I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 124 Chapter 126 The corpse is talking (4k)

Seeing the sneaky appearance of these two people, Naruto Uchiha touched his chin, could they be thieves?

The hospital has always been a high-incidence area for thieves and scammers. Not only is this place a lot of people, but also the family members of the patients carry cash.

But why would you come to the morgue if you want to steal something? Even daring to move the wealth of the dead, this is too courageous.

Among them was a short and fat man who was still wearing a hospital security uniform and was carrying a mortuary key.

Naruto Uchiha pondered for a moment, and slipped in quietly while the two of them opened the door.

The hospital was already cold enough, and in order to preserve the remains in the mortuary, the air conditioner was turned on to the maximum without hesitation. As soon as I entered the mortuary, I felt chilly, and the hairs on my back stood on end.

If one thinks that there are still an unknown number of corpses lying there, it will send chills down the spine even more.

"Sasaki, you need to move faster! Because my colleague disappeared, I was able to temporarily cut off the monitoring of the mortuary, but if it takes a little longer, I'm afraid someone will find out that something is wrong." .

"Okay, I understand. Thank you very much this time, Ito."

The other person who came into the morgue was a thin middle-aged man in a black windbreaker. He walked around the huge morgue before asking suspiciously:

"Well, Ito, where is the corpse transported from the oncology department?"

"How would I know this? This is a mortuary. Our security guards will not come to this place unless it is absolutely necessary. Even if we come to patrol, there are groups of people." The short and fat security guard said with a pale face.

The mortuary is at the bottom of the entire hospital, and the cold atmosphere is naturally the strongest. Thinking about how many corpses the morgue has sent away from the beginning of its establishment to now, and how many corpses have been parked now, give them two The psychological pressure caused by people does not know how great it is.

"Damn it, in this case, we have to open the compartments one by one to find the target." Sasaki was also terrified.

There are hundreds of compartments in the entire mortuary. To open them one by one and find the target's body from inside is like opening a blind box. Who knows how big a 'surprise' will be!

Maybe as soon as the compartment is opened, there will be an incomplete or giant corpse. I am afraid that there will be psychological shadows in this life.

"Ito, come and help. You start from the east compartment, and I start from the west. Let's find it together, and we'll find it quickly!"

"I don't want to do this. It's not the same as what I said. I let you in at the risk of losing my job." The chunky security guard shook his head and refused without thinking.

"I'll add money! On top of the original remuneration, I'll give you another 100,000 yen!"

Sasaki saw that the short and fat security guard was a little moved, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Add 200,000 yen! Do you think I don't know? This is your last month working in the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University. If you don't make a fortune now, you won't have this opportunity in the future."

"All right."

After all, it is money that touches people's hearts, the short and fat security guard struggled a lot, and finally agreed.

Sasaki took out a photo from inside the windbreaker and handed it to the chunky security guard.

"This is the photo of the target. If you find his body in the isolation cabinet, please notify me immediately."

"Sasaki, aren't you a private detective? I always thought that private detectives are just catching adulterers, cheating, and handling trivial things like divorce and family property. When did you start doing this kind of thing?" The chunky security guard asked curiously. .

"Actually, this time is also a fight for family property." Detective Sasaki shook his head and sighed:

"My employer is the target's lover, and she has children with her. This time, the commission is to collect the target's hair, blood and other DNA samples, so as to fight for the inheritance."

Lover means mistress in Japanese.

Private detectives in Japan are not as good as those in TV dramas and anime, and they are involved in various major criminal investigations at every turn. Although the Japanese police are incompetent, they will not be reduced to treating private detectives as saviors.

Private detectives have always wandered on the edge of the law, secretly filming, stalking, and breaking into private houses are commonplace, but this time breaking into the mortuary is also quite a mess.

"It's really a rich man who can't even make peace after death."

The two chatted briefly, then parted ways, one by one, and began to open the isolation cabinet to check the corpses inside.

The chunky security guard came to the east side and opened the top compartment. The faces of the corpses in the first compartment were normal, but there was no special tragedy. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, silently said "Amitabha" and pushed it back, and then prepared to open the compartment below.

