I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 353 Philomeni Mantis

"This is the ultimate ball developed by the Ether Foundation. This special elf ball can subdue the ultimate beasts after they lose their fighting ability. However, even if the ultimate beasts are conquered, we will send them away When you return to your original world, Xiaofeng, you must understand this."

After explaining the content of the test to Qianye Feng, Hala took 6 strange-looking elf balls from the room and handed them to Qianye Feng before speaking.

"Yes, I understand, Lord Hala!"

Qianye Feng knew the meaning of Hara's words. After all, the ultimate beasts were very powerful. If they could subdue such an elf, it would definitely be very happy for the trainer, so Hara just said the ugly words. I don't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings later.

Naturally, Qianye Feng would not disobey Hala's warning. Although the ultimate alien beast was powerful, it was an alien species after all. It was an alien existence to the elven world and could easily bring him unexpected troubles. .

Moreover, the living environment and habits of the ultimate beasts are different from those in the elf world.

Qianye Feng is also afraid that the ultimate beasts he has conquered will suddenly attack him. With the terrifying strength of the ultimate beasts, if he attacks him unexpectedly, there is a high probability that he will succeed.

Qianye Feng felt that he had just begun to enjoy the beautiful life in this world, and did not want to bring such a time bomb with him, so he simply agreed with Hala. If there was a chance to conquer the ultimate beast, he would not Intended to keep it privately.

After getting the test question from Hala, the King of the Island, Qianye Feng did not stay much, but flew towards the location of the clues provided by Hala on his Great King Swallow.

Although this ultimate alien beast has not yet been found, through abnormal monitoring of Melemele Island, Hala still gave several locations where the ultimate alien beast may appear.

Qianye Feng must find this ultimate beast faster than Hara, otherwise his test will be considered a failure. There is a lot of luck involved.

However, Qianye Feng doesn't want to rely on luck alone. He will turn luck into strength through Da Wangyan's speed.

The area of ​​Melemele Island is not large for the Great King Yan. It can search the entire island in a very short time. Unless this ultimate alien beast has been hiding, it will be discovered by the King Yan sooner or later.

In fact, this was also the case. After King Yan searched several locations provided by Hala without any results, he began to consciously search the entire island, and finally found a white figure in a dense forest.

At this time, this white figure was fighting with a bear in clothing. The battle between them caused a huge noise, which attracted the attention of Da Wang Yan, and he quickly locked the target.

After King Yan landed, Qianye Feng could see the whole white figure clearly. It was very fast, and its figure was only revealed occasionally when it was in a stalemate with the bear.

Regarding the beautiful white figure in front of him, Qianye Feng directly took out the Elf Encyclopedia that had been upgraded by Dr. Kukui. It recorded the elves that had been discovered in the Alola region, and naturally also contained some information on the ultimate alien beasts.

Philomeni is one of the ultimate alien beasts, codenamed "UB02: Beauty". It has a human-like body, and most of its very slender body is milky white.

It has a flat head and drooping eyelashes. Its eyes are blue-purple. There is a yellow crown-shaped part on its eyelashes, but the two ends are very protruding. Two long tentacles stretch out from the protruding points, and the ends are The antennae are one color, but slightly swollen. Under the neck like a bamboo pole is a skirt-like body spread out in four layers. The top layer is slightly wider than the three layers below.

Its arms extend from the hollow area under the top layer. They are very slender, with an oval shape at the joints, and two claw-like fingers extending out at the end, both of which are yellow. From the last layer of skirt, it looks like wearing a pair of trousers, with two legs stretched out. The back of the head is connected to a wedding dress-like part, which is curved and inverted as if to wrap the slender body of the Philometella, but suddenly shrinks inwards near the feet to form an X-shaped outline.

Its legs are slightly fatter than other slender parts, and the joints are still yellow ovals, while the feet are two more slender yellow tentacles, a bit like high heels.

The Philometrium is a life form that lives in other worlds, and is one of the dangerous ultimate beasts. It is a very dangerous alien in this world, but it seems to be an ordinary creature in the world where it originally lived.

Its body is slender and soft, but it seems to contain great power. Its slender and flexible legs can accelerate explosively. It is said that it can avoid thunder and lightning, and it has been seen running across the ground at terrifying speeds.

Perhaps it feels that everything in this world is filthy, and it doesn't want to touch it with its hands. It is said that elves who have seen the Philo Mantis will be charmed and lose their hostility regardless of gender.

Whether it is because it releases unknown pheromones or because its appearance induces some kind of hypnotic state has not yet been confirmed.

As for the bear that fights with Philo Mantis, Chiba Kaede can tell from its strength alone that it is the all-powerful bear in the anime.

The arrival of Qianye Feng still aroused the vigilance of both sides of the battle. Seeing a third party joining, after a violent collision, both sides reached a tacit understanding and did not continue to attack, but formed a triangle formation with Qianye Feng.

Of course, what they are mainly afraid of is the Great King Swallow next to Qianye Feng. As beings with keen senses, they can feel the aura of the Great King Swallow. This is an existence on the same level as them, so they do not know whether they are enemies or friends. , both sides stopped holding hands in a tacit understanding.

In fact, the reason why the costumed bear and the Philometrium fought was mainly because the costumed bear passed by the temporary foothold of the Philometrium when he went out to look for food. This also aroused the vigilance of the Philometrium, and then the two sides started to argue over language. The disagreement turned into a big fight.

Unlike Philo Mantis, Dai Xiong, as a native elf, is still very familiar with humans. After waving his hand towards Qianye Feng, he disappeared into the forest in a few jumps.

He got into a fight with Philo Mantis for no reason, which made the bear's already hungry stomach even hungrier. So when he saw Philo Mantis being restrained by Qianye Feng, he ran away in a hurry. He didn't want to continue fighting with the opponent. Fighting in vain.

After seeing his opponent, the dressed bear, run away, Philo Mantis focused all its attention on Qianye Feng and Da Wang Yan, seeming to measure the strength gap between the two sides.

Qianye Feng knew that the Philo Mantis was an ultimate alien beast with high attack speed and high speed. If other elves faced it, it would easily be killed because it could not keep up with its speed.

However, Da Wang Yan has no worries in this regard. As long as he turns on the tailwind state, Da Wang Yan will not be slower than the opponent.

Moreover, as a bug with fighting attributes, the Philo Mantis is restrained four times by the flying attribute skills, so King Yan has a great advantage in fighting it.

Thinking of this, Qianye Feng was not in a hurry to inform the owner of Hala Island. He planned to use the strength of King Yan to subdue the Philo Mantis. (End of chapter)

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