I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 342 Meeting the Overlord Elf for the First Time

After resting for a night at Dr. Kukui's cabin, Chiba Kaede finished the breakfast he prepared and planned to set off for the lush cave.

"Xiao Feng, I won't accompany you to the lush cave today because I have classes at the trainer's school. You have to pay attention to your own safety."

In fact, Dr. Kukui is not very worried about Qianye Maple's safety. After all, with the strength of the big king swallow, even the mongoose detective will not be its opponent.

"Then, Dr. Kukui, I will take my leave now. I will come back to you when I make new discoveries."

After bidding farewell to Dr. Kukui, Chiba Kaede mounted the Great King Swallow and set off for the location of the lush cave, which was considered his first adventure since arriving in the Alola region.

Since the people on Melemele Island mainly gather in the two relatively flat areas of Hau'ole City and Lili Town, the farther the King Swallow flies to the northwest, the higher the terrain and the greater the forest coverage. dense.

At the end, there was already a vast jungle below. Qianye Feng looked into the distance and could already see a high mountain in front of him, and the lush cave was located near this high mountain.

Soon, Qianye Feng found the entrance to a cave. It was different from the caves he had encountered in the past, because looking from the outside in, the cave was not dark. Instead, it looked full of life. There were many things growing on the rock walls of the cave. with many plants.

After walking in, Qianye Feng realized why such a vibrant cave was formed. Every once in a while, there would be a huge gap above the cave, and sunlight could shine directly into the cave from the gap.

It is precisely because of the existence of these gaps that the interior of the Green Cave is full of life, and this is also the origin of the name of the Green Cave.

Qianye Feng continued deep into the lush cave, and was soon blocked by a few meerkats. Although they did not directly attack Qianye Feng, they were full of intention to drive them away.

"Young Mongoose, I want to see your boss. I hope you can let me pass!"

Qianye Feng took out some primary energy cubes and placed them in front of a few meerkats, and then said.

Seeing the energy cubes placed in front of Qianye Maple, a young meerkat just sniffed it with his nose and immediately started to eat it. The other meerkats did not hesitate and quickly took out these energy cubes. All eaten clean.

After eating, these meerkats licked their tongues, obviously very satisfied with the taste of the energy cubes.

However, although these meerkats had eaten all of Qianye Feng's energy cubes, they had no intention of letting him pass.

"Sure enough, it's not possible if we don't take action!"

Seeing this situation, Qianye Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Soon, the little flame monkey and the baby dragon were released by him. They didn't need Qianye Feng to issue an attack order. They had already rushed towards the meerkats. Apparently they had been locked up in the elf ball for most of the past few days. I held them back a little too hard.

Facing the wolf-like little flame monkey and the baby dragon, the young meerkats had no intention of backing down, and soon the two sides were fighting together.

The advantage of the little flame monkey and the baby dragon is that they have relatively high physical fitness, while the meerkats often hunt together, so they cooperate well.

The two sides fought evenly for a while, but as time went by, the little flame monkey and the baby dragon began to gain the upper hand, and soon defeated a meerkats until they lost their ability to fight.

Next, the little flame monkey and the baby dragon, who became more and more successful, began to suppress the meerkats, and soon defeated them one by one.

However, Qianye Feng did not let these meerkats lie here. Instead, he released Shuttlecock Cotton and used the grass field skills to treat their injuries.

After these meerkats recovered their ability to move, they did not continue to attack, but retreated into the lush cave.

Obviously they also knew that they alone could not defeat Qianye Feng, so they had no choice but to go back and bring in reinforcements.

Sure enough, when Qianye Feng continued deep into the lush cave and came to a relatively spacious sunny node, there were already many mongoose detectives and young mongoose gathered here.

Just when Qianye Feng was about to send out elves to defeat them, a mongoose inspector who was several times larger than the other mongoose inspectors walked out of a passage. It was obvious that it was the overlord elf in the lush cave.

The appearance of Inspector Meerkat is very similar to that before evolution. Except for the top of the head and neck and abdomen, which are yellow, most of its fur is brown. Each of its feet has three sharp black toes. Unlike Meerkats, Meerkats stand on two legs and are generally larger in size.

Inspector Mongoose was not originally present in the Alola region, but was brought here in the past when Rattata appeared in large numbers.

It likes to eat Rattata and Rattata, but it cannot encounter them because of its diurnal nature. However, if it sees them, it will rush towards them. The style of Inspector Meerkat waiting for prey is exactly the opposite of that of Young Meerkat.

There are relatively few meerkats walking back and forth. Once the meerkats find traces of their prey, they will insist on squatting in that place and continue to wait with incomparable patience. It is persistent in waiting for its target prey, but will fall asleep at sunset due to exhaustion.

It has a very strong tolerance for hunger. While waiting for prey, it will remain completely motionless. It can continue to squat even if it doesn't eat anything. It is an elf that prides itself on its strong endurance.

After looking at the powerful Mongoose Detective Overlord surrounded by a group of younger brothers, Qianye Feng directly released King Yan.

Now the only elf around Qianye Feng who can compete with the overlord of Inspector Mongoose is King Yan, and the other elf's strength is still inferior.

The overlord, Inspector Meerkat, who learned that his younger brother had been beaten, did not feel very bad towards Qianye Feng, because although his younger brother was defeated, the trainer on the opposite side also helped his younger brother recover from his injuries.

But now that Qianye Feng has broken into his territory, the Mongoose Inspector Overlord feels that he still needs to expel the other party from his territory.

It is already very familiar with this routine. Every year, many trainers come to challenge it. It usually just defeats the opponent's elves and drives them out of its territory.

Of course, sometimes the Mongoose Overlord will lose the battle, but it can retreat safely under the cover of its subordinates. It will not appear again until the trainer who defeated him leaves.

After defeating it, ordinary trainers will not stay in the lush cave all the time. After all, their main purpose is to train their elves through the Mongoose Inspector Overlord.

The Meerkat Inspector Overlord is already very familiar with the whole process of fighting with trainers. It first sent out one of its subordinates, the Meerkat Inspector, obviously intending to let its subordinates fight first. If you can't beat them, then you don't need to appear on your own.

After all, as the overlord of the lush cave, Inspector Meerkat feels that he also needs to have a bit of a reputation. Not just any cat or dog can directly challenge him.

Qianye Feng quickly understood what Inspector Mongoose meant, and directly sent the strong chicken, intending to let it clear the obstacles for King Yan. (End of chapter)

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