I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 123 Chapter 125 Mortuary


The man with glasses seemed to notice Suzuki Maika's doubts, put his index finger on his mouth with the other hand, and smiled mysteriously.

Then he lowered his head and continued to perform cardiac compressions on the seriously injured.

"Hoo, hoo—"

Under Uchiha Naruto's continuous direct chest opening and heart compression, the seriously injured man's eyelids twitched, and a slight moan came from his mouth.

Suzuki Maika hurriedly held the injured man's wrist, and found through the pulse that the injured man's heartbeat had recovered.

At this moment, an emergency siren sounded from the school gate, and an ambulance rushed directly into the school gate with a dazzling red light on its roof.

Naruto Uchiha nodded, and quickly pulled his hand out of the seriously injured man's chest, and then wiped the wound, and the whole wound healed without medicine.

There was not even a trace of suture left, and no one would believe that the bare-handed chest opening was performed just now, except for what Suzuki Maika had seen with her own eyes.

From a clinical point of view, it is difficult to stop bleeding with bare hands, but it is also true. Opening the chest with bare hands is something I have never heard of, and it is almost like witchcraft.

"Just now, what happened?"

Suzuki Maika couldn't believe her eyes, and wondered if she had made a mistake when she was in a panic. She wanted to ask the young doctor to find out what happened, but she saw the medical staff in the ambulance, under the guidance of the faculty and staff. He rushed over with a stretcher.

"Here, here! The wounded here are the most serious!"

The medical staff on the ambulance rushed over, opened the eyelids of the seriously injured, and urgently checked the wounds of the seriously injured, and said a little strangely:

"The heartbeat is normal and the breathing is normal. Although the blood loss is a bit serious, it is not life-threatening. Such a serious wound has not been sutured. How did you stop the bleeding?"

"It was to stop the bleeding with bare hands." Suzuki Maika said in surprise.

"How is this possible? Did you do it?"

"It's not me, it's a young doctor wearing disc glasses. Where is he now?" Suzuki Maika looked around blankly.

In the short period of confusion after the medical staff arrived, one lost his mind, and the man suddenly disappeared.

"Let's not talk about this now, we're going to send people to the ambulance."

The medical personnel, together with several teaching staff, sent several wounded to the ambulance.

Suzuki Maika stayed where she was in a daze, just in time to see a middle-aged faculty member passing by who had been there before, and hurriedly asked:

"The young doctor wearing disc glasses, Director Fujiwara, have you seen him? Is he from our school, or a student's parent... a student's relative?"

Because Yaoshidou's appearance was too young, Suzuki Maixiang changed his words in the middle of what he said.

"It's the face I saw for the first time. Thanks to him this time, otherwise Mr. Asano would be in danger. How could there be such a serious car accident in school..." the middle-aged staff sighed.

Although Suzuki Maika had many questions, she didn't even know the name of the young doctor. Even if she told him about opening his chest with bare hands and healing the wound with bare hands, no one would believe her. In the end, she could only return to the health care classroom angrily.

At the same time, Uchiha Naruto's shadow avatar, who was incarnated through penetration, got into the large ambulance before.

The seriously injured driver, after being sent to the car, has been undergoing emergency rescue by the doctor on board.

Emergency personnel performed ECG, blood pressure, and blood oxygen monitoring for the seriously injured. It was essential to perform blood transfusion immediately, and began to treat abdominal wounds in the ambulance.

"A fifteen-centimeter open wound on the abdomen, and the intestines are exposed. Hey, such a serious injury, judging from the accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity, it should have injured an artery. It's incredible how the bleeding was stopped..."

The doctor in the ambulance was busy with his hands, but he was amazed in his mouth.

"Do you still need to inject Nabaquting?"

"No need, just continue to transfuse him. It's really strange. This is the first time I've seen such a stubborn patient."

The doctor on the ambulance glanced at the electrocardiogram of the monitoring equipment on the car, which showed that the injured person's condition was very stable.

However, just by looking at the open wound on the injured abdomen, he knew that the injury was serious. Based on his many years of experience in the emergency department, such an injured must be sent to the emergency room for first aid in order to have a chance of survival.

However, the condition of the injured was quite stable, and his life was no longer in danger, as if someone had given him first aid.

Seeing the blood on the injured face recover, the doctor can only sigh with emotion that people's physiques are different.

[Proficiency +1]

Naruto Uchiha in the ambulance stretched his hand back calmly and ended the treatment.

I have to say that medical ninjutsu is really amazing. Even a high school student like Naruto Uchiha, who has no medical knowledge at all, can use medical ninjutsu to bring people back from life and death.

Using medical ninjutsu on the seriously injured, the proficiency of medical ninjutsu rose rapidly.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be possible to upgrade medical ninjutsu to LV3 by saving dozens of seriously injured and dying patients? Naruto Uchiha thought greedily.

Since this is the case, Naruto Uchiha felt that it was necessary to go to the hospital.

If you ask the modern city, which is the best place to practice medical ninjutsu, it must be a hospital.

Every patient walking in the hospital is a mobile experience package.

That's why Naruto Uchiha took this ride and went to the hospital to practice his hands to see how far LV2's medical ninjutsu can go.

The ambulance arrived at the Nippon Medical University Hospital in Sendagi-chome, Bunkyo-ku.

In addition to being equipped with the latest emergency center and surgery department, this hospital is designated by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as a base hospital for cancer diagnosis and treatment, and is one of the leading university hospitals in Japan.

Should it be called a hospital?

After getting off the ambulance, Ming Uchiha walked to the corridor of the hospital, smelling the smell of disinfectant in the air, and felt that the hospital was much colder than the outside world. This was not only because the air conditioner in the hospital was already turned on enough, but also It has a psychological effect.

This is a hospital, and it can be said that it is the closest place to death in a big city. It can be said that the initial stop and end point of most people are spent in the hospital, and countless life and death partings are staged here every year.

Naruto Uchiha walked around the first floor of the Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University, and did not rush to find the patient, but went down, passed through the underground parking garage of the hospital, and came to the mortuary on the second basement floor.

The door of the mortuary is locked without accident. Naruto Uchiha is considering what ninjutsu to use so that he can go in without breaking the door lock.

At this moment, two sneaky figures sneaked out a bunch of keys, opened the door of the morgue, and slipped in.

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