idea of ​​wanting to see her father more often, she also said that she would communicate with her husband to see if she could find a job closer to home. As for Caizhi, she trained Ao Guyan to become Da Wangyan and then asked Dawang Yan to drive her. She was not convinced about the idea of ​​going to Zijin City.

After all, it is not possible to cultivate a proud swallow to evolve in a short time. Of course, Caizhi's mother did not dampen her daughter's enthusiasm. She also hoped that her daughter could focus on it during this period. On the matter of cultivating proud swallows.

Cai Zhi's mother was also very grateful to Qian Ye Feng for giving the Arrogant Swallow Elf Egg to her daughter in advance. She knew that Qian Ye Feng did so because of Cai Zhi's request.

As for the parents of the little fat boy Chihiro Nagata, they didn't look good on Chiba Kaede. Of course, they didn't behave too rudely. They just came over with a cold face and paid the money and left. They had no intention of communicating with him, and even It's because I can't avoid him.

For this reason, Chiba Kaede also asked the kindergarten principal, Matsubayashi Reimei, to learn about the situation, hoping to know the reason why the other party did this.

It turns out that Little Fatty's parents had been attacked by wild elves before. Since then, in their eyes, elves are very ferocious and dangerous creatures. If they can avoid contact with elves, they try not to come into contact with them. This magical creature is completely isolated.

Moreover, Qianyu's parents also wanted to pass on this idea to their son. They did not intend to let Qianyu embark on the path of a trainer. They felt that this path was too dangerous. After all, many trainers disappeared in the wild every year, and these missing They also see the pain of the personnel and their relatives.

They just want their son Qianyu to grow up in peace, get married and have children like them, and live an ordinary but stable life.

But they didn't expect that their son Qianyu's love for elves exceeded many people. At a young age, he had already planned a future path for himself, which was to become an elf trainer.

When the little fat man brought the proud swallow elf egg to them, their first reaction was to throw away the elf egg.

Fortunately, reason still prevailed. After they learned about the elf egg through the principal of Matsubayashi, they immediately made the decision to send the Proud Swallow elf egg back to Qianye Feng.

But what they didn't expect was that the little fat man who thought he was very obedient would be extremely resolute this time and even went on a hunger strike to protest against them.

From the little fat man's body shape, you can tell how greedy he is usually, but now he expresses his wishes in this way, which makes the couple have to treat this matter carefully.

In the end, under the mediation of Matsubayashi Reimei, the two had no choice but to agree to let their son raise proud swallows, but they did have some complaints about Qianye Feng who sold the proud swallow elf eggs to his son.

Of course, they also knew that the key to this matter was their son. The reason why they treated Qianye Feng with such indifference was just to express their opinions and hope that Qianye Feng would not have contact with Qianyu again in the future.

Although they agreed to let Qianyu raise proud swallows, the two of them did not give up their plan to convince their son. They just wanted to influence his choice through their accumulated words and deeds.

Qianye Feng naturally doesn't care about what Qianyu's parents think.

As for whether the little fat man can hold on to his dream, it has nothing to do with him. Everyone needs to be responsible for his own future. It is up to him to decide what path he wants to take.

Although the days at Qianye Farm were a bit dull, Qianye Feng felt that time passed quickly, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Qianye Feng took the time to go to the Odamaki Research Institute in Weibai Town and brought back his Tyrannosaurus Super Stone.

Among all the items Qianye Feng obtained, the value of this Tyrannosaurus Super Stone is the highest. It can even be described as a priceless treasure.

Because even among the super stones, the super stone of the quasi-god elf is extremely rare. Being able to obtain it was entirely due to a lot of luck from Qianye Feng.

"Mosquito-repellent frog king, what can you do?"

On this day, when Qianye Feng was training the little flame monkey and baby dragon, the mosquito-repellent frog king ran up to it with a happy face, and then pointed his finger in the direction of the artificial lake. Apparently something happened there.

"Looking at you so happy, could it be that the rare tree fruit is ripe?"

Looking at the happy mosquito-repellent frog king, Qianye Feng knew that the reason why he was so happy could only be that the rare tree fruits were ripe.

After all, Qianye Feng had promised before that as long as the mosquito-repellent frog royal family took good care of the rare tree fruits, it would give it part of the rare tree fruits.

After hearing that Qianye Feng had guessed correctly, the mosquito-repellent frog emperor nodded quickly, and then pushed Qianye Feng toward the artificial lake. It could not wait to taste the fruits of its labor.

"Okay, okay, don't push me, I'll go over now!"

Qianye Feng, who was pushed away, quickly spoke out.

Subsequently, Qianye Maple came to the rare fruit forest at the urging of the Mosquito-Incense Frog King. At this time, the place was not peaceful. There were many wild flying elves attracted by the rich fruity fragrance produced by the ripe fruits of the rare trees, and they were trying to pass through. A double line of defense composed of the king swallow population and the mosquito-repellent frog king population.

Looking at the flying elves who were fighting hard against the Arrogant Swallows and planning to break through the defense line to obtain rare tree fruits, Qianye Feng knew that he had to speed up his actions.

Soon, Qianye Feng commanded the Mosquito-repellent Frog King and the Mosquito-repellent Repellent Lords to help pick rare tree fruits. After all, it would be a bit difficult for him to pick such a large fruit forest by himself.

With Qianye Feng's permission, the mosquito-repellent frog emperor took the lead and picked a ripe fruit from a fruit tree in just a few jumps. His movements were extremely skillful, as if he had rehearsed them many times.

With the help of the Mosquito-repellent Frog King and the Mosquito-Repellent Repellent Lords, a lot of rare tree fruits appeared in front of Qianye Feng in a short time.

Looking at the rare tree fruits in front of him, Qianye Maple was also very happy. After all, these tree fruits are priceless and unmarketable. There is no way to obtain them in large quantities without special channels.

In order to thank the mosquito-repellent frog royal clan for taking care of the rare tree fruit forest, Qianye Feng decided to leave one-fifth of the rare tree fruits to the mosquito-repellent frog royal clan after they are made into energy cubes.

The Mosquito-Repellent Frog King didn't expect the trainer to be so generous, and he was so moved that he hugged Qianye Feng with tears in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, mosquito-repellent frog king, I will put these fruits in my backpack first, so that the fragrance they emit will not continue to attract wild elves."

Qianye Feng patted the mosquito-repellent frog emperor who was still moved and suggested.

After obtaining the consent of the Mosquito-repellent Frog King, Qianye Feng directly put all the rare tree fruits into his space backpack, filling the space in the backpack to the brim. You can imagine how huge this harvest was.

After losing the attraction of the smell of ripe and rare tree fruits, these attracted wild elves also regained their sanity and escaped from Chiba Farm.

Of course, Qianye Feng will not forget his dedication to the King Swallows and the Proud Swallows. He has decided that after these rare tree fruits are made into energy cubes, he will also give a part to the King Swallows tribe to commend them for protecting Qianye Ye. The blood and sweat that goes into the farm. (End of chapter)

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