I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 389 Tram in danger

After returning to the Salo Gym, Qianye Feng followed Mr. Cocobul and conducted various trainings. He felt that his improvement during this period was very fast, and he could even faintly sense the waveguide energy emitted by himself.

According to Cocobull, as long as Qianye Feng can use his own waveguide energy to sense external things, it means that he is close to touching the door.

If he can open this door, it means that he has reached the level of an official fighter in terms of wave guide energy cultivation.

Qianye Feng knew that he was still far behind in the waveguide body training technique, but he had almost reached his physical limit in the Tianxin body training technique.

This also means that his physical fitness has almost reached its physical limit, and it won't be long before he can begin to break through the ranks of fighters.

"Kerni, I've caused you trouble during this period. It's time for me to return to the Fengyuan area!"

On this day, Qianye Feng found Korni who was training Lucario and said goodbye to her.

"Xiao Feng, you can actually stay longer. Anyway, there is a flight from the Carlos area to the Hoenn area every few days."

During this period of time, due to the existence of a strong opponent like Qianye Feng, Korni felt that Lucario's strength had improved much faster than before, so in her heart, she still hoped that the opponent could stay for a while longer.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have been away from my farm for a while, and it is time to go back. I hope you can come to my farm as a guest if you are free!"

Although he was living a good life in the Sara Gym, Qianye Feng still missed the people and elves on his farm.

Especially after Little Diamond successfully evolved into Dianxi, Qianye Feng felt that he no longer had much to worry about in the Kalos region.

"Well, I will. After hearing you tell so many things about Chiba Farm, I am still very interested in your farm!"

Seeing that Qianye Feng had decided to leave, Kerni did not try to persuade her to stay.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng said goodbye to Zhenyi and Mr. Cocobul, then rode on the King Yan and flew towards the Sara City tram station.

Arriving at the crowded tram station again, Qianye Feng looked at the people and elves coming and going, felt the smiles on their faces, and couldn't help but stay where she was.

It can be seen from people's smiles that they live a happy life in Salo City, and smiles are contagious. This scene also made Qianye Feng feel happy involuntarily, and the same smile appeared on his face.

Whenever he meets other people's eyes, Qianye Feng will nod and signal to the other person, and the other person will often smile back to him.

With this happy mood, Qianye Feng bought a train that left recently, but the difference from the last time was that this time he chose to take the train during the day.

This also meant that he could enjoy the various scenery along the Kalos region through the window of the tram, which could be regarded as making up for the shortcomings of the last time.

This time Qianye Feng was lucky enough to be in a box alone, with no other passengers on the other side, so he released the smaller Baby Dragon, Fire Monkey and Shuttlecock Mian.

Shuttlecock cotton has a relatively quiet personality. After it came out, it floated directly to the place closest to the window, and then quietly looked at the scenery outside the window, basking in the soft sunlight that leaked through the glass. For it, this is the best Casual way.

As for the Fire Monkey and the Baby Dragon, these two guys made a lot of noise. They would touch each other here and look there from time to time. Anyway, there was never a minute of peace.

Fortunately, they were still relatively measured and did not make too much noise. After all, baby dragons are very rare and precious elves, and they can easily be targeted by elf hunters after being exposed.

That is to say, he occupied a box by himself today, so Qianye Feng released the baby dragon from the poke ball to let it breathe.

During this period of time in the Sara Gym, Baby Dragon trained very hard and would exhaust himself every day before he would give up.

Qianye Feng knew what Baby Dragon was thinking. Ever since the little flame monkey evolved into the fierce fire monkey, it had been holding back a breath of air. It turned this energy into its own motivation, and wanted to have the strength to compete with the fierce fire monkey as soon as possible. .

Since the height of the Refining Tower is high enough for Baby Dragon to exercise, it consciously runs to the top of the tower every day, and then jumps down from the top. At first, it scared many apprentices of the Refining Tower.

However, after the apprentices adapted, many apprentices stayed under the tower every day, watching the baby dragon jump from the top of the tower like water.

Every time the Baby Dragon climbs out of the big pit it made, it will receive warm applause from these apprentices. The Baby Dragon gradually gets lost in the adulation and works harder to climb out of the top of the tower in various tricks. Jump off.

But what the baby dragon didn't expect was that while it was working hard, the fire monkey wasn't idle either.

The Fire Monkey is still in the period of rapid improvement in strength after evolution, and it has not relaxed its training. This has led to the fact that even though the Baby Dragon has worked harder than ever to train, the relationship between it and the Fire Monkey The power gap has not narrowed but widened.

The truth is often hurtful, so Qianye Feng did not tell the baby dragon this somewhat cruel fact, otherwise it would definitely be hit and lose the motivation to become stronger.

"How is this going?"

Halfway through the tram's journey, the tram vibrated violently, and then began to brake urgently. Due to inertia, Qianye Feng was almost thrown away.

Fortunately, he grabbed the armrest next to the plate immediately and was able to avoid a collision. However, the baby dragons and the others were not so lucky and rolled several times in the box before stopping.

After the tram came to a complete stop, the baby dragon and the fire monkey staggered up from the ground. For their rough skin and thick flesh, they did not suffer any damage from these collisions, but they were just a little dizzy from being shaken. .

As for shuttlecock cotton, because its body is very light, impact will not cause any damage to it at all.

"What happened? Why did the tram stop?"

"I hope it's not a big trouble!"

"Uh-huh, I'm not an elf trainer, and I don't have any elf protection around me!"

The originally calm interior of the tram seemed to explode. Many people ran out of the compartments and continued to discuss in the aisle.

"Please don't panic, passengers. There is a group of big food flowers and mouth flowers in front of you, blocking the way of the tram. We have sent stationed trainers to drive them away. Please wait patiently. I believe we will be able to start again soon. !”

When all the passengers were worried about their own safety, the conductor on the tram appropriately used the public address to tell the reason why the tram was forced to stop, so as to comfort the panicked passengers.

People are always afraid of the unknown, but when they understand the problems they face, they calm down.

After the passengers on the tram heard that a group of giant food flowers had blocked the road, they recovered from their panic and returned to their compartments to wait for the matter to be resolved. (End of chapter)

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