I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 91 Fishing Gear

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was going on. Qianye Feng directly summoned King Yan Chao and asked him to fly to Kaina City.

After arriving in Kaina City, Qianye Feng went directly to the department store. In his opinion, the things here were very complete. He was not disappointed every time he came here, and I believe this time will be no exception.

Qianye Feng first came to a fishing gear store, ready to choose a fishing rod that came to hand. He was still very interested in fishing. Of course, whether in his previous life or this life, he was still in the budding stage now.

There are two ways of fishing in the Pokémon world. One is fishing for ordinary fish. The process is not much different from the previous life. Fishing with hooks and bait is also used, which is also the leisure way of most ordinary people.

The other is to fish for water-type elves. Generally, only elf trainers dare to do this. After all, before you pull up the fishing rod, you can’t predict what kind of elf you will catch. The elves caught are generally very angry. If the body is not protected by the elves, then the chance of being cool is very high.

There are risks for elf trainers when fishing. Legend has it that a trainer caught a Kyogre while fishing in the sea.

This was originally bullshit luck like winning a jackpot, but if the trainer is not strong enough, it will be a Muggle. It is said that the fisherman was seriously injured and dying after being hit by an angry Kyogre's root wave. He never dared to go fishing again.

Of course, when Qianye Feng heard this story, he just regarded it as a joke.

However, this also reflects the risks of fishing for elves from the side. Even if what is caught is not Kyogre, but a Gyarados or Megalodon, it can still kill most ordinary trainers in an instant, although the probability is relatively small. But this possibility is not impossible.

Therefore, in Qianye Feng's view, the senior fishing guys in this world are all real big guys, at least they must have the strength, otherwise they basically won't live long.

The fishing rods and fishing lines used to fish for elves are specially made and need to be able to withstand the power of the elves in the water. The fishhook uses a special bait. This bait will emit a strange fragrance in the water. The elves are easily attracted by this scent and bite the hook.

After choosing for a long time, Qianye Feng finally bought a complete set of fishing equipment. In addition to fishing rods, there were also several common baits, parasols, folding stools, etc. These things together cost him more than 10,000 alliance coins. Of course, the bulk of the money is mainly spent on fishing rods.

After that, Qianye Feng purchased some tools for wild camping, and then left Kaina City to return to his farm. The main reason was that he was afraid that he would lose control and consume all the balance in his mobile phone.

"Boss, where have you been just now? I asked Ao Guoyan to look for you and couldn't find you. Uncle Henry will be here soon and I need you to designate the location for building the house."

Takemoto Yui breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Qianye Feng come in, and then said.

Before, Qianye Feng only asked her to contact Uncle Henry and did not specify where to build the shuttlecocks' houses. She couldn't just find a location and let Uncle Henry build it.

"I just went to Kaina City. As for the shuttlecocks' house, it should be built at the right rear of our house. This will also make it easier for them to take care of the plants in the backyard."

Qianye Feng replied with a smile.

About half an hour later, I saw a large truck parked steadily in the open space in front of the house.

Qianye Feng hurried out to greet him. At this time, he discovered something that surprised him. It turned out that the driver was not Uncle Henry, but his partner Haoli.

"Don't look so surprised, young man, Haoli has passed the elf driver training in Kaina City. Now this guy's driving skills are better than mine, so I usually let him be the driver, haha !”

After Uncle Henry jumped out of the passenger seat of the truck and noticed Qianye Feng's strange look, he laughed and explained that it was obvious that he had encountered this situation many times before.

"Ahem, I'm going to trouble Uncle Henry again this time. If you need my help in any way, just tell me."

Qianye Feng coughed twice to resolve his ignorance, and then spoke.

"You just need to tell me the construction location. Haoli and I haven't fallen to the point where we need help from our employer!"

Uncle Henry knows that Qianye Feng means well, but he also has his own rules for doing things, which is why he can get so many loyal customers.

Uncle Henry and Hao Li were very familiar with building this kind of house. It only took one afternoon to build it. Of course, this was also related to the fact that the materials for building the house were already prepared and they only needed to assemble it.

With this house, the shuttlecocks finally have a place to sleep, and they no longer need to worry about them being blown away by the wind while sleeping.

After dinner, Chiba Kaede and Terada Yuri talked about their plans to go out for training for a few days.

Terada Yuri is not surprised by this. She now understands her boss's character a little, and knows that he is not the kind of person who can live a stable life, or not now.

Yuri Terada feels that what she can do is to help her boss prepare enough supplies so that he does not have to worry about these chores.

Early the next morning, after Qianye Feng checked his backpack and found that nothing was missing, he came to the open space in front of the door. At this time, Da Wangyan and the others were already waiting here.

Wang Yan also missed the beach he was about to go to. After all, that was the place where he was born and where he became attached to his trainer. Without that encounter, his current life would not be possible.

After bidding farewell to the two girls, Qianye Feng rode on the back of Da Wang Yan and looked at the scenery below. Although everything below was full of trees, he could still vaguely remember the path he took out of the forest.

At that time, he was in a panic every step of the way. There was only one proud swallow beside him, but he had to cross a primitive forest. There were countless dangers hidden in it. He was very lucky to be able to walk out of it.

At that time, if he had encountered the same crisis as the wrist-strength trainer, it would have been difficult for him to escape unscathed.

With inexplicable emotion, Qianye Feng finally came to the beach where he was. Walking on the soft sand made him feel like he was revisiting his old place. It could be said that this was the starting point for him to come to this world.

Under the big tree near the jungle, there are still traces of his life. He relied on the garbage collected from the seaside to survive that difficult time.

After sighing for a while, Qianye Feng released all the elves, making the peaceful beach suddenly become noisy.

Except for King Yan, this place was completely unfamiliar to other elves. However, the elves all fell in love with this place after they came out.

“Everyone is free to move around today and do whatever you want, but it’s best not to run too far and pay attention to safety.”

Qianye Feng said to the elves who had begun to let themselves go.

Yes, he was here for vacation today. After all, he had been busy for so long, so it was time to enjoy it. As for training, it wouldn't be too late to wait until tomorrow.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng also started to get busy, setting up a temporary camp first. This time, it was the wrist that came to help. As for Heracross, he was already lying on a big tree, happily sucking the delicious sap.

"Thank you, Wrist!"

After the camp was set up, Qianye Feng patted Zhili's shoulder and thanked him.


Wrist strength seemed to be a piece of cake, and then I planned to find a place to practice.

"Warrior, don't leave yet. I'm going to go fishing for elves later. I don't know what kind of elves I will catch. Just stay with me as a bodyguard!"

Qianye Feng stopped the wrist who was about to exercise, and then said.

Of course, for the sake of his own safety, Qianye Feng planned to have his three generals of sea, land and air guard him.

Later, Qianye Feng followed Da Wang Yan, Mosquito Repellent Lord, and Zhi Li to a reef area on the edge of the beach and planned to start fishing.

After investigation by Mr. Mosquito Repellent, this place belongs to a deep water area with a water depth of more than 3 meters.

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