I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 395 The current situation of Chiba Farm (1)

Qianye Feng was the first to come to the glass greenhouse. At this time, there was a thriving scene inside the glass greenhouse.

The concentration of life energy in the glass greenhouse has increased to a certain extent compared to before his trip, which he felt when Qianye Feng entered it.

The resurrection grass and vitality roots grown in the greenhouse have also grown a lot. Their leaves are very thick and the color is the kind of emerald green that is close to nature. This also means that these resurrection grass and vitality roots are very suitable for the current growing environment. Very satisfied.

And in the sky above these resurrection grass and vitality roots, countless shuttlecock cotton, shuttlecock flowers and shuttlecock grass are flying in the air.

Shuttlecock cotton, who had been traveling with Qianye Feng for a long time, was very eye-catching surrounded by shuttlecock flowers and shuttlecock grass.

Compared with before, there are many more shuttlecock grasses in the shuttlecock population. Apparently these shuttlecock grasses were hatched during this period.

"Hello, Tentacle Lily!"

In the corner of the glass greenhouse, the Tentacle Lily is also rooted on the edge of a small pool, and its tentacles are constantly swaying.

Qianye Feng asked Chuanshan King to dig this small pool in order to water the resurrection grass and vitality roots in the glass greenhouse. Although the area of ​​​​the pool is not large, it is more than enough for watering.

Moreover, there are some mosquito-repellent tadpoles living in this pool. They are mainly responsible for watering the resurrection grass and vitality roots in the glass greenhouse.

Of course, these mosquito-repellent tadpoles will not live in the glass greenhouse for a long time.

Although the concentration of life energy inside the glass greenhouse is very high, which can promote the growth of these mosquito-repellent tadpoles, if they stay in this environment for a long time, they will grow too fast and evolve into mosquito-repellent tadpoles.

It's just that the mosquito-repellent incense that evolved in this way will be much weaker than other mosquito-repellent incense because it has not laid a solid foundation.

Therefore, this rotation model was finally formed, which can not only increase the growth rate of mosquito-repellent tadpoles, but also prevent the growth of seedlings.

When Qianye Feng came to Tentacle Lily, Tentacle Lily wrapped her tentacles around Qianye Feng's palm to express her closeness.

Tentacle lilies with grass attributes, like the shuttlecock cotton group, can naturally adapt to this environment full of life energy. The high concentration of life energy will not cause adverse effects on it.

This may also have a lot to do with the fact that these life energies are created by using the grass field skills, but Qianye Feng has no intention of delving into the reason.

Moreover, Qianye Maple also found that in a high-concentration life energy environment, the growth of resurrection grass and vitality roots was somewhat unexpected. They were originally expected to take 8-9 months to mature, but now it is estimated that they will only take half a year to mature. .

After leaving the glass greenhouse, Qianye Feng came to the nearby house again.

At this time, the Meili sheep group and the big milk tanks were not in their houses, so their houses were very empty, but the smell inside was not bad. Apparently Terada Yuri and the others were cleaning it very seriously. Two houses.


Suddenly, a howl made Qianye Feng wake up from his thoughts.

It turned out that the baby dragon following Qianye Feng somehow ran to the haystack where the Meili sheep were sleeping, and was shocked by the sudden static electricity on the haystack.

Although the static electricity could not cause any harm to the baby dragon, it was still surprised and hurried back to Qianye Feng, hugging his thigh with two short hands.

The ordinary Fire Monkey had long been grinning from ear to ear. It was laughing and gesticulating, but it made the Baby Dragon very angry.

If it weren't for the fact that the baby dragon couldn't defeat the Fierce Fire Monkey now, it would have hit him with a head hammer.

After touching the baby dragon's smooth head in a funny way, Qianye Feng took it and the fire monkey out of the house.

The baby dragon's mood came and went quickly. Before it had gone far, it resumed its active character and kept running around Qianye Feng.

Immediately afterwards, Qianye Feng came to the house where Kirbymon was. At this time, Kirbymon was lying in the middle of the house, soundly asleep.

However, it is not honest when sleeping. From time to time, it will scratch its belly with its chubby palms or turn over.

At this time, Kirby wasn't the only one in the house. Straight Bear, Long Nose Leaf, and Poison Rose were also in it, but they quickly ran over after noticing Qianye Feng and the others had entered.

Although Qianye Feng is not at Qianye Farm these days, Zhichong Bear has not relaxed. He will still take his two little brothers into the Orange Flower Forest to explore from time to time.

As their strength increases, the range they can explore also expands, and they even run straight back to the area where they lived before.

The iron-clawed lobster that had driven them away from the lake area before was no longer a match for them, and was given a severe lesson by the charging bear.

However, charging directly at the bear did not drive it away. After all, they would not live near here in the future.

The Iron Claw Lobster was also very dissatisfied with the successful counterattack by the three losers Zhong Xiong and the others. It felt that it was defeated because Zhong Xiong and the others had no martial ethics and besieged it.

In order to maintain his position as the overlord of this area, Iron Claw Lobster spent a few days subduing a group of subordinates, planning to wait until the Straight Bears and the others entered this area again before ending their relationship with them.

But the result was a little different from what it thought. The iron-clawed lobster and its subdued men did wait until they charged directly at the bears, but they were still defeated. The subdued men quickly fled in all directions, and the iron-clawed lobster was charged directly at the bears. He was given a severe lesson.

Since then, the iron claw lobster has recognized the reality. Whenever the bears pass by this area, it will hide in the lake and dare not show its head, and its arrogance has been completely suppressed.

When Qianye Feng walked out of the house, their team expanded again, heading straight for the bears, playing with the baby dragon, and followed him.

As for Kirbymon, it was still immersed in sleep at this time, and it was possible that even Qianye Feng and the others were not aware of their arrival.

Only the scent of food can attract its attention and wake it up from a deep sleep.

At the next location, Qianye Feng chose to go to the queen bee's hive. In order to prevent the little guys from causing trouble, Qianye Feng let the baby dragons and others play outside the hive.

Then Qianye Feng walked into the hive under the welcome of three bees.

The queen bee had already discovered Qianye Maple when he was approaching the hive, so she directly asked the three bees to greet him at the entrance of the hive.

After this period of development, Qianye Feng discovered that the number of three bees had increased significantly. Not counting the three bees collecting honey outside, there were dozens of three bees guarding the hive at this time.

After entering the hive, Qianye Feng's nose smelled a sweet smell that contained vitality. It was obviously the smell emanating from Tiantian.

At this time, the queen bee seems to have a more majestic feel than when she first evolved, making people a little intimidated.

However, after it saw Qianye Feng, it immediately abandoned this sense of majesty and flew around him very happily. (End of chapter)

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