Then I heard a slight mournful cry from the compartment:

"Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo—"

"My God! It's haunted!"

The short and fat security guard's face suddenly turned pale, and his mind went blank. He immediately screamed and ran back, rolling and crawling.

"What's it called, you want to provoke others, don't you!?"

Detective Sasaki heard the scream of the short and fat security guard, and hurried over, and then saw the short and fat security guard curled up in the corner, pointing at the isolation room with trembling fingers, his teeth chattering:

"The corpse, the corpse is crying..."

Detective Sasaki's face changed, he also heard a slight cry, and his scalp felt numb for an instant, but he still had the courage to step forward and pull the isolation room away.

There was a male corpse lying in the isolation room, with his mouth slightly open, and faint weeping sounds were coming out of the corpse's mouth!

Detective Sasaki looked at it carefully for a while, moved his nose slightly, and made an expression of wanting to vomit on his face.

But smelling this stench made him feel certain. He took out the gloves and mask from the windbreaker pocket, put them on, and then closed the corpse's mouth with his hands, and the screaming stopped abruptly.

"Don't worry, it's not haunted. It's the sound of the enzymes in the digestive organs still decomposing food residues after death, producing gas, which is emitted from the mouth."

Detective Sasaki immediately gave a scientific and reasonable explanation, and he comforted the chunky security guard.


Even if there was a reasonable explanation, the shocking strange noise just now made the short and fat security guard's legs weak and he couldn't even stand up.

"Hurry up and look for it. If you can't find the target's body, you won't even have to pay more money, even the original agreed 500,000 yen!"

Under the temptation of money, the short and fat security guard got rid of the fear of the dead body and bravely continued to open the isolation cabinet.

Detective Sasaki searched the westernmost rows of isolation cabinets and found nothing.

At this time, he noticed a dead body covered with a white cloth lying on the stainless steel bed against the wall on the west side.

Detective Sasaki stepped forward and was about to remove the white cloth from the corpse.

His hand was still out in the air, and at this moment, the corpse sat up on the spot!

Detective Sasaki's body froze in an instant, like a rusted robot, and the expression on his face froze in an instant.

Although Detective Sasaki knew about fresh corpses, sometimes his hands and feet would vibrate, but it was impossible for such a big movement!

The weeping sound from the corpse before could be explained by the exhaust of gas from the mouth, but how to explain the corpse that suddenly sat up in front of it, no matter how exhausted it is, it is impossible to support the human body! ?


Instead of jumping off the stainless steel bed, the corpse turned sideways and began to vomit.

Seeing this kind of reaction like a living person, Detective Sasaki regained his sanity a little bit, and took a closer look, and found that the body was still wearing a security uniform.

This is not a fake corpse at all, but a living person sleeping in the morgue.

After the unknown security guard took off the white cloth on his body, a strong hangover smell rushed to the tip of Sasaki's nose. After the security guard vomited, he lay back on the bed again and fell asleep soundly.

"Ito, do you know this rotten alcoholic?"

Detective Sasaki wiped the sweat off his forehead, and said in a blunt tone.

He didn't admit it, at that moment just now, he was really frightened, and he almost ran away.

"It's Xiaofeng from the monitoring room. I'm still wondering where he went. The smell of alcohol in his body, how much did he drink? After drinking, he hid in the morgue and was lazy. He really is a salary thief!"

The chunky security guard came over, looked at the sleeping security guard, and said indignantly.

The chubby security guard seemed to have completely forgotten the fact that he ate inside and outside and brought outsiders into the morgue.

"Forget it, look for it quickly, lest you have long nights and dreams."

Detective Sasaki shook his head, the feeling of staying in the mortuary was really uncomfortable, and he felt like his heart was about to jump out of him.

The two started to search for the target's body separately again. This time it took five minutes to search from both sides to the middle. When Detective Sasaki opened an isolation room, the accident happened again.

At the door of the morgue, there was a loud noise, crackling, and then the sound of keys opening the door.

It seems that someone is coming!

