I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 344 The Overlord Surrenders

Knowing that he could not continue to be beaten like this, the Meerkat Inspector Overlord ran directly, and then with the help of the uneven rock wall, he jumped in front of the big king Yan, and saw the terrifying evil energy gathered in its mouth, heading towards it. Then Wang Yan bit him hard.

Faced with the sudden crushing attack from the Meerkat Inspector Overlord, King Yan did not panic. With a flash of his body, the Meerkat Inspector Overlord lost his target. Immediately after, he felt a pain in his back, and... It fell from mid-air at an extremely fast speed.

This is because King Yan, while using Yan Hui's skill to avoid the crushing attack, hit Inspector Mongoose Overlord on the back.


The huge body of the Mongoose Inspector Overlord hit the ground heavily, not only bringing up a lot of dust, but also causing a lot of gravel to fall from the top of the cave due to the vibration.

This time the Mongoose Inspector Overlord suffered considerable damage. Even with its strong physique, it took a while before it got up again. This was without King Yan taking the opportunity to launch an attack.

At this time, the Meerkat Inspector Overlord had woken up, and it also realized that it might not be the opponent of the big king swallow in front of it. A trace of fear flashed in its eyes. It had planned to temporarily shift its strategy and wait until Qianye Feng left before coming out. Take charge of the overall situation.

Following several roars from the Meerkat Inspector Overlord, a large number of Meerkat Inspectors and Meerkat Masters blocked the way of Da Wang Yan, and then they saw the Meerkat Inspector Overlord slowly retreating towards the passage from which they came.

"Um, Detective Mongoose, don't leave yet. I'm just here to study your overlord aura. I don't mean any harm!"

Seeing that Inspector Mongoose was about to make a strategic shift, Qianye Feng quickly stated his purpose.

After listening to Qianye Feng's words, Meerkat Inspector Overlord paused for a moment. He remembered that a trainer with a blazing roaring tiger had asked him to study the Overlord's aura before, but he did not research anything for a long time. , and he never came again.

Although the Mongoose Inspector Overlord knew that it was no match for the King Swallow in the sky, it did not intend to let Qianye Feng study its overlord aura, so it continued to retreat.

"Uh, King Yan, go and stop the Mongoose Inspector Overlord!"

Qianye Feng saw that the Meerkat Inspector Overlord was somewhat reticent and gave an order directly to King Yan.

Although there are many young men of the Meerkat Inspector Overlord blocking the way, King Yan can fly. Most of these young men do not have the skills to carry out long-range attacks, so even if they want to stop King Yan, they are powerless.


Before the Meerkat Overlord walked into the low passage, King Yan had already stopped in front of it and issued a warning. As long as the Meerkat Overlord continued to escape, it would directly attack.

Being forced to this extent, the Meerkat Inspector Overlord was also very annoyed. For the first time, it felt a little regretful why it didn't let its little brothers learn throwing skills. In this case, it didn't believe that King Yan could completely avoid it.

It's just that the Meerkat Inspector Overlord doesn't dare to move forward now, because it knows that if it does so, King Yan will definitely attack itself again. Now that its overlord aura has not been restored, it can only compete with the opponent in terms of physical strength.

After thinking about it for a while, the Meerkat Inspector Overlord still chose to compromise. After all, he was the boss comfortably in the lush cave, and there was really no need to risk his life with the other party.

Moreover, it has been studied by Dr. Kukui once before, and now the Mongoose Inspector Overlord doesn't mind being studied again.

After thinking about it, the Mongoose Inspector Overlord stopped trying to escape into the passage. He only saw it changing direction and walking towards Qianye Feng's location.


Seeing the Meerkat Inspector Overlord walking towards him with a large group of subordinates, Qianye Feng was still a little flustered. He was also afraid that the other party would suddenly launch a direct attack on him as a trainer without respecting martial ethics.

However, Qianye Feng knew that she could not show her cowardice in front of the overlord, Inspector Mongoose, otherwise all the previous efforts would be wasted and the other party would look down on her.

Fortunately, King Yan also came to the sky above Qianye Feng at this time, and then stared closely at the Mongoose Inspector Overlord. As long as the opponent made an attack, it would immediately take action and fight the opponent to death.

Fortunately, the Meerkat Inspector Overlord did not lose his mind after all. He walked up to Qianye Feng and stretched out his right hand.

"Then we'll stop disturbing you during this time!"

Qianye Feng, who knew that the overlord of the Mongoose Inspector had surrendered, did not hesitate, directly stretched out his right hand and shook it with the other party, which was regarded as an agreement between the two parties.

Sure enough, the atmosphere between the two parties became friendly afterwards, and there was no longer the tense situation before.

"Come out, shuttlecock cotton, and use the grass field!"

In order to express his goodwill, Qianye Feng still chose to let Shuttlecock Mian treat the injuries of the Meerkat Inspector Overlord and several of the Meerkat Inspector's younger brothers who were injured before.

The treated Mongoose Inspector Overlord had completely restrained his dissatisfaction with Qianye Feng and smiled at him, obviously very satisfied that Qianye Feng could treat them.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng followed the Mongoose Inspector Overlord to the place where it lived. The environment here was somewhat beyond Qianye Feng's expectations.

There is only one passage to enter this place, and the passage is not very wide. Meerkat Inspector Overlord can only barely pass through. However, after walking out of the passage, there is a huge cave. There is a huge gap above the cave, allowing Sunlight can shine in.

Qianye Feng also saw a dozen fruit trees planted where the sun could shine, with some ripe fruits hanging sparsely on them.

However, I don’t know these tree fruit varieties, Chiba Maple, and I think they are unique to the Alola region.

There is a pool not far away. The water in the pool is very clear, and the water in the pool is flowing slowly. It can be seen that this pool is not a pool of stagnant water.

There is a place covered with thatch at the innermost part of the cave, which is obviously where the Meerkat Inspector rests daily.

“This place is really nice!”

Chiba Feng, who originally had no confidence in the place where Inspector Meerkat lived, couldn't help but sigh after seeing this scene.

It's not like he hasn't visited lairs where wild elves live before, but most of those lairs are difficult to describe. After all, the sense of smell and living habits of wild elves are different from humans.

Qianye Feng has decided to set up camp in the cave where the Mongoose Overlord lives. After all, this place is considered a good place in the wild in terms of lighting and living conditions.

After returning to his place of residence, the Meerkat Inspector Overlord walked directly to the innermost nest made of thatch, then lay down and looked at Qianye Feng who was setting up the tent in full swing with some depression.

Thinking of having to live with this human being for the next period of time, the Meerkat Inspector Overlord is actually a little unhappy. However, since it has reached an agreement with the other party, it will not break the agreement. It just hopes that the other party will get out of the way quickly.

Qianye Feng ignored Inspector Mongoose's overlord resentment and quickly set up his own camping camp. (End of chapter)

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