I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 351 Beach Fishing (2)

"Hey, another elf took the bait so quickly!"

Qianye Feng said very happily when he saw that the elf had bitten the fishhook not long after he had put it down.

But when Qianye Feng swung the fishing rod back, a black object the size of a fist was thrown up again. When he saw the elf thrown up clearly, he was speechless.

I saw the Fist Sea Cucumber holding the bait as tightly as before. The reason why Qianye Feng was able to recognize that this was the same Fist Sea Cucumber was because this Fist Sea Cucumber had a scar on its body. It was obviously from a previous battle with other elves. What was left behind allowed Qianye Feng to recognize it as the same fist sea cucumber.

Qianye Feng knew that Fist Sea Cucumber had a very stubborn character, but he didn't expect it to be so stubborn. This was because he wasn't going to let him fish well!

After looking at the fist sea cucumber for a long time, Qianye Feng did not continue to throw it back into the sea, but spent a lot of effort to remove his artificial bait from the fist sea cucumber. As for the fist sea cucumber, he let it continue to Stay on the beach.

Anyway, the mucus on the sea cucumber can protect it from staying on the beach for a long time, and there is no need to worry about it drying out in the sun.

Qianye Feng planned to wait until he finished catching the fish before throwing it back into the sea, otherwise the fish would probably continue to take the bait later, completely disrupting his fishing plan.

Fortunately, the sea cucumber on the beach just stared at Qianye Feng with his red beady eyes and did not continue to disturb his fishing, which also made Qianye Feng sigh in relief.

However, in the following period, all Qianye Feng caught were miscellaneous fish elves such as weak tench and carp king, and there were no elves worthy of his attention.

The sea cucumber seemed to be carried by Qianye Feng. At this time, it was no longer limited to the beach. It squirmed to the reef where Qianye Feng was and stared at him fishing closely.

As long as Qianye Feng catches a miscellaneous fish elf, Fist Sea Cucumber will laugh mockingly at him, making Qianye Feng want to kick it back into the sea.

However, thinking that this guy would continue to cause trouble with him after returning to the sea, Qianye Feng resisted this impulse.

Since Fist Sea Cucumber had no intention of attacking Qianye Feng, Da Wang Yan did not take action to drive it away. This also made Fist Sea Cucumber even more noisy, showing off its presence in front of Qianye Feng from time to time.

In order to save his face, Qianye Feng began to continue fishing, planning to catch a rare elf for Fist Sea Cucumber to see.

It didn't take long for Qianye Feng to realize that an elf had taken the bait. With infinite hope, he swung the elf in the water up to the beach.

Although the elf that was thrown up this time was not big, it was very aggressive. After falling on the beach, it spat a large mouthful of black-purple liquid directly at Qianye Feng.

Fortunately, Wang Yan used his defense skills in time to help his trainer block the attack, and then used a sharp air blade to directly defeat the opponent's ability to fight.

At this time, Qianye Feng also knew what kind of elf he had caught, but he still took out the elf illustration to check it.

Gargoyles have brown bodies and purple faces and bellies. It looks like a seahorse as a whole, and its whole body seems to be rotten, like seaweed swimming in the water. It has a straw-like mouth, and there is a protruding part behind the head, the tail part of the garbage algae It has three petals, a bulge on its back, a thin neck, and translucent fins.

Garbage algae looks a lot like rotten seaweed, so it hides among the broken algae floating in the sea to hide from enemy eyes and ears. It feeds on rotten seaweed and produces toxins after eating rotten seaweed.

It remained motionless in order not to be attacked by the large elves, deceiving the enemy's eyes while accumulating the power of evolution. It will imitate the form of rotten seaweed and spray venom on Pokémon that come close to eat the seaweed without noticing, killing them.

Because it is not good at swimming, it will become entangled in broken algae. Once it is swept into a violent storm, it may be washed far away and unable to return home. In the Alola region, it can often be found next to broken steering wheels.

Yes, what Qianye Maple caught this time was Garbage Algae. This kind of elf is not a common elf even in Alola. Although its current attributes are poison and water, its evolved Toxic Algae Dragon is An elf with poison and dragon attributes.

Although the race value of the Toxic Algae Dragon is only 494, which is not very high compared to other dragon-type elves, the rare dragon attribute also doubles the value of the Toxic Algae Dragon. It is an elf that many people in the Alola region want to conquer. .

Qianye Feng glanced at Fist Sea Cucumber at this time, but Fist Sea Cucumber had already turned his head away, leaving only his butt facing him. This scene also made Qianye Feng a little angry, but seeing that he had caught the crappie For the sake of it, I still didn’t care about it.

Looking at the fainted Junzao Zao, Qianye Feng was confused at this time, because he had conquered quite a few elves now, and there was actually no shortage of Toxic Algae Dragon, so he was still a little hesitant about whether to conquer it.

But after just thinking about it for a while, Qianye Feng took out the elf ball and subdued Garbage Algae. After all, it was considered a dragon-type elf in the future. It would be good to take it back and be a younger brother to Menas. After all, Menas is now I am conquering the sea with my younger brothers. It would be good to have more younger brothers.

After seeing Qianye Feng subduing the garbage algae, Fist Sea Cucumber became a little irritable and moved to Qianye Feng's side, putting himself in an attacking posture, but did not directly attack Qianye Feng.

"Fist Sea Cucumber, do you want to follow me?"

Qianye Feng said with some uncertainty after seeing this scene.

In response to Qianye Feng's question, Fist Sea Cucumber nodded seriously, but still put on a boxing posture.

Qianye Feng felt good about being recognized by Fist Sea Cucumber. After all, it also meant that he was charming enough to attract wild elves to defect to him.

Qianye Feng, who originally had no intention of subduing Fist Sea Cucumber, did not hesitate for too long after learning Fist Sea Cucumber's true thoughts, and directly asked Da Wang Yan to take action, shooting the same air blade towards it.

What surprised Qianye Feng was that after Quanhai Cucumber was knocked away by the air blade, he did not lose his fighting ability. Instead, he used poison on the big king swallow, and spat a large ball of purple liquid towards the big king swallow.

Seeing that Fist Sea Cucumber was able to fight back, Da Wangyan was also a little surprised. He flapped his wings slightly to avoid Fist Sea Cucumber's attack, and then used his wings to attack and swept Fist Sea Cucumber away again.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the fist sea cucumber only suffered some damage at this time and did not directly lose its fighting ability. This performance was already much better than that of a certain garbage algae.

"Okay, Great Wang Yan, that's it!"

Qianye Feng stopped King Yan from continuing to attack, came to the fist sea cucumber, then picked up the elf ball and knocked it lightly.

Although the sea cucumber has not completely lost its fighting ability, it has no objection to being subdued by Qianye Maple. The elf ball just flashed and the subjugation was completed directly.

After conquering the garbage algae and fist sea cucumbers, Qianye Feng had no intention of continuing fishing. He felt that today's harvest was enough. (End of chapter)

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