I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 76 The End of the Journey

Qianye Feng looked at the charcoal in his hand, and then at the snake bear wagging its tail at it, and felt a little emotional for a moment.

After all, he just invited the Snake Bears to have dinner as a sudden act of kindness, but they gave such precious elf props to him. For a moment, Qianye Feng felt that he deserved it.

"Serpent Bear, do you know the value of this thing?"

Qianye Feng asked.

After the snake bear and the two younger brothers looked at each other, they finally nodded to show that they knew.

Although they are just wild elves, they still recognize elf props, which can increase the power of elf skills with corresponding attributes.

It's just that this charcoal doesn't match their properties, and they can't use it.

On the contrary, the fire chick who warmly invited them yesterday was a fire attribute elf, so they thought of giving the elf prop picked up by the snake bear to the human in front of them.

Seeing that they knew they were sending good things, Qianye Feng didn't say anything else. He just squatted down and touched their heads.

"Would you like to live on my farm? I believe you won't be disappointed there, and you don't have to run around for food."

Qianye Feng extended an invitation to them.

Originally, he had no intention of subduing these elves, but since the Snake Bears had given him such valuable props, he planned to give both parties a chance and asked.

The Snake Bears and the others were obviously a little surprised by what Qianye Feng said, but after much struggle, they still refused.

For those who have been living in the forest, they have adapted to the living environment of this place and have no intention of leaving just like that. Maybe they have some concerns about this human being who has only known them for less than a day.

Seeing that they didn't agree, Qianye Feng didn't say anything to retain them. Instead, he opened his backpack, took out the remaining energy cubes and berries, and placed them in front of the snake bear and the others.

"This piece of charcoal is very useful to me. Consider these foods as my return gift. I hope you won't refuse!"

Qianye Feng said with a smile.

Serpentine bears would not give in to being able to get so much food.

There is not much food in the area where they live, so they spend a lot of time collecting food every day.

But now that they have the food provided by Qianye Feng, they don't need to run around for food for a long time.

After all, energy cubes are a good thing for them. If they are weak, eating one primary energy cube every day can maintain their body needs and improve their strength.

"Goodbye then. You have to hide this food. If you change your mind, move there. If you are lucky, you can find my farm. I still welcome you."

Qianye Maple said his final goodbyes to several elves, and then pointed out the direction of his farm to them. If they couldn't live here in the future, they could be allowed to live on his farm.

Under the watchful eyes of the Snake Bears, Qianye Feng mounted the King Swallow and flew towards his farm.

As for the Snake Bears, they kept watching the figures of Qianye Feng and King Yan getting further and further away, until they turned into black spots and disappeared, and then they began to carry the food with a sense of loss.

In the past, due to the intimidation of the King Swallows, some weak elves did not dare to approach here. Now as they leave, the smell will become lighter and lighter as time goes by, until it disappears. At that time, other elves will not be able to smell it. I will have more scruples.

Therefore, the snake bear and the others have to take advantage of this time difference to hide the food. Otherwise, with their strength, they may not be able to protect the food from being snatched by other elves.

Although the snake bear and the others were not invited to stay, Qianye Feng was still in a good mood after receiving the charcoal. This was the first elf prop he obtained after coming to this world, and it was very memorable.

Moreover, the charcoal was just right for the fire chicks. At this time, Qianye Feng also thought that the snake bears had a good relationship with the fire chicks. Maybe he had the idea of ​​​​giving this charcoal to the fire chicks, so he gave it to him. Come get such precious elf props!

On the way back, the King Yan spontaneously used the trick of tailwind and flew very fast. It can be seen that it is now returning home.

The flight was originally expected to take about two hours, but it took Da Wangyan less than an hour and a half to return to Chiba Farm.

Landing in the open space in front of his house, Chiba Kaede found that his house seemed to have changed a lot after being absent for just ten days. It must have been renovated by Terada Yuri, at least from the outside.

After all, his house was the house where the previous owner of the farm, Takegenjiro, lived. It was built a long time ago, so it looked a little dilapidated. But now, at least from the outside, it has become a lot more beautiful.

"Ah, boss, you are back!"

Terada Yuri shouted happily.

She was preparing lunch at this time. She was the only one living in this room now, so she simply pulled some vegetables from the vegetable patch and cooked some rice to eat. She was not particular about her food on weekdays.

"Why are you alone here, where are the others?"

Qianye Feng was a little confused. It was almost lunch at this time. According to common sense, it should be very lively.

"Now that the new orphanage has been built, everyone else is now living there, so I live here."

Seeing Chiba Kaede asking, Terada Yuri hurriedly explained.

"Did something happen?"

Qianye Feng just looked around outside the door. It seemed that a new warehouse-like building had been built. He guessed that it was for the big milk cans and the others to live in. There seemed to be no other houses besides it.

"Boss, you've just come back. It's better to take a rest first. I'll cook a few more dishes, and then I'll tell you what happened during this time. Do you think that's okay?"

Terada Yuri was not surprised by Qianye Kaede's doubts, but he couldn't explain it clearly for a while, so he said so.

"Okay, then I'll go upstairs to take a shower and change some clothes, and then we'll talk in detail!"

Chiba Kaede also felt that since Yuri Terada did not behave abnormally, it meant that nothing happened to the other people in the orphanage, so he felt relieved and planned to sort things out first.

After going upstairs to his room, Qianye Feng found that his room had not changed much. If anything, it was a lot cleaner.

He remembered that when he left, he let the big milk tanks live in his room. Logically speaking, it should be very messy, but when he thought about it, he knew that it must be the room that Yuri Terada helped him clean.

After taking a comfortable hot bath, Qianye Feng felt indescribably comfortable all over. She didn't know whether it was because she had returned to the farm or because she was getting rid of the fatigue from the journey, but these were not important anymore, as long as she felt comfortable.

After going downstairs, Chiba Kaede found that Terada Yuri's food had not been cooked yet, so he did not disturb her. He went outside first and let the elves out and let them play by themselves.

After Wang Yan had just brought him back, he couldn't wait to fly to find his tribe.

The same goes for Mr. Mosquito Repellent and the Different-Colored Velvet Sheep. After being released from the Poké Ball, they also ran in the direction of their own family group.

When Heracross is on the farm, he likes to stay in the forest not far away because there is the sweet sap that he likes there, but he will still come back by himself when it is time to eat.

The two shuttlecocks floated towards the orchard. Under normal circumstances, as long as Qianye Maple did not summon them, they would help cultivate the fruit trees there, promote the growth of the fruit trees, and help heal the injured elves.

Chuanshan King went to a slope not far away, where there was a cave it dug, which was considered its own comfortable home.

As for Ghost, it is already hiding in his shadow. This can be said to be its favorite place to stay.

The remaining wrists and fire chicks came to Chiba Farm for the first time and were not familiar with the environment here, so they still stayed in place, stupidly watching the seniors go their separate ways, making them think Are we going to break up?

"Okay, come back to the house with me. When you stay here for a long time, you will also find the place you want to stay!"

Qianye Feng looked at the two stunned elves and greeted them.

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