I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 89 Encountering the Shuttlecock Grass Group

"That may be the case. Anyway, I didn't find that this change had any bad effects on the turkey chicks!"

At this time, Chiba Kaede could only follow what Dr. Odamaki said.

"This situation is very rare. I plan to simulate an environment full of fire energy in the future and let the fire chick elf eggs hatch in it to see if the same situation as your fire chick will occur."

Dr. Odamaki doesn't know if this is an exception, but if the turkey chicks can be hatched in that environment, the affinity of the turkey chicks to fire energy can definitely be improved.

"Then I wish you success, Doctor. In addition, if anything unusual happens to the Fire Chicken, I will communicate with you in time, Doctor."

Chiba Kaede also has his own ideas about this. After all, the training of the Fire Chicken has not started yet, and he does not know if anything abnormal will happen in this situation. With the support of the knowledgeable Dr. Odamaki, That couldn't be better.

"If so, that would be great!"

Dr. Odamaki was also very happy after hearing Qianye Kaede's words. He felt that the conduct and temper of the young man in front of him were very in line with his wishes, and his favorability level went up to a higher level.

"By the way, doctor, this is the elf fossil I obtained."

Qianye Feng did not forget the purpose of his trip. He quickly took out the elf fossil from his backpack and handed it to Dr. Odamaki.

"Well, it is indeed an elf fossil, and it is well preserved and can be resurrected."

After taking the elf fossil in his hand and observing it carefully, Dr. Odamaki came to this conclusion that satisfied Chiba Kaede.

Although he knew that fossils could be resurrected before, he was still not sure whether the elf fossil he obtained was suitable for resurrection.

Now, with the assurance given by Dr. Odamaki, he was relieved.

"Then please leave it to Doctor You. If there is anything else that you need me to cooperate with during the resurrection of the elf fossil, just give me your instructions!"

Qianye Feng said excitedly.

"As long as you have this intention, I will need about a week of preparation time to fully resurrect the elves inside. Then, give me another week or so in the gym to conduct research, and then you can come and pick up the resurrection The fossil elves have come out.”

Dr. Odamaki gave an estimated time for resurrection, as well as the time it would take for his own research.

"No problem, then I won't disturb you, Doctor. Just wait until Doctor, after you finish studying the resurrected fossil elves, then contact me to come and get it."

Seeing that the matter had been settled, Qianye Feng stopped staying too much. After all, both parties were very busy. Well, the other party was more busy, but he didn't lack time now.

"Then I won't try to keep you here. I have to hurry up and prepare materials related to the resurrection of the elf fossils."

Dr. Odamaki said goodbye to Chiba Kaede with a smile.

This is indeed not his excuse. Using the fossil resurrector to revive fossils is not as simple as imagined.

The genes of elves are extracted from fossils and reassembled into elves. The resurrected elves are not exactly the same as before, and they have no memory of the past.

Elves resurrected through fossils generally possess rock attributes, which also proves that the resurrected elves are not exactly the same as their ancient counterparts, but that their genes have been changed to some extent by being sealed in rocks for a long time.

During this resurrection process, the cost of nutrient solution and various materials that need to be consumed is not a small amount. If it were not for Dr. Odamaki's research needs, it would be difficult for Qianye Kaede to collect this cost in a short time. .

Having successfully completed the purpose of this trip, Qianye Feng felt very comfortable, as if a layer of burden had been lifted and a major event had been settled.

As Qianye Feng's number one younger brother, King Yan felt better after seeing his trainer so happy, so his flight path became somewhat arbitrary.

"Ugh, Da Wang Yan, please stop spinning!"

Once the King Swallow gets excited, even Qianye Feng, its trainer, is helpless.

It's just that his body can't bear it anymore. It feels like the breakfast he had this morning is about to escape from his stomach, and he can't stop it.

At this time, King Yan will be calm for a while, and it will not start to sprout again until Qianye Feng calms down the urge to vomit.

"This guy, Da Wang Yan, deliberately made me look embarrassed. I have taken note of this grudge and will practice it when I get back!"

Qianye Feng covered her mouth with one hand to prevent vomiting, but silently made a note to Wang Yan in her heart.

"That's Shuttlecock Grass. The King Swallow flies in the direction of Shuttlecock Grass."

Qianye Feng inadvertently looked diagonally below him and found a group of shuttlecocks flying in the air in the opposite direction to them. If he hadn't happened to see them just now, he would have missed this group of shuttlecocks.

After hearing the trainer's words, the big king swallow temporarily put away its thoughts of teasing him and flew obediently in the direction of the shuttlecock grasses, although it didn't know why the trainer wanted to get close to these shuttlecock grasses.

Qianye Feng didn't expect that he would be so lucky. He met the shuttlecock grass group just after he went out. Of course, this may also have a lot to do with the shuttlecock grass being not rare.

If you can bring these shuttlecocks back to the farm and teach them green grass, then it will be very convenient to plant any crops in the future.

Soon, the King Swallow flew among the shuttlecock grass group, and the shuttlecock grasses were not prepared for their arrival and just looked at them curiously.

Because shuttlecocks are very light and can float gently with the wind, they usually move around by the wind. They will float wherever the wind blows.

After trainers have conquered the shuttlecock grass, they need to pay great attention to sudden strong winds, otherwise it will be very troublesome to find it after the shuttlecock grass is blown away.

"Come out, Shuttlecock Flower!"

Qianye Feng thought that he had brought the shuttlecock flower with him this time, so he let it go.

After seeing the shuttlecock flower, the shuttlecocks seemed very happy. They flew around it and rubbed their faces against it from time to time.

Shuttlecock Flower was very happy to see so many of her kind at once, touching them and hugging them.

It was originally a shuttlecock in a large group, but later got separated from the large group, and was later brought back to Qianye Farm by Qianye Feng, where it lives until now.

"Shuttlecock Flower, I would like to ask you to help communicate with the Shuttlecock Flowers to see if we can let them live in our Chiba Farm."

After seeing that the time was almost up, Qianye Feng explained his purpose to Shuttlecock Flower.

After hearing Qianye Feng's words, Shuttlecock Flower's eyes lit up as she had no idea at first.

There are only three of them living in Chiba Farm, and they often need to be separated due to trainer reasons.

If these shuttlecocks can be brought to live in Chiba Farm, then they will not feel lonely. After all, shuttlecocks prefer to live in groups.

The rest of the time was left to the shuttlecock, which was seen flying up and down, chirping and introducing something to the shuttlecocks around it. Whenever it saw a shuttlecock that had a different opinion, it would go to it in person to give it an advantage, until Until it nods.

After about half an hour, the shuttlecocks finally unanimously agreed and decided to follow the shuttlecock boss to live on the Chiba Farm.

The shuttlecock looked a little exhausted, which showed that it had spent a lot of effort to convince all the shuttlecocks.

While the shuttlecocks were persuading the shuttlecocks, Qianye Maple was not idle either. He quietly signaled the king swallow to change the direction of the airflow in the area and pushed the shuttlecocks towards the direction of the Qianye Farm.

By the time the shuttlecocks agreed to settle at Chiba Farm, in fact, they were almost arriving at Chiba Farm without knowing it.

Qianye Maple has made two preparations. Even if the shuttlecock flowers fail to convince the shuttlecock grasses, he plans to take them to Qianye Farm first and let them experience the life in Qianye Farm. If he still cannot keep them by then , which only proves that these shuttlecock grasses have no fate with him.

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