After the two sides were in a stalemate for a while, Philo Mantis seemed to have measured the strength of Qianye Feng and Da Wangyan, and rushed towards their direction like a bolt of lightning.

The Philo Mantis is not an elf in this world. To it, there is no difference between King Yan and Qianye Feng. They are both existences that can attack.

Even because Qianye Maple is relatively weak in the opponent's perception, it is still the target of Philomeni's priority to clear the field.

Naturally, King Yan would not let the Philo Mantis attack its trainer. It had already activated the tailwind skill in a flash, and now it had reached the point where it could use the tailwind skill as it pleased.

The reason why the tailwind skill is used directly is because King Yan can feel that the speed of the Philo Mantis on the opposite side is much faster than its normal speed. If it does not turn on the tailwind state, its speed cannot catch up with the opponent.

When the Philo Mantis was about to rush in front of Qianye Maple, the King Yan stopped it in time, flapped its wings, and shot several air blades through the air in the direction of the Philo Mantis.

Although these air blades did not hit the Philo Mantis, they also caused it to stay away from Qianye Feng's location in order to avoid the attack.

However, just in case, Qianye Feng still released the strong chicken and the different-colored velvet sheep to protect him. As for the little flame monkey and baby dragon, because they were still relatively weak, they were not allowed to come out.

Then, Qianye Feng saw King Yan and Philo Mantis engaged in a rapid offensive and defensive battle.

Philomeni knows that its defense is relatively weak, so it keeps dodging the attacks from the King Swallow, and while dodging, it will also use double kicks and triple kicks from time to time for defensive counterattacks.

Fearing that the Philo Mantis would directly attack Qianye Maple, King Yan had to give up his long-range advantage and engage in close combat with it to prevent it from leaving its attack range.

But in this way, the attribute advantage of the King Swallow is greatly weakened. After all, with the powerful attack ability of the Philo Mantis, the King Swallow will also suffer serious damage as long as it is hit by its attack.

This resulted in both sides in this battle being very wary and not daring to directly meet the opponent's attacks. They mainly focused on evading attacks. When it was really impossible to dodge, they would also use skills to offset them.

I don’t know if it’s because the Philo Mantis has already fought a battle with the Bear. After a period of rapid attack and defense with the King Yan, its speed has dropped a bit, and its breathing has begun to quicken.

In line with the principle of taking advantage of his illness to kill him, King Yan instead intensified his attack, trying not to let the Philometella have a chance to breathe.

The Philo Mantis couldn't help but become anxious because it was at a disadvantage. In the panic, it was hit by King Yan's Swallow Return, but it quickly adjusted, but its breathing became more rapid.

At this time, a look of anxiety flashed through the eyes of the Philo Mantis. Suddenly, its eyes glanced at Qianye Maple, which was protected by the strong chicken and the different-colored velvet sheep. It now knew that Qianye Maple was the key to breaking the situation.

When the Philo Mantis and the King Swallow passed by, they suddenly jumped and used the pounce skill to pounce in the direction of Qianye Feng.

Wang Yan couldn't help but feel very angry when he saw that the opponent dared to ignore him and attack the trainer instead, but he still quickly blocked Qianye Feng.

However, it did not wait for the attack of the Philometrium. It saw the Philometris change its direction directly some distance away from Qianye Maple, and entered the dense forest in a few jumps. Obviously, the attack just now Just a feint of it.

"Da Wang Yan, let's chase!"

Seeing that the opponent was planning to escape, Qianye Feng used the Poké Ball to retrieve the strong chicken and the different-colored velvet sheep, and then jumped directly on the back of the King Swallow, letting it chase the Philo Mantis from the sky.

King Yan, who was already very dissatisfied with the behavior of the Philometrium, also worked hard and began to track the Philometrium.

Although the Philo Mantis kept jumping between the big trees and moved away at an extremely fast speed, it was unable to get rid of the King Swallow who had memorized its breath.

The King Swallow in the sky quickly arrived above the Philometella, and no matter how it kept changing its direction, it could not escape the King Swallow's tracking range.

After escaping for about half an hour, the Philo Mantis also gave up the plan to continue escaping. Now it knew that if it did not defeat the King Yan, it would never be able to escape the opponent's pursuit.

However, after spending more than half an hour, the Philo Beauty Mantis was in worse shape than before. It was simply a fool's errand to rely on its current state to defeat King Yan.

Sure enough, not long after the battle resumed, Philo Mantis was defeated by King Yan's Brave Bird Attack skill.

Seeing that Philo Mantis had fallen to the ground, Qianye Feng was not careless, but threw the ultimate ball from a distance. With his ball-throwing skills, he accurately hit Philo Mantis.

I saw a red light emerging from the elf ball, wrapping the entire body of the Philo Mantis, and then attracted its body into the ultimate ball.

However, the red light of the ultimate ball only flashed twice before bursting, and the Philo Mantis, which should have been unconscious, struggled to stand up. Apparently, it still had some strength left.

"Wang Yan, give it the final blow!"

After seeing this scene, Qianye Feng was somewhat thankful that he was cautious, otherwise if he was sneak attacked by the Philo Mantis at close range, the consequences would definitely be serious.

King Yan didn't hesitate after hearing Qianye Feng's instructions, and directly launched several more sharp air blades towards the direction of the Philo Mantis.

Facing the speeding wind blades, Philo Mantis tried its best to avoid it, but unfortunately it no longer had the strength at this time. After being hit by these air blades, it rolled a few times on the ground and became motionless. .

Immediately afterwards, Qianye Feng did not hesitate and directly threw the second ultimate ball. This time, the Philo Mantis was unable to escape from the shackles of the ultimate ball. The red light flashed for a few times and then dimmed. This meant that The philome beetle has been subdued.

Qianye Feng quickly ran over and picked up the ultimate ball, and then locked the ultimate ball. In this case, the ultimate beast inside could not break free no matter how powerful it was.

It was only at this moment that Qianye Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He was under great pressure as a trainer in a battle against an extremely fast beast like the Philo Mantis. He was afraid that Wang Yan's negligence would allow the opponent to break through the defense. Then he as a trainer would be in danger.

Fortunately, things did not develop in the worst direction, and he successfully passed the test of the Lord of Hala Island and successfully subdued the Philo Mantis, the ultimate alien beast that smuggled over from the Ultimate Cave.

After carefully examining the ultimate ball in his hand for a while, Qianye Feng put it into his backpack, then rode on King Yan and flew towards Hala's residence.

Being able to over-complete the first test of Hala Island Master so quickly made Qianye Feng feel very comfortable. Now he only needs to pass the second test, and then he can get a Z bracelet for experimentation. (End of chapter)

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