I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 220 Chapter 221 Fighting the Xixi Tail Beast, Concocting Renzhuli

The upper body of 'Suzuki Junhui' was covered with a dark red chakra coat, which formed fangs and claws like a beast, and even the original face could not be seen.

It looks like a small tailed beast.

It's just that there is no tail, but a bunch of gray-white octopus tentacles, slapping the sea surface with teeth and claws.

"This thing is not an evil spirit or a monster. It is a chakra materialized creature, just like a tailed beast." Naruto Uchiha opened the Sharingan, and three black hook jade appeared in the eyes.

"'Suzuki Junhui', is now the creation of the fusion of Yin and Yang Dun?"

The nine-tailed beast is a man-made chakra creature created by the Sage of the Six Paths using Yin and Yang Dun to divide the ten tails.

Yin Dun is the power of the spirit, which can create form in the invisible; Yang Dun is the power of the body, which can inject life into the form. The combination of the two is Yin Yang Dun.

Uchiha Naruto's Sharingan can see through the nature and color of Chakra, and he can quite assert that 'Suzuki Junhui' is now a violent and chaotic Chakra aggregate.

In addition, it also has the active form of some organisms.

It is the same Chakra creature as Tailed Beast.

"After the monster and the evil spirit merged into one, such an unbelievable change will occur!" Minato Uchiha was shocked, and finally realized it later.

In his previous battles with monsters, he discovered that monsters have strong vitality, can regenerate broken limbs, and automatically repair their bodies.

After the monster dies, its body will disintegrate and turn into ashes.

Now it seems that it is quite abnormal.

"Evil spirits represent the power of yin escape, and the opposite is the power of yang escape. Could it be said that monsters are born with some morphological changes of yang escape?"

In this way, there is a reasonable explanation for the mutation in front of me!

The monster represents the power of yang escape, and after merging with the evil spirit with the changed nature of yin escape, it forms a chakra life like "Suzuki Junhui" that is similar to a tailed beast.

"The unity of yin and yang can obtain the power of everything!"

An inexplicable brilliance flashed in Uchiha Naruto's eyes, recalling the inscriptions on the stone tablet of the Uchiha clan.

Among all escape techniques, Yin-Yang escape is the most mysterious.

Mastering the Yin-Yang Dungeon, one can even realize the great power of creating life, which is almost like a god, like the Immortal of the Six Paths!

"I didn't expect such a windfall."

Naruto Uchiha originally wanted to deal with the evil spirits in Wakasa Bay, but evil spirits of this level are nothing more than dozens of ninjas bursting out.

Relatively speaking, the value of this chakra life form "Suzuki Junhui" combined with yin and yang escape is even greater.

"Although it is also a chakra life form, this kind of chakra amount is completely incomparable with the tailed beast. It is less than one-tenth."

The power of the tail beast is too powerful, and it is regarded as a terrible natural disaster by people.

The tailed beast has almost endless chakra, and the tailed beast jade can easily explode a mountain.

Chakra life forms like this have zero tails in addition to the nine-tailed beasts.

And the "Suzuki Junhui" in front of him is not only mediocre in chakra quality, but also mediocre in chakra quantity.

It can be regarded as a super hard version of Tailed Beast.


It seemed that he had sensed that Naruto Uchiha was harboring evil intentions, or that he hadn't completely vented his anger after slaughtering dozens of people on the scientific research ship and the gunboat before, 'Suzuki Junhui' fixed his violent eyes on him.

After roaring a few times, 'Suzuki Junhui' ran wildly on the sea, rushing towards Naruto Uchiha in a menacing manner.

A beast claw covered by a dark red chakra coat pierced Naruto Uchiha's chest.


What flowed from the wound was not blood, but clear water.

The next moment, Naruto Uchiha turned into water and dissipated in the sea of ​​Wakasa Bay.

'Suzuki Junhui' froze in place, with its intelligence no different from that of a wild beast, it couldn't understand what happened at all.

"Water escape, the technique of water dragon bullet!"

A nearly ten-meter-long sea dragon made of condensed seawater, with ferocious head horns, rushed out from under the sea roaring.

He bit 'Suzuki Junhui' in one bite, and pushed it out towards the sea, creating a white water wave of hundreds of meters.

Naruto Uchiha was wet all over, and got out of the water again.

