I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 221 Chapter 222 The Curse of the Mermaid

Wakasa Town, where Obama City is located, is located in Fukui Prefecture, facing the mainland across the Sea of ​​Japan and adjacent to Kyoto.

Since ancient times, Obama City has been an important port city along the Sea of ​​Japan. The cultural heritage of the Nara period is rich, and it has the reputation of Nara on the sea.

Today, Obama City is considered prosperous, and the largest fish market in Japan is located here. It coincides with the annual Mermaid Festival during Golden Week, and the streets of Xiaohama City are bustling with people.

"Why are there so many signboards of former commanders in this city?"

Naruto Uchiha stopped on the side of the road, looking curiously at the vertical billboard standing on the street. On it was a bright smiling face known all over the world, showing a mouth full of white teeth.

It's just that the kanban looks old, and the sun and the wind have faded the dark skin.

Along the way, this is the third one.

"Because this city is called OBM."

A few steps ahead of Naruto Uchiha, who was chatting and laughing with Nami Ryu Sakaki, Yujie, who has beautiful long hair like black waves, turned around and said.

"It's very interesting, the Japanese pronunciation of Obama City. Because of this coincidence, when I was young, the tourism association here even set up a support club for him, hoping to attract foreign tourists."

I see.

Throughout the ages, there is no place for heroes to find Sun Zhongmou; the dance pavilions and singing platforms are always blown away by the rain and the wind.

This is already a thing of the past.

Unexpectedly, in a small seaside city in Japan, the afterglow of the old days still remains, which is really touching.

"Ming, follow up quickly. Otherwise we will leave you behind!" Sakaki Nami Liu greeted.

On May 3rd, Naruto Uchiha, Aunt Sakaki Nami-ryu and her roommate, Maika Suzuki, who is also a teacher at the private Jinguji High School, took the three-person group that Aunt Sakaki Nami-ryu drew from the store for three days Two-night travel vouchers, come to Obama City to visit the Mermaid Festival.

After setting up his luggage at the local fisherman's homestay at noon, Naruto Uchiha sneaked into Wakasa Bay and carried out his mission as planned.

Afterwards, although something unexpected happened, it was generally considered finished.

Since it is rare to come to a seaside city and there are rare festivals, Naruto Uchiha is also rarely in the mood to relax.

When it was almost dinner time, Naruto Uchiha finally returned to the hotel, and was dragged out by Aunt Sakaki Namiryu and Suzuki Maika.

"Since we are in Kohama, we must not miss mackerel. I recommend this Sabar mackerel specialty store."

The school physician Maika Suzuki, who is familiar with the road, led the way and found a mackerel restaurant.

Naruto Uchiha and Auntie Sakaki Namiliu sat at the dining table, and mackerel sushi, mackerel teppanyaki, mackerel skewers, grilled and fried mackerel were placed on the table.

Mackerel is a specialty of Obama City, and it was popular in Kyoto in ancient times.

The street that Naruto Uchiha and the others walked through just now is called Mackerel Street.

The mackerel transport comes ashore from Wakasa Bay, and Obama City is the starting point. Obama connects the streets of Kyoto and is the starting point for transporting fish. Mackerel is the most demanded species, hence the name.

"This mackerel is so fresh, and this miso is very suitable for my taste!"

Namiryu Sakaki is full of praise for a dish of boiled mackerel. After the mackerel is simmered in miso and soy sauce, the fresh aroma of the fish mixed with the soy sauce exudes an attractive aroma.

"Wuxiang, it's really the right decision to invite you, a native of Xiaohama, to visit the Mermaid Festival! Otherwise, tourists from other places like us would definitely not be able to find such a good shop."

"It would be better if it suits your appetite."

Suzuki Maika raised her head and looked around, with inexplicable sadness brewing in her eyes.

"It's been five years since I left Xiaohama City. I didn't expect this old store to still be open, and it hasn't even changed at all."

"Haven't you returned to your hometown for five years? Is there a reason?" Sakaki Nami poured tons and tons of beer down half a draft, blushing on her cheeks, and said bluntly.

"It's nothing, the matter has already passed. I have always wanted to find a chance to come back, Namiliu, thank you for inviting me, let me treat this dinner tonight."

"That's so embarrassing! Waiter, have another pint of beer." Sakaki Namiru boldly stretched out an arm and called the waiter.

Suzuki Maika lowered her head and pulled a section of charcoal-grilled mackerel with chopsticks. The mackerel was simply grilled over charcoal fire and sprinkled with a little salt flower, which best preserved the original flavor.

