I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 317 Celebi Returns

After Qianye Feng arrived at the place where the Arrogant Swallow clan was fighting with the wild flying elves, he found that there were already many wild elves and Arrogant Swallows lying here. The scene looked indeed tragic.

After a little inspection, Qianye Feng found that these elves were only injured and lost their ability to fight. There was no death of the elves.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng called the Shuttlecock Cotton tribe to treat these elves. After all, with so many injured elves, it would take a long time to treat a single Shuttlecock Cotton.

With the release of a large number of green grass field skills, some elves with relatively minor injuries have regained their ability to move, but they did not leave immediately, but wanted to get more treatment.

Without the temptation of rare tree fruits, these wild elves also woke up. They knew that since the humans in front of them were willing to help them heal, they would not harm them again.

With this understanding, they naturally have to wait until their injuries are completely healed before leaving. After all, the wild is not a kind place.

Soon, all the elves who were injured due to this battle for rare tree fruits recovered. After these wild elves nodded to Qianye Feng, they fluttered their wings and left the scope of Qianye Farm.

After learning this lesson, I believe they will not dare to step into this area at will in the future.

"Thank you for your hard work, Aoguyan!"

Qianye Feng thanked the proud swallows who were injured while guarding the farm.

After receiving the praise, the proud swallow chirped proudly a few times and flew towards the orchard.

In the next few days, Qianye Kaede followed Terada Yuri and others to study the formula for making energy cubes using rare tree fruits.

Of course, saying this is actually Chiba Kaede trying to put money on his own face. At most, he is just a helper. The main force of the research is still Terada Yuri and the others. The core one is of course Terada Yuri, who can already produce high-level energy cubes.

After unremitting efforts, Terada Yuri finally figured out the formula for making energy cubes using cranberries, banana fruits and phoenix fruits. The energy cubes made using these three rare tree fruits show a rainbow-like color.

These rainbow-colored energy cubes can no longer be divided into low, medium and high grades, because their effects are very amazing, and they can greatly increase the energy in the elf's body in a short period of time after taking them.

In order to test the actual effect of this rainbow-colored energy cube, Qianye Feng found a few good-performing proud swallows and mosquito-repellent tadpoles for experiments.

After taking this rainbow-colored energy cube, one proud swallow successfully evolved into a king swallow, and the strength of other elves also improved to varying degrees.

Qianye Feng feels that the effect of this rainbow-colored energy cube may be no worse than the magical candies in the previous game, or even better.

With this batch of rainbow energy cubes, Qianye Feng believes that the strength of the elves under his command will be greatly enhanced.

Especially the mosquito-repellent-repellent group and the king swallow group, they will be the biggest beneficiaries of the rainbow energy cube.

It is a pity that if Mr. Mosquito Repellent wants to evolve again, he needs to use the Water Stone or the King's Certificate, while the Proud Swallow Group can only evolve once.

As a reward, Chiba Kaede also gave Yuri Terada and the others some rainbow-colored energy cubes so that they could also use them to cultivate their own elves.

The happiest person about this is Ogata Akino. She believes that after eating the rainbow energy cube, her King Yan will be close to being able to fly with her.

As for the remaining rainbow energy cubes, Qianye Maple will focus on using them on the Strong Chicken, Little Flame Monkey and Baby Dragon.

Now the strong chicken is on the verge of evolution. Qianye Feng believes that with the help of the rainbow energy cube, it can complete the evolution in a short period of time, and its strength will have undergone earth-shaking changes by then.

The Little Flame Monkey can greatly shorten the time it takes for it to evolve into a Fierce Flame Monkey. After evolution, its strength can also greatly improve and break away from the category of baby elf.

As for the Baby Dragon, Qianye Feng feels that the emergence of rainbow energy cubes is the best help for it, because the Baby Dragon needs to accumulate more energy than ordinary elves if it wants to evolve into a Carapace Dragon or even a Tyrannosaurus. many.

This also leads to the fact that if the baby dragon wants to eventually evolve into a tyrannosaurus, it often requires trainers to spend a lot of resources and a long time to achieve it.

The rainbow-colored energy cube can just replenish enough energy for the baby dragon. As long as the baby dragon's digestion ability is strong enough, coupled with consistent training, the energy accumulation process can be greatly shortened.

Due to the large number of rare tree fruits harvested this time and the difficulty of making rainbow-colored energy cubes, it was not until half a month later that Terada Yuri completed the manufacturing of rainbow-colored energy cubes with the cooperation of several people.

After that, Qianye Feng distributed most of the rainbow energy cubes to the elves under his command according to the previously prepared distribution plan.

After the elves obtained the astonishingly effective rainbow-colored energy cubes, they also spontaneously increased their training efforts in order to maximize their strength.

At this time, in the forest of unknown time and space, a Celebi was preparing to activate the ability to travel through time and space. It was the Celebi that had been rescued by Qianye Feng before.

Although Chiba Kaede has only been here for a short time, Rabbi has been traveling through various time and space for a long time. It now misses Chiba Kaede, the human being who saved it, and also misses the delicious food prepared by Terada Yuri and others. .

Celebi has two modes of traveling through time and space. One is the random traveling mode. In this mode, it may appear at any place in any time and space after traveling through time and space. It cannot know in advance what will happen after traveling through time and space.

The other one is to travel based on the time and space coordinates it records. Every time Celebi travels to a time and space node, he will record the coordinates of this time and space stage. If he wants to come back next time, he can directly travel there.

What Celebi wants to use this time is to travel according to the time and space coordinates of Chiba Farm recorded by himself, so that it can appear directly in Chiba Farm after traveling there.

After this time travel, Celebi planned to take a good rest at Chiba Farm for a while before continuing his time travel.

Even for Celebi, it takes a while to recover its power of time and space after each time travel, and it can just take advantage of this time to take a good rest.

Celebi was very satisfied with his vacation plan, so after scanning the surroundings and finding no abnormalities, he activated his ability to activate the time travel mode.

But what Celebi didn't expect was that at the moment it was about to shuttle, a small hand placed on its shoulder, which also surprised it. However, the shuttle ability had been activated and it could not stop.

But just when the time travel was turned on, Celebi felt the space was extremely stagnant.

Just when Celebi thought that this time travel was going to fail, infinite energy came from the little hand on its shoulder, which made its consumption infinitely replenished.

Immediately afterwards, there was a ripple in the space here, and Celebi and the unknown elf completely disappeared in this time and space. (End of chapter)

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