I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 355 Completing the first test

"Master Hala, I'm disturbing you again!"

Arriving at the door of Hala's house, Qianye Feng smiled and said hello after Hala opened the door.

"Oh, Xiaofeng, why are you back so soon? Do you think this test is too difficult and want to change to something else? It's not impossible!"

When Hala saw Qianye Feng running back in less than half a day, he thought he had given up because the test was too difficult, and wanted to find him a replacement test task. Although he was a little disappointed, Hala decided to give the boy in front of him a Chance.

"Of course not. I have completed the test you gave me, and that's why I came to find you."

After Qianye Feng finished speaking, he took out the ultimate ball containing the ultimate beast, the Philome Mantis, from his backpack, and then handed it to the owner of Hala Island.

"You actually defeated that ultimate beast, that's really amazing!"

After taking the Ultra Ball, Hara looked at it carefully for a while and realized that the Ultra Ball had been used, which meant that an Ultra Beast had been subdued inside.

Because the Ultra Ball was developed specifically to tame the Ultra Beasts, it cannot be used to tame normal elves, so as long as it is subdued by the Ultra Ball, it must be the Ultra Beast.

This also surprised Hala, the king of the island. He had been fighting the ultimate beasts that had been smuggled from the ultimate cave for many years, but he knew how difficult the ultimate beasts were.

Even Hara, who is the king of the island, has to be careful when facing many ultimate beasts. There are even many times when he needs to invite other island kings to join forces to defeat the powerful ultimate beasts that have sneaked over.

Originally, Hala did not expect Qianye Feng to defeat the ultimate beast. He just saw that he had a very fast King Yan and wanted him to help find traces of the ultimate beast. Unexpectedly, the other party directly gave him Such a big surprise for myself.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng told Hala the story of his encounter with the Philo Mantis, but he did not take all the credit on himself.

After all, the reason why the Philo Mantis was so easily subdued by him was also due to the fact that he was wearing a bear. Without the bear, the Philo Mantis consumed a lot of energy in advance, so he would never be able to subdue the Philo Mantis so easily.

"Since Xiaofeng has completed my first test perfectly, you can have a good rest today. Tomorrow morning we will start the big test of Melemele Island."

At this time, Hara had no doubts about Qianye Feng's strength, so he did not hesitate and directly set a time for the opponent to conduct a big test.

"Then I won't disturb you. I'll come back tomorrow morning to accept the challenge!"

Qianye Feng and Hala said goodbye.

After leaving Hala's home, Qianye Feng asked Wang Yan to drive him directly to Hauole City. He planned to find a hotel here to have a good night's rest and meet tomorrow's challenges in the best condition.

It was already approaching evening when Qianye Feng came to Hauale City. At this time, people were coming and going on the streets. People had been working for a day and planned to enjoy life during this time.

The pace of life of people in Hau'ola City is not fast. This may be due to the rich natural resources and the fact that it is a tourist city. People here live a stable and prosperous life, with no pressure to survive at all, so they all have smiles on their faces.

Even when meeting strangers, he would greet him politely, and the greetings of "Alola" kept reaching Qianye Feng's ears.

After dinner, Qianye Feng found a hotel that looked very good and checked in. After entering the spacious room, he directly released all the elves.

However, since it is very inconvenient for the sea cucumbers and sea cucumbers to live outside the water, Qianye Feng found a fish tank of suitable size for them to live in.

"Dr. Kukui, I have completed the first test of the Lord of Hala Island today, and the final test will begin tomorrow morning!"

After resting for a while, Qianye Feng picked up the phone and dialed Dr. Kukui's number to tell him the good news.

"That's great, Xiaofeng. I didn't expect you to move so quickly. I'll take my classmates to cheer you up tomorrow. I believe they will really want to see the big test between you and the Lord of Hala Island!"

After Dr. Kukui learned that Qianye Feng had completed the first test of the Hala Island Master, he was very happy for him. After all, in order to convince the Hala Island Master to give this opportunity, Dr. Kukui still made a big decision. It was made possible by the strength of the people.

Although he has not known Qianye Feng for a long time, Dr. Kukui has a good impression of him, especially Qianye Feng who resolutely came to the unfamiliar place of Alola region in order to allow King Yan to break through his own qualification limitations.

And Dr. Kukui has also started to try recently. He asked some elves whose strength has reached a bottleneck to try to absorb the Z energy in the air, hoping to achieve some breakthroughs like King Yan.

However, since the time is still short, even the elves who can sense the Z energy in the air have not yet appeared. Fortunately, Dr. Kukui is not in a hurry.

This is because even Qianye Maple's Great King Yan has not yet succeeded in becoming the Overlord Elf. If King Yan is successfully promoted, I believe that not only Dr. Kukui but also many high-level officials in the Alola region will try.

"Okay, Dr. Kukui, I'm very happy that you can come!"

Qianye Feng naturally had no objection to Dr. Kukui bringing his classmates here. It felt good for Qianye Feng to be able to complete the big test in front of everyone.

After a few more pleasantries with Dr. Kukui, Qianye Feng hung up the phone. Next, he planned to use his abilities to restore King Yan and Strong Chicken to their best condition to cope with tomorrow's big test.

That's right, Qianye Feng already knew the content of his big test from the owner of Hala Island. It was actually a 2V2 elf battle with the opponent. As long as he could defeat the opponent's two participating elves, he would have passed this big test.

Originally, Chiba Kaede planned to ask Yuri Terada to help transmit the strange power through the transmission device in the Elf Center, but after thinking about it later, he gave up this plan.

He planned to let the strong chicken and the king swallow undergo this big test. After all, the strong chicken was on the edge of evolution. If it could carry out a high-intensity battle, it might be able to evolve into a flame chicken.

Qianye Feng is quite confident in the strength of Li Zhuang Chicken, and even if it loses in the game, Qianye Feng believes that Da Wang Yan can reverse the defeat with its own strength.

After using the recovery ability to restore the bodies of King Yan and Li Zhuangji to their best condition, Qianye Feng saw that Li Zhuangji was already walking back and forth in the room with excitement. Apparently Li Zhuangji had been waiting for such a battle for a long time.

"Okay, strong chicken, don't be so excited, I'll leave it to you tomorrow!"

Qianye Feng was a little dizzy from being surrounded by the strong chicken, so he quickly comforted her.

As for the little flame monkey and baby dragon, they were in a careless state. After all, tomorrow's battle has nothing to do with them. For them, as long as they can stay with their trainer, it is the happiest thing. (End of chapter)

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