With one hand, she tied her long, thick black hair behind her ears, and with the other hand, she picked up a bit of snow-white fish and put it in her mouth. Her movements were elegant, and she looked very ladylike.

"Huh? Uchiha-san, is there something on my face?"

Suzuki Maika put down her chopsticks, took a tissue to wipe her rosy lips, pursed her lips and said with a smile.

A beauty like her is very sensitive to a man's gaze. Suzuki Maika noticed that her nephew, Sakaki Namiru, stared at her face several times intentionally or unintentionally.

However, Maika Suzuki is not disgusted either. First of all, high school students like Naruto Uchiha are at the age of full hormones, so it is normal to be attracted by a beautiful big sister like herself.

Moreover, Naruto Uchiha's eyes are not the kind of squinting eyes, but a thoughtful look.

"No, nothing." Naruto Uchiha replied calmly.

Nami Sakaki shuddered, a bit of hesitation flashed in her eyes.

Naruzai has inherited his brother-in-law's outstanding handsome appearance, and his grades are also good. He belongs to the Brahmin class in the student pyramid, but as far as Sakaki Namiru knows, Naruzai is also serious about girls at school.

Could it be that Mingzi is a big sister who likes the upper class?

Wu Xiang is ten years older than Ming Zai.

As Mingzi's mother... aunt, I must take good care of my sister and brother-in-law!

Sakaki Namiru looked at her roommate with an indescribable sense of scrutiny.

Naruto Uchiha naturally didn't know what Nami Ryu Sakaki was thinking.

Naruto Uchiha has no worldly desires for this female health care teacher with wavy thick black hair who has only two faces. He frequently looks at Suzuki Maika's face because he has a sense of sight.

Suzuki Maika's long black lotus-like hair and face are very similar to the evening tail beast he met not long ago!

The evil spirit of Wakasa Bay seems to have the surname Suzuki in the file...

Naruto Uchiha tasted the grilled mackerel skewers, and several thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Hey, Wu Xiang, you are a local, you must have experience. Tomorrow's Mermaid Festival, how should we go shopping?"

"The opening ceremony of the mermaid festival tomorrow will be on Misami Island, 500 meters away from the coast of Obama City, where there is a mermaid shrine dedicated to the corpses of mermaids." Maixiang Suzuki said.

"At that time, we will arrange for the selected girls to dress up as mermaids, invite the mermaids out of the shrine, and invite them to Xiaohama City for a parade of floats. The next day, please return to the mermaid shrine on the island."

"Wow, wow, if you can taste the bones of the mermaid, can you live forever like the eight hundred bhikkhuni?" Sakaki Namiliu said with bright eyes.

"Sister Namiliu, if you really have the effect of immortality, can it be your turn? You have been burned to ashes by rich people long ago."

Uchiha Naruto knew exactly what the so-called mermaid mummy was, and immediately poured cold water on Sakaki Nami.

"A Ming, you are really a disappointment."

Nami Sakaki muttered a few words in dissatisfaction, but soon became excited.

"I heard that the amulets on the day of the Mermaid Festival can make people stay young forever and make people's love affairs successful."

What is it, Suzuki Maika couldn't laugh or cry.

When she was a child, the mermaid festival was just to pray for health and longevity, but now it has added youth and a successful relationship, which may be an additional publicity stunt in line with the development of the times.

Suzuki Maika suddenly showed a mischievous smirk on her face.

"A successful relationship? So, Nami Liu, you wanted to find your brother-in-law at first..."

"Ah, what nonsense are you talking about, let's see if I don't tear your mouth apart!" Sakaki Namiru looked a little at a loss, and yelled trying to cover it up.

"Hahaha, in fact, this mackerel specialty store also has a hidden menu, which is mackerel ochazuke. You must try it. I'll go and talk to the boss."

Suzuki Maika took the opportunity of ordering and slipped away.

Sakaki Nami turned her head away, seeing Naruto Uchiha concentrating on cooking, she felt a little relieved.

At this moment, another couple who looked like a couple walked in from the door of the store.

After the two of them took their seats near Uchiha Naruto, one of them, a woman with short hair and thin lips like willow flakes, who looked a bit mean, said in a very dissatisfied tone:

"Every mermaid festival, there are so many outsiders, I hate it!"

"You Jiazi, bear with it, the mermaid festival will only last for a few days."

Next to the short-haired woman, the man with rough and dark skin, who looked like a fisherman, but was very well-dressed, persuaded him.

