I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 350 Beach Fishing (1)

In the afternoon, Qianye Feng asked King Yan to absorb Z energy to strengthen himself, and then he began to train other elves. He planned to wait until King Yan fully recovered tomorrow before going to the island king Hala to accept the test.

After all, it is indeed inappropriate to accept the test of Hala in the current state of King Yan. Qianye Feng still intends to let King Yan cope with this test in the best condition. After all, Qianye Feng now has an elf with the final strength on hand. There is only Da Wangyan.

"Strong Chicken, now it's up to you to fight against the Little Flame Monkey and the Baby Dragon!"

Qianye Feng said after looking at the several elves who were already eager to try.


After listening to Qianye Feng's words, Li Zhuangji patted his chest confidently and said.

For it, which is about to evolve into a flame chicken, beating two children is just like playing. Even though the little flame monkey and baby dragon increase in strength very quickly, the strong chicken does not feel that he will lose to them.

The little flame monkey and the baby dragon were a little angry when they saw that the strong chicken looked down on them, and planned to give the strong chicken some color later.

So after the little flame monkey and the baby dragon just looked at each other, they rushed towards the strong chicken in a tacit understanding.

On the other side, Qianye Feng lets the heterochromatic velvet sheep and ghost stone undergo combat training. What they need to do now is to accumulate combat experience, and then they can evolve after accumulating to a certain level.

The evolution of the heterochromatic velvet sheep can just take its course, but the evolution of the ghost stone requires Qianye Feng to perform a connection exchange to evolve into Gengar. However, Qianye Feng feels that the accumulation of the ghost stone is not enough and does not want to let it evolve yet.

As for Shuttlecock Cotton, Qianye Feng just let it find a place to rest. When an elf is seriously injured during training, it will be needed to help with treatment.

After arranging the elves under his command, Qianye Feng took King Yan to a reef. He had not fished for a long time and planned to try his first fishing in the Alola region, hoping to get a good harvest.

As for safety issues, Qianye Feng is very relieved with the protection of King Yan.

Moreover, after practicing the Tianxin Body Training Technique during this period, both his strength and physical strength have improved a lot. Slightly weaker elves may no longer be his opponents.

Soon, Qianye Feng took out his fishing rod that had been idle for a long time. After sorting it out for a while, he started fishing, while Da Wangyan was squatting less than 1 meter beside him, absorbing the fishing rod. Z energy in the air.

I wonder if there are more elves in the sea in the Alola area, so the bait was quickly bitten. Qianye Feng tried the pulling force of the underwater elves and found that it was not very heavy, so he just swung the fishing rod hard, relying on his own strength. Throw the water spirit out of the water.

At this time, Qianye Feng could clearly see what the elf he had caught was. He saw a white fish with blue fins on its body, a slightly opened mouth, and round eyes, mainly in blue and light colors. Mainly blue, light blue forms a shape similar to a fan, as beautiful as water waves swimming in the eyes. Yes, this is the weak tench known as the weakest elf.

However, if you underestimate the tench, you will suffer a big loss. If the tench encounters danger in the water, it will send a distress signal to its partners. The signal light can reach a place 40 kilometers away. After receiving the distress signal, the tench will The fish's friends will gather together, form a huge formation to fight against the enemy, and transform into a school of fish with the power of a sea monster.

When faced with the weak tench in the form of a school of fish, even the notoriously ferocious Gyarados will run away, because the weak tench in the form of a school of fish can burst out with very terrifying power.

After Qianye Feng carefully looked at the tench in his hand, he put it back into the water. The single tench was indeed very weak. If he caught it in his hand, it would only tremble and not dare to resist.

The tench that was put back into the water was also a little surprised. It thought that the human in front of it would be harmful to it, but it didn't expect that the other person would just let it go.

However, it was most important for the weak tench to stay away from this place of right and wrong, so after entering the water, it swam away quickly towards the distance.

Qianye Maple was also mentally prepared for the fact that the elf he caught for the first time was a weak tench. After all, this elf has the same reproductive ability as the Magikarp. Their huge numbers can prevent them from being preyed on by predators. clean.

The fish school form was also formed by weak tench in response to the gathering of other powerful predators. With the fish school form, the weak tench finally had some resistance and were no longer at the mercy of others. The presence.

Although a weak tench was caught, Qianye Feng's interest in fishing did not weaken and he continued to start the next round of fishing.

After a while, Qianye Feng found that another elf had taken the bait. After weighing the pulling force on the fishing rod and finding that it was not very strong, Qianye Feng directly threw the fishing rod hard on the beach.

I saw an elf that looked like a black fist being thrown to the beach. Even after it was pulled out of the sea, it was still biting the bait firmly.

Looking at the strange elves in front of him, Qianye Feng took out the Elf Illustrated Book and started looking at it.

Sea Cucumber Quan is a black sea cucumber with six rose-red cones evenly arranged on its body. Its eyes are also rose-red, its mouth is like a white "big" character, and there is a white object behind it.

The sea cucumber is covered with slippery mucus that has a moisturizing effect. It will not become dry even if it is on land for a week. The sticky liquid that coats the body is very useful for skin care after sun exposure. People in Alola will Use this slime for skin care purposes.

The sea cucumber lives in shallow, warm areas such as beaches. Although it looks very cute on the outside, it is actually a strong man.

It hates having its stings and mouth touched, and if stepped on, it will spit out fist-shaped internal organs from its mouth and beat the opponent. It will fly out of the body to capture food, fight with enemies, and compete with its partners for strength.

When a Fist Sea Cucumber finds a place it likes, it will stay there without moving. Even if it is moved, it will return to its original place, so if there is no food there, it will always be hungry. Among those who sympathize with Alola's Fist Sea Cucumber , formed the habit of throwing an emaciated sea cucumber into the sea where there is food.

The culture of throwing sea cucumbers began with the custom of throwing sea cucumbers washed ashore back into the sea. Because sea cucumbers are disgusted by tourists because of their strange appearance and ecological characteristics, sea cucumbers are thrown to the beaches specially designed for tourists. Workers in the sea. However, even if it is thrown far away, the sea cucumber will still return to its original place.

After Qianye Feng and Fist Sea Cucumber stared at it for a while, they walked over, picked it up, and threw it towards the sea in the distance.

I saw the fist sea cucumber floating on the sea surface for a few times before sinking into the water. Not to mention, Qianye Feng felt that it was not accidental that the culture of throwing fist sea cucumbers was formed in the Alola region. It was indeed a relief. (End of chapter)

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