"Water Dragon Bullet has a total of 44 seals! With so many seals, Kakashi and Zabuzhan have been single for how many years before they have such hand speed and can use Water Dragon Bullet in actual combat." Naruto Uchiha Can't help but complain.

It is rare to come to the sea once, and in such an environment, Naruto Uchiha wants to use the long-sealed water to escape.

Before, he used the water body to lure the enemy, but he secretly prepared the 44 seals of the water dragon bullet technique under the sea to succeed in one fell swoop.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

Under the bite of the water dragon bullet, the dark red chakra coat on the upper body of 'Suzuki Junhui' peeled off a lot like a carapace, revealing half of his face.

Dark red blood like ink flowed from the corner of his mouth.

No, not blood, but black ink!

'Suzuki Junhui' spit out thick ink continuously from his mouth, dyeing the sea area within ten meters below him in pitch black.

"It can spit ink, and it also has octopus tentacles... This Tailed Beast is more and more like Eight Tails." Uchiha Ming laughed, looking very relaxed.

Among the nine-tailed beasts, the eight-tailed beast is second only to the nine-tailed beast.

Before opening the Kaleidoscope Sharingan and getting the power of Susanoo, Naruto Uchiha could not be the opponent of Tailed Beast at all.

If it was really Hachio, Naruto Uchiha would have greased the soles of his feet and fled away.

How can it be like the current leisurely courteous attitude, commenting on "Suzuki Junhui".

It is spitting ink now, is it trying to fish in troubled waters and attack secretly? Or release smoke bombs, dive and escape?

But these little tricks, under the eyes of Naruto Uchiha, there is nothing to hide.

However, the next change made Naruto Uchiha frown.

The ink spit out by 'Suzuki Junhui' turned into two-meter-long black sharks one after another. The black shark fins cut through the sea and swam towards Naruto Uchiha.

With a "plop", several black sharks jumped out of the sea and bit them viciously!

"It's... rough and totally shapeless, this shark is like kindergarten doodles, crappy ink drawings."

Naruto Uchiha muttered to himself while clasping his hands together.

Water escape, water formation wall!

Swelling from below the sea surface, a wall formed by sea water blocked all ink shark attacks.

At the same time, the body of 'Suzuki Junhui' also began to swell, turning into the original octopus sea monster, with extremely thick octopus tentacles reaching out to the sky, like sea pillars connecting the sea and sky.

The octopus sea monster set off waves, and the octopus head exposed on the sea was like a ship, and it rushed towards Uchiha Naruto with great momentum.

Uchiha Naruto's Sharingan can see through the barrier of the water formation wall to see everything behind, and his face became a little serious.

In the blink of an eye, a few seals were formed, and waves rose on the sea beneath his feet.

"Gulu Gulu—"

The sea water continued to rise, supporting Uchiha Naruto's feet, forming a wave crest more than ten meters high.

Naruto Uchiha stood proudly on it, looking coldly at the octopus sea monster not far away, blue-purple scales appeared on his face and the back of his hands, and he shook his hands suddenly!

"Water escape, blasting water and rushing waves!"

It was like a dam breaking its embankment, and the huge waves formed by the incalculable tons of seawater moved forward slowly for a few meters, and then collapsed with a bang, surging and surging.

The octopus kraken, and the ink shark it spits out, are swallowed by the waves!

The bloated and huge body of the octopus monster was smashed into the sea surface by the huge waves and the ink shark. Wakasa Bay seemed to have set off a storm, and the waves were turbulent.

Several minutes later, the sea was calm, and a monster surfaced weakly, its head exposed like a black reef.

Naruto Uchiha stepped on the sea surface, gliding unhurriedly, approaching the unconscious octopus sea monster.

The purple snake scales on the cheeks are still spreading.

Naruto Uchiha's water escape is only LV2, but with the bonus of becoming a sage, Naruto Uchiha urged his huge and amazing chakra to set off this monstrous wave comparable to a tsunami.

But there is such a great power, the main reason is that it occupies the advantage of being above the sea.

Also using the dam water Xiuha, a water escape master like Ganshi Guixier and a Chatonla physique comparable to a tailed beast are only a clone of one-third of the strength, and can even create a lake in the desert.

It's not water escape, it's field magic!

Chisame Kisame's water escape accomplishments can be regarded as the number one water escape master in the ninja world.

Uchiha Naruki is far behind, even if Mizudun has been promoted to LV4, I am afraid it is nothing more than that.

