I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 396 The current situation of Chiba Farm (2)

After arriving at the compartment where Tiantian was stored, Qianye Feng found that there were two pools, one large and one small, side by side.

The larger pool had been there before, and at this time, most of the pool's sweetness was stored in it.

The smaller pool was obviously made by the queen bee commanding the three bees to use beeswax. The sweetness in this small pool was not over half, and it would take a long time to completely fill it.

The sweetness contained here is more golden in color and richer in taste. It is obviously a better quality sweetness.

"Mmm, so sweet!"

Qianye Feng gently dipped some sweetness from the small pool with his index finger, then put it into his mouth to taste it, and found that the sweetness inside was even sweeter, and after eating, there seemed to be a steady stream of power emerging from his body.

From here, it can be seen that the sweetness in this small pond is much better than the ordinary sweetness. However, Qianye Feng does not know how the sweetness in this small pond is brewed, but it is definitely not simple. .

This is just like the difference between ordinary honey and royal jelly in the previous life. Although they look like the same thing, in fact, they are completely different in terms of efficacy and value.

"Queen Bee, can I take some of this better quality sweetness?"

Qianye Feng looked at Queen Bee and asked.

Qianye Feng didn't know if Queen Bee had any special purpose for this higher quality sweetness, so it was necessary to ask.

If the Queen Bee did not agree to him charging such sweetness, then Qianye Feng would have no choice but to give up.

However, the Queen Bee did not disappoint him. She nodded and agreed to his request and waved her hands grandly, as if to say, feel free to do whatever you want!

Afterwards, Qianye Feng returned to his room, took some glass bottles, and filled some ordinary sweets and high-quality sweets, but he did not put too much sweets.

After all this tossing, it was almost noon, and Chiba Kaede returned to Yuri Terada's house with these sweet things.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, you're back!"

Takemoto Yui greeted Chiba Kaede happily when she saw him walking in.

Through several people's conversations yesterday, Qianye Feng also asked several people to change the names they called him. He felt that it felt strange to have several people continue to call him boss.

At this time, Terada Yuri and Ogata Akino were busy in the kitchen, and bursts of aroma wafted out of the kitchen.

"What are you doing?"

Takemoto Yui and Dianxi were operating something in front of the fruit mixer at this time. Qianye Feng asked curiously.

"I'm teaching Dianxi to use the tree fruit mixer to make energy cubes. Let me tell you, Dianxi is really powerful. I gave it the method of making energy cubes and it quickly mastered it. Just now it We also successfully created some elementary energy cubes!"

Seeing Qianye Feng's question, Takemoto Yui said excitedly, looking even happier than Dian Xi.

"Dianxi, you are so powerful. Can you do it once and show me?"

Qianye Feng planned to see with her own eyes how Dianxi made the energy cube, so she looked at Dianxi and said.

Dianxi didn't hesitate and used her telekinesis to open the lid of the fruit mixer. Then several fruits floated into the fruit mixer from the side. Then Dianxi closed the lid of the fruit mixer officially. Start making energy cubes.

Qianye Feng watched quietly from the side as Dianxi used her telekinesis to control the operation of the fruit mixer. Dianxi did not panic at all and was making the energy cubes in an orderly manner.

Soon, after the high-speed rotation inside the tree fruit mixer stopped, Dianxi pressed the end button, and then several energy cubes fell from the exit position and onto the plate that had been prepared.

Qianye Feng picked up the energy cubes made by Dianxi from the plate and looked at them carefully, and found that these energy cubes had indeed reached the quality of primary energy cubes.

You must know that Dianxi just came into contact with energy cube production this morning. This can no longer be described as a genius.

Even if Yuri Terada's talent is compared to Dianxi, it is far behind.

Originally, Chiba Kaede was worried that after Yui Takemoto and Akino Ogata went on a trip, Yuri Terada would not be able to take care of the production of energy cubes by herself. However, after seeing Dianxi's performance, Chiba Kaede felt that she did not need to worry at all.

Qianye Feng knew that the reason why Dianxi was able to make energy cubes so easily had a lot to do with its own very powerful mental power.

It can sense the situation inside the fruit mixer with its mental power, which is definitely much easier than Yui Takemoto and others relying on experience to make energy cubes.

With such ability, Qianye Feng believes that if Dianxi seriously learns how to make energy cubes, he will soon be able to make intermediate energy cubes or even advanced energy cubes.

"Dianxi, you are really amazing. From now on, the energy cubes of King Yan and the others will depend on you!"

Qianye Feng touched Dianxi's head and praised her.


Dianxi happily accepted Qianye Maple's praise. At this time, it was in a particularly beautiful mood. It felt that it could finally help the trainer.

"Boss, oh, Xiaofeng, what are you talking about? You can eat now!"

Terada Yuri walked over with a smile and said.

"We were just watching Dianxi make an energy cube. You have to teach it well in the future. With its help, I believe your burden will be reduced a lot."

Chiba Kaede turned to look at Terada Yuri, and then responded.

"Yes, I was still a little worried at first, but now with Dianxi's help, I can take care of other things."

Terada Yuri also said relaxedly.

"By the way, Yui, are you and Akino ready for your trip? If you need any help from me, just ask?"

After coming to the dining table and sitting down, Chiba Kaede asked Takemoto Yui.

"Boss, don't worry, we have prepared everything we will need during the trip. I won't be polite to you if necessary!"

After taking a sip of the soup, Takemoto Yui said confidently.

"Now that you say that, I feel relieved and wish you a happy trip in advance!"

Qianye Feng picked up the cup and said.

"Thank you, Xiaofeng!"

"Thank you for taking care of me during this time!"

After hearing Chiba Kaede's blessing, Takemoto Yui and Ogata Akino happily raised their cups and responded.

"Hey, have you forgotten me?"

Terada Yuri felt as if she had been forgotten, and quickly raised the cup before joking.

"Hehe, how could we forget you, Sister Yuri?"

Takemoto Yui directly hugged Terada Yuri, and then said coquettishly.

"That's right, Yuri, you will be our strong support during our travels from now on. Yui and I will definitely share our experiences during the trip with you."

Ogata Akino also said with a smile.

After that, the three girls started chatting, but they forgot about Qianye Feng and Dian Xi.

Therefore, Qianye Feng and Dianxi directly turned on the big eater mode and began to sweep the delicious dishes on the table. (End of chapter)

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