I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 343 Battle against the Mongoose Inspector Overlord

The strong chicken looked at the meerkat inspector in front of him with a blazing fighting spirit in his eyes. It had been holding it in for a long time and urgently needed a hearty battle to help him test the results of his hard training during this period.

The mongoose inspector opposite saw the strong chicken staring at him with burning eyes, and he couldn't help but shrink his neck. It was just a working mongoose, and the boss didn't give him much benefit. He really didn't intend to fight for it!

However, when the meerkat detective saw his boss looking at him with a death gaze, he was shocked. His usual fear of the boss turned into a fighting spirit towards the strong chicken, and he directly used the slamming skill to attack the strong chicken. Rushed over.

Facing the meerkat inspector who was attacking him, the strong chicken just dodged the opponent's attack sideways, then jumped towards the meerkat inspector, and then used two consecutive kicks to directly kick the meerkat inspector away. go out.

For the Meerkat Inspector with ordinary attributes, the double kick of the Fighting attribute can be said to be the most effective. In addition, the strength of the strong chicken is much stronger than this Meerkat Inspector, so this cat can be directly defeated. Inspector Itachi lost his ability to fight.

Seeing that his general was defeated so easily, Inspector Mongoose was also a little angry.

He continued to shout at his subordinates a few times, and then three more meerkat detectives walked out from its side. Apparently they knew how powerful the strong chicken was and planned to fight it in a group.

Facing the meerkat inspectors who planned to fight it in a group, the strong chicken did not show the slightest fear. Instead, it rushed forward directly.

The meerkat detectives, relying on their large numbers, were not in vain. Seeing that the other party had already charged towards them, they felt that they had been despised by the other party, and after roaring angrily, they also pounced on them.

Relying on his daily fighting experience with strange strength, Strong Chicken dodges among the mongoose detectives. While avoiding the opponent's attacks, he occasionally chooses to use fighting attribute skills to fight back against the mongoose detectives.

However, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. This time, after Strong Chicken defeated three Meerkat Inspectors, he also suffered some injuries. However, Strong Chicken's fighting spirit was still there and he continued to move towards the Overlord Meerkat Inspectors. Look.

This slightly provocative look also made the Meerkat Detective Overlord very unhappy. After roaring angrily, it came directly in front of the strong chicken, obviously intending to personally teach this ignorant little chicken in front of him.

With a height of nearly 3 meters, the Meerkat Inspector Overlord formed a strong momentum to oppress the Li Zhuang Chicken. However, the Li Zhuang Chicken was not intimidated by this momentum and jumped up directly to use two attacks on the Meerkat Inspector Overlord. Continuous kicks.

Facing the attacking Strong Chicken, Inspector Mongoose Overlord just condensed the lightning on his right hand slowly, and then hit the Strong Chicken with a thunder fist.

Regardless of size or strength, there is still a long way to go between the Strong Chicken and the Mongoose Inspector Overlord, so as expected, the Strong Chicken was directly thrown away by the powerful and heavy thunder and lightning fist, and then hit the rock hard. Bishang let out a scream.

However, the strong chicken did not intend to give in. It struggled to get up and continue fighting. At this moment, electric currents sprang out from its body. It was unlucky to trigger the paralysis effect of the Thunder Fist, causing itself to fall into a state of paralysis.

"Come back, Strong Chicken, you have done a great job, now leave it to Da Wang Yan!"

Seeing that the strong chicken wanted to continue to attack the Mongoose Inspector Overlord despite the paralysis effect, Qianye Feng quickly stopped him.

After the strong chicken looked at the Mongoose Inspector Overlord with some unwillingness, he did not continue to show off his strength, but walked back to Qianye Feng.

Qianye Feng quickly took out the anti-anesthetic medicine from his backpack to help Li Zhuangji relieve his paralysis, and then signaled to Wang Yan that he could play.

Fortunately, the space chosen by the Meerkat Inspector Overlord is relatively wide. Although it still limits the performance of King Yan, it can still compete with the Meerkat Inspector Overlord in the cave.

Meerkat Inspector Overlord's attitude towards the King Swallow is much more serious than when it faces the Strong Chicken, because it feels a sense of threat from the King Swallow, which it does not have when facing the Strong Chicken. of.

Meerkat Inspector Overlord still had his own way of dealing with flying elves. He bent down to pick up rocks on the ground, and then threw them at the King Swallow hovering above his head. Qianye Feng was still vaguely able to It was seen that these thrown stones were covered with a layer of evil energy.

Qianye Feng knew that Meerkat Inspector Overlord was using evil attribute skills to throw, and these thrown stones flew towards the location of King Yan at an extremely terrifying speed.

Unfortunately, what the Meerkat Inspector Overlord didn't know was that when it just threw the stone, the King Swallow had already captured the direction of the stone. With this and the King Swallow's terrifying speed, these were like raindrops. The rocks thrown at it could not hit King Yan at all.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were constant sounds of rocks hitting the rock wall inside the cave, and with the rebound effect of the rock wall, many rocks even hit the younger brothers, Inspector Meerkat and Young Meerkat.

Of course, Qianye Feng was almost hit by a stone. Fortunately, Ghoststone used his protection skills in time to stop the stone, otherwise he would have suffered some physical pain.

Continuously using throwing skills is also a big burden for the Mongoose Inspector Overlord, so after seeing that the stones he threw could not cause any damage to the King Swallow, it stopped, and its breathing became a little wheezing at this time. .

When the Meerkat Overlord uses its skills, a layer of aura will emerge from its body. This aura completely wraps the Meerkat Inspector Overlord in it. It is obviously the aura of the Overlord that Qianye Feng wants to explore. .

Qianye Feng knew that this overlord aura not only looked good, it could also help the Meerkat Detective Overlord resist external attacks. It could be said that as long as King Yan did not break through this overlord aura, it could not really harm the meerkat. Detective Overlord's.

"Big Wang Yan, destroy the whole thing continuously!"

Seeing that the Mongoose Inspector Overlord temporarily stopped attacking, Qianye Feng naturally would not let go of such a good opportunity and directly commanded Wang Yan to start a counterattack.

It was the same as the previous form, except that the offensive and defensive sides had changed. One after another, the destructive death rays were formed from the mouth of King Yan, and then launched towards the Mongoose Inspector Overlord.

At the beginning, there was the protection of the overlord's aura, and the destructive death ray could not penetrate the protection of this aura. However, after enduring multiple attacks of the destructive death ray, this layer of the overlord's aura finally shattered.

Without the protection of the Overlord's aura, the Meerkat Inspector Overlord was finally unable to completely ignore the attacks of the destructive death rays. It could only see that it condensed thunder fists with both hands, and kept waving its fists to offset the incoming destructive death rays. Lose.

However, the attack angles of King Yan's destructive death rays became more and more tricky, which resulted in the Mongoose Inspector Overlord being unable to protect himself fully. Several destructive death rays hit his body accurately, and the parts where he was hit were scorched black.

The Meerkat Inspector Overlord also became more manic because of his injuries, his eyes became blood red, and he was obviously very stimulated.

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