I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 285 Chapter 286 Mount Fuji erupts! Great enchantment!


With the power of this bow, the arrow can shoot and kill the dragon, and take the jewel of its head.

Lake Yamanaka, the easternmost of the Fuji Five Lakes, has the largest water area among the five lakes and is a good place for boating, yachting and sailing.

In the afternoon and evening, boats of various colors on Lake Yamanaka kept coming and going. Naruto Uchiha, wearing the representative black-bottomed red cloud robe of Akatsuki Organization and wearing a whirlpool mask on his face, flew to the center of Lake Yamanaka and sank a fist-sized emerald orb into the lake. .

Immediately, under the eyes of everyone, it disappeared.

On the Kawaguchiko Bridge, the climbers carrying big bags and small bags and preparing to climb Mount Fuji witnessed Uchiha Naruto sinking a fiery red fur coat into Kawaguchiko.

"The gorgeous fur is blazing without a trace, and it is useless to show your intentions; the fire of bitter love cannot burn this fur, and it will dry up when you cry today—"

Next is the quiet and elegant West Lake.

"For the rest of my life, Anbei, the son of Yan, the misty talk is true—"

In the end, Naruto Uchiha appeared in Jingjin Lake. Under the stunned eyes of a group of campers and fishermen, he walked unhurriedly on the sparkling lake, and sank the stone bowl in front of the Buddha into the blue and clear lake water. .

"The faint light, how to compete with the moon, is probably taken from Xiaocang Mountain."

The eyes in the whirlpool mask glanced, and the corners of Naruto Uchiha's mouth rose slightly as they entered the shouting crowd by the lake.

He deliberately delayed the time to appear on the four lakes one after another, sinking the props into the lake, not only to perform the trick, but also to give the Metropolitan Police Department time to react.

This drama based on "Bamboo Tori Monogatari" is naturally indispensable for the audience.

Naruto Uchiha was born in this world in the 19th year of Heisei, because of the earth-shaking changes brought about by the Hokage system, a reasonable explanation needs to be given to the world.

The big lie Uchiha Naruto told this world was not an alien invasion, but a revival of mythology!

Instead of letting the Metropolitan Police Department and the world think about something like a headless chicken, it is better to let Uchiha Naruto forge the mysterious side hidden behind the myth and history through the pre-planning and script performance. The tip of the iceberg that is exposed intentionally or unintentionally is enough to shock the world. .

After all, human beings are creatures that are extremely good at brain supplementation. As long as they are guided a little, they may be able to fool themselves into lameness.

The youkai cave in the belly of Mt. Fuji has also been properly arranged.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

Just standing quietly on the surface of Lake Shoji for more than ten minutes, an arrow carrying a white streamer shot into the sky, lighting up Jiangye like fireworks, Naruto Uchiha's eyes froze.


Naruto Uchiha held down the whirlpool mask on his face, and the scarlet writing wheel eyes in the whirlpool eyes were filled with three black jade balls, and the light around him began to distort and refract, and he used the penetration to completely eliminate the figure, disappearing in an instant.

At the same time, at Motosu Lake, the last of the Fuji Five Lakes, Yao Shidou also threw the last of the five treasures into the center of the lake.

"Gorgeous rhetoric, the fake can be confused with the real, but the jade branch is not a vulgar thing."

Facing Hinata Miko's demon-breaking arrow, Yao Shidou showed no fear, but looked melancholy at the Penglai jade branch slowly sinking into Lake Motosu, and sang a few ancient songs in his mouth.

Hyuga Miko gracefully drew her bow and arrow, and shot an arrow towards the center of Lake Motosu.

The bright white aura wrapped around the arrow, and with the sound of wind and thunder, it submerged into the lake with the force of thunder and wind!

Dazzling white light blooms brilliantly from the bottom of the lake, straight to the sky.

The next moment, the originally peaceful Lake Motosu began to be choppy with high winds and high waves. Two rows of wave peaks majesticly rushed towards the two banks. The lake water was like a torrential rain, pouring Nami Ryu and Grace by the lake into drowned chickens.

With a water depth of 133 meters, Lake Motosu is the deepest lake among the Fuji Five Lakes and ranks among the top ten lakes in Japan. It has always been famous for its extremely high water depth and transparency.

But Hinata Miko's arrow actually parted the lake, revealing the bottom of Lake Motosu!

Namiyu Sakaki couldn't help but widen her eyes and covered her mouth with a look of shock on her face.

Namiyu Sakaki, who regards Miss Miko as a middle school girl, feels like a frog at the bottom of a well, with eyes that don't know Mount Tai.