"Shimazaki, it's really funny. These foreign tourists come for the mermaid festival to pray for longevity and health, and even shitty love." The woman named Yu Jiazi looked at the tourists coming and going outside the store, A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"However, the Lord Mermaid we enshrine is not such a kind God Lord, but a monster who can curse and take people's lives!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Shimazaki turned pale and said in a low voice.

"Is there something wrong with what I said? These outsiders don't know, and even the locals in Xiaohama just hear it, but we don't know anything." You Jiazi said a little unconvinced.

"Five years ago, there were mermaids in Wakasa Bay, and several people died. That sea area is still blocked."

"The incident five years ago was just an accident. Didn't we all agree not to mention it anymore?"

Shimazaki scratched his hair a little irritably, and couldn't help but raise his voice a little.

"What are you talking about now?"

"Didn't Okubo drown in the bathtub at home half a year ago? Isn't it the mermaid's curse?"

When talking about the curse of the mermaid, You Jiazi turned pale and began to tremble, with a kind of panic and fear from the bottom of her heart.

"The police have already investigated it. Okubo committed suicide and has nothing to do with that monster."

There was a hint of awe in Shimazaki's eyes, but he suppressed it immediately, and whispered:

"If it's really the mermaid's curse, why did it take four years? And the remaining five of us aren't all well. Okubo was the most timid one, always suspicious, and it's normal for him to commit suicide under pressure. "


The short-haired woman wanted to say something unwillingly, Shimazaki had already roughly covered her mouth, and looked around vigilantly.

After confirming that no one had noticed the conversation between the two, he leaned close to Yu Jiazi's ear, his voice was so faint that only the short-haired woman who was close at hand could hear it.

"Don't say it again, don't say it anymore! The mayor has already issued a gag order to everyone about the incident five years ago, and no one will believe that Wakasa Bay is really haunted by mermaids."

Shimazaki seemed to have remembered something, and threatened in a very low voice:

"Also, have you forgotten the group of mysterious people from Tokyo who asked us to sign a confidentiality letter? My uncle told me that they appeared in the mayor's office again these two days. Yu Jiazi, you should be cautious in your words and actions Alright, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"


The short-haired woman nodded repeatedly with red eyes.

Only then did Shimazaki release his hand from Yu Jiazi's mouth. After talking so much, his mouth was a little dry, so he picked up the cup in the store and took a sip of cold water to moisten his throat.

"Nami-ryu, Uchiha-san, mackerel chazuke is ready."

Suzuki Maika was carrying a tray with three steaming large bowls on it, and walked over with a smile on her face.


It was the sound of glass falling to the ground and breaking, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the store.


Shimazaki stared at Suzuki Maika dumbfounded, her voice trembling.

But Yu Jiazi who was nestled in his arms was even more unbearable, her face was pale and trembling, it was like seeing a ghost in daytime.

"Shimazaki, it turned out to be the two of you."

Suzuki Maika, who was still smiling at first, turned cold, and said without warmth in her tone.

"No, you're not Suzuki...so it's you, Suzuki's sister..."

Shimazaki came back to his senses, heaved a sigh of relief, stood up immediately, and fled with the woman who was limp on the seat, looking somewhat embarrassed.

"Why, did you meet someone you know? It seems that the atmosphere is not right." Sakaki Nami Liu asked.

"A few nasty guys, I just don't want to see them, so I haven't come back in Tokyo for five years. Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's try this mackerel ochazuke."

In ancient times, there was no refrigerator, so mackerel could only be marinated to make dried fish for preservation. When eating, wash off the rice bran covering the surface, then burn it with charcoal for a few times, and then pour tea, and a bowl of mackerel ochazuke with a complete color and flavor is complete.

Naruto Uchiha looked at the ochazuke in front of him, but his ears moved slightly.

The conversation between the two people before, although the sound was like a mosquito in the second half, but with Uchiha Naruto’s comprehensively improved senses under the addition of Chakra, as long as you listen carefully, you can still hear everything verbatim .

It's really getting more and more interesting.

After eating ochazuke, the mackerel feast was almost over.

Nami Ryu Sakaki was half drunk again. If it wasn't for tomorrow's mermaid festival, Naruto Uchiha wondered if she would have a hangover on a whim.

Naruto Uchiha had no choice but to support Nami Sakaki back to the fisherman's hotel.

At this moment, the waiter at the front desk stopped Maika Suzuki.

"Miss Suzuki, there is an uncle named Okubo who wants to see you."

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