Detective Sasaki looked around and found that the morgue was very empty, and there was no place to hide people.

Gritting his teeth, he simply got into the isolation room where the corpse was placed, and then whispered to the short and fat security guard:

"Quick, push up the isolation room!"

The short and fat security guard was in a hurry, and quickly pushed the isolation room up.

It was too late to say it, and the next second when the isolation room was pushed up, the door of the morgue was opened. Two nurses pulled a flat cart one after the other. remains.

"Are you a security guard? Why are you here?"

One of the older nurses looked at the chunky security guard suspiciously.

The short and fat security guard rolled his eyes, pointed to the security guard who was still lying on the stainless steel bed in the mortuary, and said anxiously:

"I came to look for him. I didn't see anyone during working hours, so I found him layer by layer and found him sleeping in the morgue."

"Why do you sleep here? If someone sees you unexpectedly, you won't be scared to death."

The nurse looked at the security guard lying inside with a disgusted expression on her face. Her attention was diverted, so she didn't go any further.

"Please, help us store this body in the isolation room."

The chunky security guard and two nurses worked together to put the remains into the isolation room.

"Please get your colleagues out, the morgue is not a place for you to sleep."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The short and fat security guard felt guilty, nodded and bowed quickly.

After the two nurses left, the chunky security guard hurried back to his original position and opened the isolation room.

"People are gone, you can come out."

Detective Sasaki crawled out of the isolation room. Besides him, there was a male body in the isolation room. Seeing this scene, the chubby security guard couldn't help admiring him. Sasaki was so bold that he dared to go in and shrink with the corpse. In a small and dark isolation room, ordinary people simply cannot do such a thing.

Detective Sasaki's face was also pale, and it was obviously not a pleasant memory to be in the same room with the cold corpse.

"Sasaki, isn't this the target we are looking for?" The chunky security guard took out the photos for comparison and said in surprise.

"That's right, it's him!"

Although there were some small episodes, it was still safe and sound, and finally found the target, so that two million yen was in hand.

Detective Sasaki took out a small camera and took a few photos of the face of the dead body.

Then he pulled out a few hairs from the target, carefully put them into the evidence bag, then took out the blood collection needle, and stuck it deeply in the target's finger.

Because the target's blood had already dried up, Detective Sasaki took a lot of effort to collect a blood sample from the body.

"Okay, done!"

"Then I'll move Xiaofeng, a drunk, out. If there's nothing else to do, let's leave. I can't stay in this mortuary any longer."

While the chunky security guard turned his back, Detective Sasaki's eyes flashed, and he quickly took off a platinum wedding ring on the target's right hand, and put it in his pocket.

"Anyway, in the end, the crematorium is cheaper, so it's better to save me."

Before Detective Sasaki came, he had done investigations, and the crematorium cooperated with the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University would extract gold, silver and other precious metals from the ashes.

The ashes contain precious metals such as treated teeth, artificial joints and pacemakers, and refining precious metals from ashes is a big business in Japan.

According to the estimates of the Kyoto city government, which has adopted this measure, their annual income can increase by 120 million yen.

Since the country is sending money to the dead, Detective Sasaki naturally has no psychological pressure and waits to leave the morgue with the chunky security guard.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

At this moment, there was a sound like knocking on the door in the morgue.

The dull, weird knock on the door sounded like a well-modulated alarm clock, which sounded rigidly and rigidly following a fixed frequency.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Detective Sasaki followed the prestige, his scalp was numb, and goosebumps crawled all over his body in an instant.

Because the knock on the door was the isolation room he had stayed in before.

"What's that sound? Is it the sound of a gas leak again?"

The chunky security guard came over with the drunk behind his back. He also heard the weird knock on the door, and looked at Detective Sasaki in surprise.

"Don't worry about it, let's go!"

Detective Sasaki's face turned pale, he swallowed hard, and slowly took two steps back stiffly.

The previous isolation room was pushed away from the inside, and a man with a blue face and corpse spots on his face sat up straight, looking at Detective Sasaki with blank gray eyes:

"give me back--"

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