I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 370 Meeting Kerni for the first time

"Xiao Feng, here, here!"

After Wang Yan landed on the ground, Zhenyi waved to him and said.

After jumping off Da Wangyan's back, Qianye Feng walked up to Zhenyi with a smile. At this time, there was a blond girl wearing roller skates standing next to Zhenyi. The girl's youthful atmosphere was full of youthfulness.

"By the way, Xiaofeng, let me introduce to you. This is Kerni, the granddaughter of Master Cocobol, the trainer of the Sara Gym. She is the best friend I have met since I came to the Kalos area."

Before Chiba Kaede could get closer, Mayi couldn't wait to introduce the roller skating girl next to her.

"Hello, my name is Qianye Feng, you can call me Xiaofeng. Nice to meet you, Miss Kerni!"

Although she already knew who the roller skating girl in front of her was, Qianye Feng still introduced herself politely.

"Hello, Xiaofeng, you can just call me Kerni. Welcome!"

Korni smiled, shook hands with Qianye Feng, and welcomed him.

"Xiao Feng, why has your King Yan changed so much during this period? Not only has his size increased a lot, but he also has an inexplicable aura that makes people intimidating?"

After the three of them got acquainted with each other, Zhenyi asked about the doubts in his heart.

She had spent more than a month with Qianye Feng in the Fengyuan area, and was very familiar with the King Yan. Now that she saw the abnormality of the King Yan, she could naturally spot it at a glance.

"Now King Yan has become the overlord elf, so you will feel that its changes are very huge."

Qianye Kaede did not shy away from Makoto's question, and quickly explained briefly what he had experienced in the Alola region during this period.

"Xiao Feng, yours is amazing. Although I don't know much about the Overlord Elf, but from the aura displayed by King Yan, it can be seen that its strength has indeed improved a lot."

At this time, Zhenyi was very envious of Qianye Feng's experience during this period. Although she had been studying in the Sara Gym during this period and her strength had greatly improved, she was obviously still far behind her opponent.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, do you want to have an elf battle with me, using your King Swallow?"

The conversation between Qianye Feng and Zhenyi did not avoid Korni, so Korni was also excited at this time and said to Qianye Feng.

There are direct flights from the Kalos region to the Alola region, so the exchanges between the two regions are relatively frequent, and some situations in the Alola region are naturally transmitted.

Korni also has some rough understanding of the overlord elves in the Alola region. She knows that the overlord elves are a very powerful leader of the elven group, much more powerful than ordinary group elves.

Now Korni is still practicing mega evolution with his grandfather Coco Bull. Now she and her Lucario are still unable to achieve a mind-to-heart connection, thus leading to the Key Stone and Lucario Super Stone. The power within completes mega evolution.

This kind of bond cannot be improved by simple training. All Kerni can think of is to constantly fight with powerful opponents. This will not only improve Lucario's strength, but also increase the strength during the battle. The bond between both parties.

"Of course there's no problem, I'm here anytime!"

Naturally, Qianye Feng would not refuse Korni's invitation to fight.

Since King Yan transformed into the Overlord Elf, he has only had one battle with Kachi's fire-breathing dragon. Naturally, he hopes to have more battles so that King Yan can fully display the results of this period.

"Okay, you two fighting madmen, you will have plenty of time to fight later. Let's go in first. Master is probably anxious!"

Zhen Yi stopped the conversation between the two in time.

Just now, Zhenyi and Korni were undergoing special training under the leadership of Mr. Cocobul. However, Qianye Feng just called, so Zhenyi suspended the training. As for Kerni, she came to welcome Qianye Feng as the host.

"Ah, let's go there quickly, or grandpa will scold me again!"

After being reminded by Zhenyi, Korni was also a little shocked and hurriedly pulled Zhenyi inside.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng followed the two of them to a training ground. At this time, many people were already doing some exercises similar to body-building techniques. It was obvious that the Salo Gym also had the inheritance of fighters.

On the high platform, there is an old man with gray hair but a strong spirit, looking around at the people below. If any apprentice is found to have substandard movements, he will be scolded by the old man.

Of course, after reprimanding the old man, he would still take the trouble to point out the problems with the apprentice's movements in detail, so that he could realize his mistakes and make corrections in time.

"Grandpa, this is Xiaofeng, Zhenyi's friend."

Korni pointed at Qianye Feng and introduced.

"Oh, Xiaofeng, welcome!"

Perhaps because the visitor was a guest, Mr. Cocobul's attitude towards Qianye Feng was very gentle.

"I took the liberty of coming here to disturb your lecture, Master!"

Qianye Feng responded slightly apologetically.

"Haha, it's okay, it's just a routine exercise in our gym today. Xiaofeng, you can follow them if you want. It's still very good for your body."

Obviously very satisfied with Qianye Feng's attitude, Cocobul also allowed Qianye Feng to study together.

"Since Master Cocobul has given permission, Xiaofeng, please join us. I remember that you often practice some very difficult moves."

When she was at Meteor Falls, Zhenyi often found Qianye Feng practicing the Tenshin Exercise Technique, but she only thought it was ordinary aerobics and didn't pay much attention to it.

"Oh, Xiaofeng, have you been training as a fighter before?"

After listening to Zhenyi's story, Cocobul's slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened, and his whole demeanor suddenly changed.

Because he has practiced the Tianxin Exercise Technique for a long time, Qianye Feng's ability to control himself has been greatly enhanced. He can faintly feel an inexplicable energy scanning his body. Under the scanning of this energy, He felt like his whole being was being seen through.

Faced with this sudden sense of peeping, Qianye Feng's body instinctively put into a fighting posture. Fortunately, the sense of peeping disappeared quickly, but Qianye Feng's sudden movements also made Zhenyi and Korni feel a little uncomfortable. No idea.

"Xiao Feng, you are not simple. If I read it correctly, you are not far away from becoming a real fighter!"

As soon as Cocobul opened his mouth, Qianye Feng knew that the peeping feeling just now came from the old gentleman in front of him.

"I'm still far away, you praise me too much!"

Qianye Feng responded modestly to Cocobul's compliment.

Through this period of practice, Qianye Feng has indeed vaguely felt the limits of his body. He believes that it will not be long before he can truly reach his limits. At that time, he can start to attack the realm of a fighter.

"Grandpa, didn't you say before that it's impossible to become a fighter without years of training?"

Kerni, as the heir to the Sara Gym, is certainly no stranger to fighters, but as far as she knows it is very difficult to become a fighter, and even she is still far away! (End of chapter)

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