The body and tentacles of the giant octopus floating on the sea began to disintegrate again, dissipating into nothingness, and a naked woman gradually peeled off.

Naruto Uchiha looked at 'Suzuki Junhui' and couldn't help being amazed.

Monsters and evil spirits represent the power of yin and yang escape. After the fusion, the Tailed Beast of the Pinxixi version is only close to the ninja level in strength, but it also has "tailed beast clothes" and "tailed beast transformation".

It’s just too youthful, with too many abilities degraded, and without the immortal vitality and almost infinite chakra of the tailed beast. In terms of destructive power, it is not worthy of the real tailed beast’s shoes.

But this level is just right. If it is really a tailed beast-level Chakra life form, Naruto Uchiha's current sealing technique is simply powerless.

"Next, let's try to see if we can concoct a Jinzhuriki."

Mishi Toad hopped up to Uchiha Naruto's feet, opened his mouth and spat out a big living person.

It is Mr. Mori who had a relationship with Naruto Uchiha.

He was swept into the sea by the tentacles of the octopus, but he didn't die on the spot. He was rescued by Naruto Uchiha and used medical ninjutsu to hang him.

Now is the time for Mr. Mori to repay Uchiha Naruto for saving his life.

Section Chief Mori was seriously injured, his sternum was completely broken, and his vertebrae were comminuted. Naruto Uchiha's current medical ninjutsu could not cure him, and he would spend the rest of his life in a vegetable state on a sickbed.

Instead of this, why not let Naruto Uchiha practice his hands and see if he can use the Tailed Beast of the Yuxi version to concoct a Human Churiki.

There may be a turning point, maybe.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, drink!"

Naruto Uchiha chanted a mantra, and stretched out his right hand to 'Suzuki Junhui', holding five fingers empty, with faint purple light shining on the fingertips.

'Suzuki Junhui' turned into a blue light ball and flew into Uchiha Naruto's right hand.

The essence of a tailed beast is a huge collection of chakras, which can be arbitrarily switched between virtual and real. The "Suzuki Junhui" also has the same nature as the evening tailed beast.

"Five elements seal!"

Naruto Uchiha looked at Mr. Mori, who was facing up and floating on the sea, and stretched five fingers of his right hand, pressing on his lower abdomen.

The five-element seal is also a relatively popular sealing technique in the ninja world. Someone in the Temple of Fire once used it to seal part of the chakra of Kyuubi.


On the man's abdomen, a circle of mysterious black runes suddenly appeared, with a blue light shining in the middle.

There are also five spiral lines on the outermost surface.

Well, the 'Suzuki Junhui' was successfully injected into Section Chief Mori's body.

Naruto Uchiha nodded slightly.

Among the many ninjutsu, the sealing technique is considered to be the most difficult to learn. Even the top ninjutsu may not be able to master the A-level five-element seal.

But even so, the five-element seal is probably not enough to seal the tailed beast, but it is more than enough to seal the Chakra life form of the level of "Suzuki Junhui".

Naruto Uchiha wasn't too worried, 'Suzuki Junhui' was able to get out of trouble, but he didn't know if this Jinchuriki experiment would be successful.

"Ah, uh..."

The dark face of Section Chief Mori, who was unconscious, was full of pain, and he let out a moan from his throat, but it soon turned into a low growl like a beast.


His body began to twitch extremely abnormally, his limbs twisted as soft as bones, and something resembling an octopus sucker appeared on his hands.

With a sound of "chi", an octopus tentacle tore the trouser leg, stretched out, and stretched out five or six meters.

Visible to the naked eye, Mr. Mori's body swelled rapidly as if he had been blown, and thick octopus tentacles grew out one after another.

A giant octopus sea monster with a body length of more than seven or eight meters and tentacles even more than twice as long appeared in Wakasa Bay.

There is also a huge man's face on the octopus's head, and the shadow of Mr. Mori can be vaguely seen from the facial features. .

"Well, is this a success?"

A dozen huge tentacles of the octopus sea monster stirred back and forth in the sea water, and the man's face on the head suddenly opened his eyes, revealing the ferocity and appetite of a beast.


A huge octopus tentacles rolled towards Naruto Uchiha.

But before touching Uchiha Naruto's coat, the octopus tentacles were cut off and crashed into the sea, splashing a large splash of water.

"It seems to have failed..."

Naruto Uchiha closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly.

On the sea of ​​Wakasa Bay, two bloody full moons rose!

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