Grace's eyes were also flickering.

This priestess with closed eyes and a sacred and ethereal temperament is the guardian of Penglai Island mentioned by Hirota Turio and his party. With one arrow, the sea monster that swallowed the landing ship and the nearby sea area for several miles were evaporated. do.

Even an aircraft carrier could easily sink this demon-breaking arrow.

"Cough, cough, cough! If this arrow was aimed at me, I'm afraid I'd be wiped out by now."

Pharmacist poked his head out of the lake, and crawled onto the shore wet all over. Now he looks somewhat embarrassed.

He took off the round glasses, wiped them a little bit, and put them back on.

"It's useless, Miko-sama. The Penglai Jade Branch has been sacrificed as the key to unlock the seal when it came into contact with Lake Motosu. Even if you drain Lake Motoqi, you won't be able to find the Penglai Jade Branch back."

Hyuga Miko, who was neither sad nor happy, was not moved by the words of the medicine master, and pulled out a feathered arrow from the quiver on her back with her backhand, and placed it on the bow.

"Master Yuan, you've seen enough of the show, I'm really going to die if you don't come out."

A drop of cold sweat rolled down the pharmacist's forehead, and said with a wry smile.

"Hahahaha, Dou, you think too badly of me, and I just arrived."

Behind Yao Shidou, a figure appeared out of thin air like a ghost.

The black-bottomed red cloud robe, and the swirling one-eyed mask, are clearly Ah Fei from the Akatsuki organization!

"Master Yuan, you are late."

"You can also understand me a little bit, I really don't want to part with it. Fire Rat Fur, Swallow Amber, Dragon Head Jade, and Buddha's Stone Bowl, no matter which one is priceless, our Xiao organization took a lot of trouble to collect it Got it."

Ah Fei shook his head and sighed, holding his chest and speaking in a pretentious tone.

"However, I want to put all these treasures on the gambling table, and take a big one to bet on whether the god sealed in Mount Fuji is that one. If I lose the bet, I will really lose my wife and lose my army. My heart But I really can't stand it."

"Oh, Master Yuan, then you must lose this time. The presence of the Miko on Penglai Island shows that my deduction is correct!"

Pharmacist stretched out his index finger and pushed the round glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking at Miko Hinata with a confident look on his face.

"Mount Fuji is most likely sealed by the ancestors of the Hyuga clan who took away the elixir of elixir thousands of years ago. After all, Mount Fuji is where the elixir of elixir was destroyed in "Bamboo Tori Monogatari". This legend is a metaphor for this thing."

"Then maybe, Mt. Fuji and my clan are also closely related. After all, the Nanga Shrine of our clan is also here, so there is a possibility that He was sealed here."

A Fei said disapprovingly.

"It's like throwing a dice to throw a leopard. Although the probability is extremely small, you can make a lot of money if you win the bet, right? The waiting before opening the dice cup is also the fun."

Sure enough, did the stone bowl in front of the Buddha fall into Ah Fei's hands?

Grace's eyes fell on the hippie smiling Hobby.

Uncle William has privately disclosed to Grace that the stone bowl in front of the Buddha kept at the Yokosuka Port military base has been lost.

Although Uncle William was vague and did not tell Grace in detail how A Fei was stolen in Yokosuka Port, which was surrounded by iron walls and copper walls.

During this period of time, Grace took the people from the fifth class to search the mountains and seas on Mount Fuji.

Like Uchiha Xianmen, she also focused her search on Mount Fuji.

The historians of the expert group managed to find some clues in the rare book "Six Letters of Yi and Chu" in the Japanese cabinet library.

In 927 A.D., during the period of the Five Dynasties and the later Tang Dynasty, when the eminent Japanese monk Kanfu traveled west to Kaiyuan Temple to exchange Buddhism with Master Yi Chu, he said: In the Qin Dynasty, Xu Fu stopped five hundred virgins and virgins in this country. There are mountains named Fuji and Yichu. The name is Penglai. So far, Xu Fu has called him Penglai, and his descendants have also been surnamed Qin.

The pronunciation of "Fuji" in ancient Chinese is also similar to "Penglai".

Among the many famous mountains in Japan called Horai, Mount Fuji is the mountain most likely to be close to the truth.

However, Penglai Island, which was born in the Pacific Ocean two days ago, made the assumption that Penglai is Mount Fuji bankrupt, and the efforts of the Metropolitan Police Department on Mount Fuji were in vain.

