I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 390 The Big Food Flower Blocking the Road

Chiba Feng, who originally wanted to go out to check the cause, also stopped his thoughts because of this broadcast. If it was just a group of big food flowers, he believed that the trainer stationed on the tram should be able to solve it.

Qianye Kaede simply took advantage of the gap when the train stopped running and took out some food prepared for him by Mayi and Korni, intending to start feasting on it.

Because she had been admiring the scenery along the way and wasn't hungry, Qianye Feng didn't even eat lunch.

"Okay, baby dragon, eat slowly, no one will compete with you."

Looking at the baby dragon who kept stuffing food into his mouth with his short hands, Qianye Feng couldn't help but feel helpless.


After hearing Qianye Feng's words, the baby dragon only paused for a moment, but immediately started eating crazily again. After stuffing his mouth full, he narrowed his eyes and started chewing happily.

This baby dragon is not a glutton. It is saving energy for future evolution. One day it will become a flying dragon.

Under Baby Dragon's frenzied eating, the originally full table became clean. Then Baby Dragon, with his bulging belly, lay directly on the seat opposite, apparently planning to have a good sleep.

This scene also made Qianye Feng and Fierce Monkey twitch their mouths, feeling that Baby Dragon had a tendency to evolve into a lazy pig.

"Why hasn't it healed yet? Is there something wrong?"

After about half an hour, Qianye Feng found that the train still had no intention of starting, and knew that there should be a twist in the expulsion of Da Shihua.

Not only Qianye Feng, but other passengers were also beginning to become impatient at this time. Everyone had their own things to do. Being stranded in this wilderness for no reason must be in a very bad mood, and there was also the risk of being attacked by wild elves. .

After thinking about it, Qianye Feng directly took back the Poké Ball from the baby dragon who was already asleep and drooling and dreaming about something, and then walked out of his box with the Fire Monkey.

After Qianye Feng came to the aisle, he found that it was already crowded with passengers who were anxiously waiting for the tram to continue its departure. They gathered in twos and threes, chatting from time to time.

However, it can be seen from their slightly anxious expressions that their hearts are not peaceful at this time.

After looking around, Qianye Feng walked directly towards the carriage where the front of the train was, because if he wanted to go out to help, he still needed the help of the staff on the tram to open the door.

"Hello, this is not a place where passengers can come in, please understand!"

When Qianye Feng was about to enter the driver's compartment, a uniformed flight attendant walked out of it and stopped in front of him, saying politely.

"Hello, I want to know if there is any problem in expelling the big flower-eating tribe from the front. If necessary, I think I can go out and help."

Seeing the flight attendant in the car, Qianye Feng expressed his thoughts to the other person.

"Well, the process of expelling the Big Flower Clan ahead is indeed not going smoothly, and we do need help. However, there are certain dangers in fighting wild elves. I hope you, young man, will think it over for yourself."

After hearing that Qianye Feng wanted to help, the flight attendant's face softened. After thinking for a while, he explained the danger to Qianye Feng clearly.

"Don't worry, since I dare to go out to help, I am sure of my own safety."

Qianye Feng said easily.

They are just a group of giant food flowers. Qianye Feng is confident that even if unexpected situations arise, they can easily deal with them. Qianye Feng is still very confident in the strength of his own elves.

"In this case, I'm sorry to trouble you. After solving this matter, we will apply for some rewards from the headquarters to thank you for your help!"

Seeing that Qianye Feng was not the kind of person to ignore things when his head got hot, the flight attendant opened the door and said.

Qianye Feng finally waved to the conductor, then jumped out of the car and walked towards the front of the train.

After walking a certain distance, Qianye Feng discovered that a fierce battle was taking place ahead. A group of trainers commanded their elves to fight with a group of big food flowers.

However, Qianye Feng discovered that these giant flower-eating flowers were very organized and did not fight independently like other elven groups. Instead, they knew how to cooperate with each other and exert a combat power similar to that of an elven army.

This also caused the trainer elves with stronger individual elves to be at a disadvantage in the battle. They were beaten back by the Big Food Flower Army, and it was very difficult to support them.

Most of these trainers were passengers who came to help like him. If they had relied solely on the trainers stationed on the train, they might have been defeated long ago.

In this case, the passengers on the tram will also be in danger. You must know that the giant eating flowers are carnivorous elves, and they can spit gastric juice that corrodes steel. The tram cannot provide much protection to the passengers at all.

What makes Qianye Feng a little strange is why these big food flowers are blocking the tram track. Under normal circumstances, these wild elves will choose to leave after being driven away by human trainers.

Because there is no benefit here for them to be so careless. The environment in the wild is one of the weak and the strong. When the elves encounter threats, most of the time they will choose to protect themselves.

Therefore, there are few elven groups as stubborn as the Big Food Flower group, which can withstand the attacks of the trainer elves and still move in the direction of the tram.

"Fire Monkey, go up and help!"

Seeing that the trainer in front could no longer hold on any longer, Qianye Feng quickly ordered.

After receiving the order, the Fierce Fire Monkey rushed forward very excitedly. After evolving, it had not had a good fight with other elves, so it was very motivated to fight at this time.

After the Fierce Fire Monkey came to the front of the Big Food Flower group, he immediately activated his skills, and a huge flame vortex was formed directly, and then swept in the direction of the Big Food Flower.

For the grass-type flower-eating tribe, the sudden appearance of the flame vortex brought them a lot of trouble. They were naturally afraid of fire and instinctively wanted to avoid the flame vortex, which also caused chaos in their formation. It gave other trainers a chance to breathe.

Seeing that his flame vortex caused chaos on the opposite side, the Fierce Fire Monkey kept up his efforts, and then released two more flame vortexes to sweep towards the big food flower.

With the chaos caused by the Fierce Monkeys among the Big Flower Eaters, the trainers also began to take advantage of this opportunity to fight back.

For a moment, the progress of the big flower-eating tribe slowed down.

However, this advantage did not last long. Countless flying leaf storms condensed from energy were formed in the sky above the big food flower and the mouth flower, and then struck directly towards several flame whirlpools.

After countless leaves were burned by the flames, the energy of the flame vortex was also exhausted and dissipated directly.

The remaining flying leaf storms were overwhelmingly attacking in the direction of the Fierce Fire Monkeys, and even the trainers who were slightly behind were covered by the flying leaf storm's attack range.

Obviously, the Fire Monkey's flame whirlpool attack just now angered the Big Flower-Eating Group. Now they have no scruples at all and are starting to become even crazier.

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