"Boss, can you introduce these two new members to me?"

Terada Yuri asked quickly after seeing Brachiness and Fire Chicken.

At this time, they were sitting around the dining table, eating a sumptuous lunch. Because Chiba Kaede came back, Terada Yuri cooked a few more dishes, which were much richer than when she ate them by herself.

"As for the fire chicken, you should know that it was hatched from the Gosan family elf egg I obtained from Dr. Odamaki, and the arm strength was obtained by coincidence from Dr. Odamaki's backyard. They are both great. Partner!"

Qianye Feng replied with a smile.

"Wrist strength, and Fire Chicken, this is Yuri Terada, the housekeeper of our Chiba Farm. You must get along well with her in the future!"

Qianye Feng said to Wrist and Fire Chicken who were working hard to eliminate the food.

After hearing the trainer's words, Wrist and Fire Chicken temporarily stopped eating, and then nodded hard. They felt that the girl in front of them cooked so delicious food that it was no worse than yesterday's food, so they had to have a good relationship with her.

"We've finished lunch now, Yuri, can you tell me the specific situation now?"

After finishing lunch quickly, Qianye Feng asked hurriedly.

"Boss, you don't have to worry. In fact, nothing big happened. Just the day after you left, another real estate company called Dewen Real Estate came. They offered 600,000 alliance coins to acquire the place where the orphanage was. The land is said to be subject to major development in the future, so the price is so high.”

Terada Yuri said.

"Then, Dean Uchino agreed?"

Qianye Feng continued to ask.

"Originally, the dean didn't want to sell, but Dewen Real Estate made an offer she couldn't refuse."

Terada Yuri gave up and paused for a moment.

But after seeing his boss's face getting worse and worse, he quickly continued:

"They promised to sponsor the orphanage every year to have a few places to enter the new trainer school in the town. This is the main reason why the infield director agreed to sell the land to them.

She hopes that the children can go to school. There was no such condition before. The dean himself could only teach us some simple knowledge, and then we could only rely on ourselves to learn. "

Terada Yuri also said with emotion after finishing speaking.

It was already difficult for their orphanage to survive before, and she could only rely on self-study to learn some knowledge about breeders.

However, she knew that if she could enter school, she could learn the knowledge she was interested in more effectively and systematically.

"So where do everyone in the orphanage live now?"

Qianye Feng asked his biggest doubt.

"After selling the land, the dean feels that she is now able to let the children live the life they want. In addition, she also feels that she has caused you a lot of trouble before and does not want to continue to trouble you. Take responsibilities that are not yours.

Therefore, the director bought another house relatively close to the trainer's school as a new residence for the orphanage. They had all moved there in the past few days. "

Terada Yuri said cautiously.

She was also afraid that her boss would be angry because of this. After all, she had agreed to let everyone in the orphanage live at Chiba Farm, but now something happened.

"This is a good thing. You don't have to think too much. I didn't think carefully enough before. It's too late for me to be happy that Dean and the others can go to a good place!"

Qianye Feng said with a smile.

After listening to Terada Yuri's words, Chiba Feng was a little angry at first. After all, he had said well before, but now he suddenly changed his mind without consulting himself.

But then I thought about it, when Rie Uchino brought everyone from the orphanage to live at Chiba Farm, she was actually forced to do so.

The only house had been burned down. Although the Elf Alliance compensated 100,000 alliance coins afterwards, to be honest, there was not much money left after the house was built.

For the sake of the future life of the children, Rie Uchino was willing to build the new orphanage on the Chiba Farm. The purpose was actually to allow Chiba Kaede to help out.

However, now that she has unexpectedly received a large amount of demolition money, she will no longer be able to accept funding from Qianye Feng, who is an orphan and is only 12 years old.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Qianye Feng felt that he had nothing to complain about.

Moreover, his previous thinking was a bit simple, and his help exceeded a certain limit, which made both parties feel uncomfortable.

This may also have a lot to do with the fact that he came to this world alone and wanted to be accompanied by his family to make up for his emptiness.

Now Qianye Feng has figured out that he can help the orphanage, but there is no need to go to the same level as before.

And he is no longer alone now. He already has many elf companions who can depend on each other for life and death, and Yuri Terada, who can be a confidant.

"By the way, boss, Yuta plans to go to a trainer's school, so he doesn't plan to continue working on the farm.

As for Yuyi, the orphanage has just moved there these days, so she needs to go to the director's house to help her for a few days. After things stabilize there, she will come back to work on our farm. She said she likes the working environment on our farm. "

Seeing that Chiba Kaede was not angry, Terada Yuri continued.

"Well, I have a general understanding of the matter. What about your plans, Yuri? I know that your dream is to become an elf breeder. Now that you have the opportunity to study at a trainer's school, don't you plan to go?"

Chiba Kaede looked at Terada Yuri and asked.

"Me, I don't have to. I like life here very much. Moreover, I can continue to study here and have the opportunity to research and make energy cubes. I am already very satisfied with this and will not rob my younger brothers and sisters. Our quota is up.

Seriously speaking, I am no longer a member of the orphanage. I have actually left the orphanage. "

Terada Yuri did not hide it and directly expressed her inner thoughts.

She really thought so. Because the situation in the orphanage was not good before, she gave more help. Now that the orphanage has a large amount of funds, she can breathe a sigh of relief and live a good life. Of course, she I still go back to the orphanage often to see my younger brothers and sisters.

"By the way, boss, there is one more thing that is quite unspeakable. I feel a little sorry for you, boss.

That is, Yuta's proud swallow was given to the boss by you as a farm employee benefit. Now that he has left the farm early, Yuta would like to ask if he can compensate the boss by purchasing it. After all, he is already very familiar with the proud swallow. , don’t want to lose this partner. "

Terada Yuri was also a little blushing about this. After all, Mizuno Yuta had received the benefits of the farm in advance, but now he decided to go to the trainer school without consulting the boss, and he did not want to give up the initial elf Arrogant Swallow, but as his younger brother, As a sister, she could only shamelessly help him reconcile.

"No need, I'll just take Arrogant Swallow as a gift for him to go to the trainer's school, but I still hope he treats Arrogant Swallow well!"

Chiba Kaede originally gave Yuta Mizuno the opportunity to work at Chiba Farm because of Terada Yuri's face, and wanted to train him to embark on the path of a trainer. Since he is not needed now, he will not rush to provide benefits.

As for Ao Guyan, her relationship with Mizuno Yuta is already too deep, and there is no point in coming back, so she might as well be more generous.

Of course, if Yuta Mizuno encounters any problems or encounters any trouble in the future, don't expect him to help again.

He is not a victim. If Mizuno Yuta could wait until he came back before discussing the matter with him, would he still disagree with him going to the trainer school?

Now, he made the decision in advance and asked Yuri Terada to make peace for him afterwards. It was obvious that he wanted to make the matter an established fact first, so that he would have no reason to object to his leaving.

"Thank you so much, boss. I will definitely work hard in the future to make up for your losses, boss."

When Terada Yuri saw that Chiba Kaede did not intend to recover Ao Guyan, she was very grateful and also felt a little guilty.

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