Just when Grace was dealing with the follow-up work and organizing the staff to evacuate, she received urgent information that a mysterious man wearing a black background, red clouds and a strange costume and a mask appeared one after another in the Fuji Five Lakes.

Only then did Grace urgently lead the team and rushed to the last of the Fuji Five Lakes, Motosu Lake, and she caught the tail of the Akatsuki organization.

Seeing A Fei's actions and the information revealed in a few words, the conspiracy laid out by Xiao's organization finally surfaced.

He has invested five treasures corresponding to "The Tale of Bamboo Tori" in the Fuji Five Lakes, in order to unravel the unknown seal in Mount Fuji!

What is sealed in Mt. Fuji, worthy of the organization's deliberate and troublesome efforts?

Could it be the legendary medicine of immortality?

But listening to the conversation between Yao Shidou and A Fei, it seems that it is not so simple.

"Mr. Yaoshidou, are you also a member of the Akatsuki organization? Are you a spy of the Akatsuki organization?"

Grace looked at Pharmacist's pocket with a complicated expression, and said in a dry voice.

Grace couldn't believe that this man who once saved her life and looked as kind as a doctor or a staff member of an orphanage actually got together with Ah Fei.

Could it be said that the actions of saving lives and healing the wounded by being approachable before were all just a disguise?

"Miss Investigator, it's very clear from the clothes on my body, of course I'm not a member of the Akatsuki organization."

Wearing a black jumpsuit and hood, covering half of his face, Medicine Master said as a matter of course.

"Then why are you?"

"Miss Investigator, you may have misunderstood me. Of course, saving lives is from my heart."

Pharmacist spread out his palms and said with a light smile.

"But the elixir of immortality is also my lifelong long-cherished wish. In order to be able to see the real elixir of immortality, even if I are asked to cooperate with evil spirits, I will not hesitate at all."

Is it really for the elixir of life?

Grace bit her lip and couldn't help but glance at Miko Hinata.

Lesson 5 of course also knows that the pharmacist made a surprise attack on Horai Island, trying to snatch the elixir of immortality from Hinata Priestess.

But the elixir of immortality is no longer on Penglai Island, and the pharmacist can't do anything without stealing chickens, and even the shikigami Suzuki Junhui, who he took in, was deprived by Miss Miko.


Hinata Priestess's voice was clear and gentle, singing without ups and downs, but the lyrics had an infectious sadness.

Medicine Master frowned, and involuntarily recited:

"When I returned home, I was wearing a light coat of feathers, and Mu Jun's thoughts were deep and helpless; when I didn't see him, my clothes were full of sorrow and tears, what's the use of the immortal medicine."

The cool-tempered Hinata Miko nodded calmly and said:

"What you chanted is the ballad that I have passed down to the family. These are the last two lines."

Pharmacist pondered for a moment, then his eyes showed determination, and said in a deep voice:

"Thank you, Miko, for your advice, but I am determined to obtain the elixir of immortality!"

Hinata Miko heard the words, and didn't say anything else, she lowered her eyes, a noble and gorgeous purple light faintly flowed, the bow string in her hand was pulled into a full moon shape, and the arrow pointed at A Fei and the pharmacist's pocket.

"Oh, it's scary, it's scary! If the arrow of breaking the devil is shot, I will be finished."

Ah Fei cried out pretending to be afraid, and artificially raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

But no matter who was present, he could hear his carelessness.

"However, little witch of the Hyuga clan, you should save your strength and prepare to deal with the gods in Mount Fuji."

Ah Fei's voice was icy cold, and the writing sharing eyes in the vortex burst out a scarlet and strange blood light, which made people shudder.

"Is it an earthquake?"

At this moment, both Grace and Sakaki Namiyu felt their feet vibrate, and instinctively looked towards the source of the earthquake.

It's Mount Fuji!

A supermoon is already looming, under bright moonlight.

From the crater of Mount Fuji covered with white snow, an evil and ominous dark red beam of light erupted like a volcanic eruption, and then turned into a large dark red barrier covering Mount Fuji.

The people by the Benqi Lake were startled all of a sudden, they were all dumbfounded and speechless.

But this is not the end. After the arrangement of the dark red barrier was completed, another burst of volcanic ash-like black mist erupted violently from the crater.

In the black fog, there are a large number of terrifying ghost shadows that can be vaguely seen.

Huge and hideous monsters and ferocious beasts bit and killed each other, making all kinds of terrifying roars, and rolled away towards all parts of Mount Fuji.

"The dice have been rolled, which god is sealed by Mt. Fuji? It's really exciting!"

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