I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 369 Heading to Sara Gym

Qianye Feng still has some impressions of the Salo Gym. After all, it is one of the official gyms in the Kalos region, and it is a fighting gym that specializes in fighting attributes.

Judging from the time, it is speculated that the current gym trainer is not the athletic girl Korni, but her grandfather Cocobul.

Cocobul is an older and experienced trainer. His strength can be reflected in his Lucario. His Lucario can skillfully use waveguides and can even block the opponent's direct charge through waveguides alone. The moves that come.

He has an old-fashioned and serious character, and often scolds his juniors, mainly his granddaughter Korni.

At the same time, he is also an elder who is good at teaching his younger generations. He has strict requirements for Korni, who has high hopes for himself, so that he can have sufficient strength to serve as the gym leader.

For this reason, Qianye Feng also searched online for relevant information about the Sara Gym. The information also showed that the current trainer of the Sara Gym was Mr. Cocobul.

However, Qianye Feng knew that soon, Cocobul would hand over the position of gym trainer to his granddaughter Korni.

Through the marks on the map, Qianye Feng estimated the distance between Baike City and Saluo City. According to the speed of King Yan after becoming the Overlord Elf, it would take at least half a day to fly to get there. This distance is almost Across the entire Kalos region.

After thinking carefully, Qianye Feng decided to take the tram to Sara City after dinner.

Although Da Wang Yan was able to send him to Salo City with his physical strength, Qianye Feng still didn't want to make Da Wang Yan work so hard, and he didn't want to blow the cold wind for so long.

After finding a random restaurant to eat, Chiba Kaede came to the Baike City tram station. Since the tram lines in the Carlos area are very developed, most people here choose to take the tram when traveling.

The tram here runs very smoothly and is very fast. Of course, since Baike City is indeed far away from Salo City, Chiba Kaede needs to spend the night on the tram and will arrive in Salo City at about 8 or 8 tomorrow morning. At 9 o'clock.

After entering the station, even though it was completely dark outside, the lights were still bright inside the station, and there were many people and elves coming and going.

After buying the ticket, Qianye Feng directly found his own tram and walked in. Since he needed to spend the night on the tram, Qianye Feng chose a sleeper ticket in a private compartment.

There are two seats in each box. When Qianye Feng entered his box, he found that a young man about his age was already cleaning up his bunk.

"Hello, my name is Yasin. Please take care of me along the way!"

After seeing Qianye Feng open the door and walk in, the young man said politely.

"My name is Qianye Feng, and I'm very happy to be on the same train with you!"

The other party has already shown goodwill, so Qianye Feng will naturally not reject the person from thousands of miles away, and responded with a smile.

After the two of them packed up their bunks, they started chatting. After all, they needed to stay together all night, and both parties still needed to get to know each other.

Through chatting, Qianye Feng knew that Yasin was an elf ranger, and this time he planned to go to the forest near Seawing City to serve as a ranger there.

And Haiyi City happens to be the last stop of Salo City, and Yasin will get off the bus more than an hour earlier than Qianye Feng.

Qianye Feng still has a good impression of the rangers. They are personnel affiliated with the Elf Alliance in various regions. They devote their lives to protecting the natural environment, catching elf poachers, and helping various people who are in danger due to accidents. Wild elves.

It's similar to the nature of volunteers for environmental protection organizations in previous lives. If you don't really like wild elves and the natural environment, you won't be able to work in this industry for a long time.

In fact, Yasin was also an elf trainer at the beginning and traveled to several areas. However, after he came into contact with the ranger profession by chance, he fell in love with it immediately.

After that, Yasin entered the ranger academy to study. Not long ago, Yasin graduated from the ranger school and then became a trainee ranger. The forest he went to this time was actually the first place in Yasin's ranger career. beginning.

Of course, Qianye Feng also told the other party some things about himself. After learning that Qianye Feng ran a farm, Yasin also showed great interest and kept asking about things about the farm.

Yasin said that after he retires, he will also run a farm and live happily on the farm with his elves.

Qianye Feng could only say that Yasin was thinking too far, but he did not say anything to dampen Yasin's enthusiasm.

The more they chatted, the more they got along. Qianye Feng told him a lot about his farm, and Yasin also told him many interesting things that happened in the ranger school.

Although they had only known each other for a short time, both Qianye Feng and Yaxin regarded each other as their friends. After the two parties exchanged communication numbers, they agreed to keep in touch frequently in the future.

This is the charm of travel, which allows Qianye Feng to meet many friends during this period.

The next morning, when Qianye Feng woke up, he found that Yasin on the bed opposite had left, but he did leave a note to Qianye Feng as a farewell.

"See you soon, Yasinliu!"

Looking at the smiley face pattern at the end of the note, Qianye Feng also smiled unconsciously.

Soon, as the tram slowly stopped, Qianye Feng knew that his destination, Salo City, had arrived. He put his backpack on his back and waited for the train door to open, then walked out directly.

Salo City is a city located in the western part of the Carlos region, with beautiful sea views and a mysterious and ancient atmosphere.

The Sara Gym is located in the Refining Tower on the Mega Evolution Island and can only be entered when the tide is low. Of course, this is not an obstacle for Chiba Kaede who has a flying mount.

When Qianye Feng came to the beach opposite the Refining Tower, there were already many people playing here.

Looking into the distance, there is a tall tower standing on an island not far away. The entire island is surrounded by tall red walls, and there are many buildings and trees inside.

Looking at the Sara Gym that looked like an ancient castle, Qianye Feng couldn't help but be surprised by the strength of the Korni family. To build such a magnificent building, the amount of manpower and material resources needed to be invested was not a small amount.

Before heading to the Sara Gym, Qianye Feng called Zhenyi in advance. After getting confirmation from the other party, he rode the King Swallow across the ocean and flew towards the Sara Gym.

In addition to respecting the host's family, Qianye Feng was also afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

Because even his Chiba Farm raises the King Yan tribe to ensure the safety of his territory, there is a high probability that there will be corresponding protective measures in the Sara Gym.

Since the island where the Sara Gym was located was not far from the coastline, Qianye Feng quickly arrived over the island on his Big King Swallow.

Qianye Feng looked down and saw Zhenyi waving to her in the courtyard at a glance, so he ordered Wang Yan to land towards Zhenyi's location. (End of chapter)

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