I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 90 Farm Daily

"We're already here, welcome to Chiba Farm!"

Qianye Feng welcomed the new shuttlecocks who joined the farm.

Qianye Feng has carefully confirmed on the way back that the number of shuttlecocks in this shuttlecock group is 17, which is considered a relatively small group. However, with the addition of these shuttlecocks, it can meet the current needs of Qianye Farm. .

After arriving at the Chiba Farm, the shuttlecock group also landed on the grass and jumped up and down in the open space in front of the Chiba Maple House. They immediately attracted the attention of the shuttlecock who followed Terada Yuri out to check what was going on outside the house.

After seeing so many shuttlecocks, the shuttlecock didn't care about Yuri Terada for the time being, and ran directly over, happily blending into the shuttlecock without any sense of disobedience.

"Boss, did you collect these shuttlecock grasses on the road?"

Terada Yuri was also a little surprised by the sudden appearance of so many shuttlecocks, but now that there are many elves in the farm, she has become accustomed to it.

"I just invite them to settle in Chiba Farm. By the way, I need to trouble you to contact Uncle Henry and ask him to come over and build us another house for the shuttlecocks to live in."

Qianye Feng was worried about letting these shuttlecocks sleep in the wild. Otherwise, when they woke up, the shuttlecocks might be blown away by the wind.

As for now, you can let the shuttlecocks protect these shuttlecocks. After evolution, the shuttlecocks can resist the strong winds from the outside, thus protecting themselves from being blown away.

Of course, shuttlecocks can also resist by tying their leaves to each other, but they are afraid that the strong wind will come too suddenly and they will be blown away before they can hug each other.

Another purpose of arranging shuttlecock flowers to take care of shuttlecock grass is to let them teach shuttlecock grass field skills to shuttlecock grass. I believe that as long as shuttlecock flowers with good understanding can often feel the breath released from the grass field, they will soon be able to realize this. Skill.

As for the shuttlecock grass that is relatively slow to perceive life energy, Qianye Maple can strengthen their perception by using its own abilities. I believe that even the slow shuttlecock grass can quickly comprehend the green grass field skills with the help of this ability.

Of course, the professor's green grass field energy cannot be wasted. Qianye Feng directly led the shuttlecocks and shuttlecock cotton to the planting site in the backyard. Temporarily placing the shuttlecock group in the backyard can also protect these plants.

After arriving in the backyard, Qianye Feng could feel that the concentration of life energy here was much higher than in other places.

This is because the shuttlecocks often release grass field skills here to generate a large amount of life energy. Even if most of the life energy is absorbed by the resurrection grass and vitality roots, some life energy will always remain.

Moreover, during the growth process, the Resurrection Grass and Vitality Root will also spontaneously emit some life energy to the outside world.

After discovering this situation, Qianye Feng thought that when conditions permit in the future, he could build a greenhouse-like place specifically for planting resurrection grass and vitality roots.

This closed environment can effectively prevent the diffusion of life energy, increase the concentration of life energy in the internal environment, and better promote their growth.

"Cheers, I hope our Chiba Farm can get better and better!"

That night, Chiba Kaede took out the juice obtained from Tsutsubo and filled it with Terada Yuri and Takemoto Yui respectively to celebrate the successful conclusion of the artificial lake expansion project.

"Wow, this juice is so delicious. I have never had such a delicious juice before, don't you think so, sister Yuri!"

After taking a sip, Takemoto Yui felt the sweetness in her mouth and said with bright eyes.

"It's really delicious. I didn't expect the juice brewed by the potters to taste so good!"

After Terada Yuri took a sip of the juice in the cup, she couldn't help but admire it.

With the combination of these delicious juices, everyone was very satisfied with the meal. They were in a happy and warm mood until their stomachs were full.

The next day,

Qianye Feng, who had nothing else to do, rarely did farm work. He first cleaned the houses of the Meli sheep. In order to allow the Meli sheep to sleep well at night, they needed to clean their houses regularly. , do a good job of hygiene, otherwise, these Meili sheep will easily get sick.

After that, Qianye Maple went to the backyard planting area to weed. Because grass fields are often used here, the growth of weeds here is also very alarming. As long as you are not careful, the weeds will grow taller than resurrection grass.

After being busy until noon, Qianye Feng finally finished all these things.

After lunch, Qianye Feng took Fire Chicken to an open space.

Now that the turkey chick is out of its infancy, Qianye Feng feels that it is time to start formulating a training plan for it. Previously, due to the expansion of the artificial lake project, it had not been taken into consideration.

After some testing by Qianye Feng, he understood the skills that Huo Zhiji now has.

Scratch, scream, spark, flash, flame jet

Qianye Feng is not surprised that the Fire Chicken can master the first four skills. However, it is somewhat surprising that the Fire Chicken can master the fire-attribute trick of jetting flames as he has just left the juvenile stage.

A Fire Chicken generally needs to evolve into a Strong Chicken before the total amount of fire energy in its body can support it to use the flame jet skill.

Generally speaking, a strong chicken that can comprehend the skill of spraying flames is actually on the edge of evolution. If its strength improves a little more, it can evolve into a flame chicken.

It can be seen from this that the talent of the Fire Chicken is so good, or in other words, the total amount of fire energy stored in its body is definitely far beyond the reserves of ordinary Fire Chickens.

After Qianye Feng's test, the fire attribute energy in the current fire chicken's body is enough for it to use the flame spray skill twice. This is actually terrifying. The power of the flame spray skill is not comparable to the spark skill.

Seeing that the Fire Chicken had become a little sluggish after using the flame-spraying skill twice, Qianye Feng quickly took out a few energy cubes for it to eat to help it regain its strength.

During this period, Qianye Feng also discovered an interesting phenomenon, that is, when the fire attribute energy consumption in the body of the fire chick is relatively large, the color of the feathers on its head will also become dim. After the energy is restored, the head feathers will become bright again.

Seeing this scene, Qianye Feng had some suspicions in his heart.

For unknown reasons, the head feathers of the turkey chicks have undergone some mutations, which can store a large amount of fire energy for the turkey chicks to use.

In this way, the total amount of fire attribute energy that the Fire Chicken can use is greatly increased, which is why it can use the flame jet skill at this level.

Qianye Feng lifted the chick up with both hands and observed it carefully before his eyes. However, he found no other abnormalities. However, he felt that there should be nothing wrong with his guess.

The trainer held the young fire chicken in his hand and looked it up and down, feeling a little baffled.

However, it thought the trainer was playing with itself, so it didn't resist. Instead, it happily accepted the trainer's touch, and would nuzzle the trainer's hand with its little head from time to time.

After seeing the cute performance of the little chicken, Qianye Feng also gave up his desire to continue exploring and started playing with the little chicken.

The whole body of the turkey chick is covered with fluffy feathers. When you hold it, it is as warm as a hot water bottle. If it is winter, as long as you have such a turkey chick in your arms, you will not feel the cold.

After playing with the fire chicken for a while, Qianye Feng put it on the ground and let it run on the ground by itself, and he also began to think about his future arrangements.

After working hard for such a long time, Qianye Feng doesn't want to go out and challenge the gym immediately. After all, there are still more than five months until the opening of the Caiyu Conference. There is plenty of time to obtain the badges of the remaining four gyms. He doesn't need to be too nervous.

Finally, Qianye Feng thought of a good place to go, which was the beach where he had just crossed over. It was deserted and very suitable for training and vacation.

Thank you book friends for your monthly ticket support for this endless dream and ghost story!

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