I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 286 Chapter 287 Fusion activation, the technique of ghost buds!

Mount Fuji is an active volcano that is still dormant. There have been 18 eruptions in history. It has been 300 years since the last Baoying eruption.

Under the snow-covered crater, there is a hole in the sky. What surges is not hot magma, but a large number of strange and terrifying monsters that are about to move!

In the Youkai Cave inside Mount Fuji, the colorful mountain walls are like a spider's nest covered with a thick layer of spider silk, and there are hundreds of white cocoons hanging down one by one. .

And in the center of the spider web, a spider monster with eight spider feet and eight hands is entrenched in it, and the densely packed eyes on its head are patrolling around vigilantly.

Right under the eyelids of the spider monster, a verdant branch and leaf pierced through the solid rock, and then continued to grow to form a wood-blue face.

"These monsters are wrapped in spider silk and hung upside down. They look like ninjas who were hung up by the sacred tree after the Infinity Moon reading."

Naruto Uchiha broke free from the rock, his feet stuck to the rock wall, and looked at the scene with great interest.

But the spider monster didn't realize it, so many eyeballs were like decorations, and Naruto Uchiha swaggered to count the cocoons hanging upside down on the cliff, as if entering a land of no one.

Naruto Uchiha's face showed the joy of farmers harvesting wheat fields in autumn.

This wooden clone has been lurking here for half a month.

During this period, monsters continued to be transported to the monster cave inside Mount Fuji through the giant black monster who used the technique of diving in the earth.

Until the day before yesterday, the monsters imprisoned in the cave had broken through the 100 mark.

Naruto Uchiha was very itchy for these ripe melons and fruits that could be picked with his hands. After so many monsters were harvested, several ninjutsu could be raised to LV4.

But you must be patient, because sweeter things are yet to come.

If you want to cast a long line to catch big fish, the mastermind behind the scenes, the big monster 'Wang Jiang' who can use the enchantment technique, is the fattest prey.

It's a pity that during these half a month, the king has been hiding his head and showing his tail, and has been reluctant to show up for a long time.

But today's full moon day coincides with a supermoon, or what the goblins call 'the moon's in its right place'.

Japan's holy mountain Mount Fuji, a hundred monsters, and the super moon, the three major elements of heaven, earth, and monsters have all been assembled!

Unless Wang Jiang is willing to give up the time, place, and harmony of people accumulated by this painstaking layout, it will definitely appear here.

As a hunter, Naruto Uchiha's patience is not bad.

At this moment, the ground shook slightly.


Naruto Uchiha's eyes froze, and the wooden clone dived into the rock wall again.

A locomotive-like black head emerged from the soil layer at the bottom of the cave, opening its mouth to the abyss.

"Jingle Bell--"

The clear wind chimes echoed in the cave, and a figure walked out from the mouth of the giant black monster.

"My lord general!"

The two monster jailers standing guard in the monster cave immediately fell to the ground.

"Cough cough."

Wang Jiang bent his body and looked like an old man, but his body was covered with a white baboon mask and fur, making it hard to see his real body.

But what is incomparably weird is that under the white baboon's fur, there are a few swelling and deformed bumps from time to time, wandering around indefinitely.

It was as if something was rapidly expanding and splitting in its body.

"Hey, is everything ready?"

Wang Jiang's voice was hoarse and magnetic, and he sounded like a handsome young man.

"Yes, Lord General! The one hundred and five monsters you sent over are all here."

The spider monster lowered its head and said respectfully.

"very good."

General Wang nodded and asked again:

"Hasn't that guy from Kakuyuki appeared yet?"

"Yes, Lord General, the night you arranged for Kakuyuki-sama to escort the youkai captured from Tokyo, Kakuyuki-sama disappeared."

The two monsters who are the jailers have been secretly hypnotized by Uchiha Naruto through Sharingan, and gave a speech according to Uchiha Naruto's instructions.

"It's the first crimson moon..."

Wang Jiang raised his head thoughtfully, his eyes seemed to penetrate the rock wall of Mount Fuji, looked at the moon in the sky, pondered for a long time before sneering:

"Cough, that trash of Jiaoxing! Although it was also a big monster born in the first year, it was the weakest one among us. It is most likely that it couldn't bear the gaze of the crimson moon, lost control and went crazy and died suddenly. Bar."

"What, Feiyue? My lord, are you talking about the spectacle of the blood moon last week? But it has been half a month since Master Jiao Xing disappeared." The spider monster asked curiously.

"That's already the second crimson moon. However, these are not monsters of your level who can understand."

The big monster king obviously didn't want to talk any more, so he changed the subject immediately.

"Hey, now that the moon has moved to the correct position, there is no time to wait. My technique can finally be activated!"

The king general, whose speech was quite methodical and rational, suddenly laughed like crazy.

"Hee, hee hee hee, ha ha ha ha!"

An extremely evil and powerful aura condensed in the cave inside Mount Fuji like a substance, making the two monsters, the spider monster and the white-haired monster, crawl on the ground tremblingly, unable to even raise their heads.

In the multiple eyes of the spider monster, there was an expression of incomparable awe.

I haven't seen him for three months, but Mr. Wang's evil spirit has skyrocketed several times.

Compared with before, it is simply heaven and earth.

Sure enough, it was the right decision for them to follow Lord General Wang!

Only the king general is the savior of monsters!

It's just... Mr. Wang General's mind seems to be a little...

"Hee! Hee hee hee! Hee hee hee—cough, cough, cough—!!"

But the joy turned into sorrow, Wang Jiang, who was laughing wildly, suddenly coughed heart-piercingly, his throat swelled up high, as if some foreign body was struggling inside.


Under the horrified eyes of the two monsters, General Wang coughed up a large puddle of mud-like black dirt.

The sludge wriggled on the ground like a living thing, and finally twitched a few times before completely moving.

"Damn it, I've been polluted to such an extent. There's no time left!"

The king turned his head to look at the white cocoon hanging upside down on the rock wall, and ordered to the spider monster:

"Put down all these monsters!"


The limbs of the spider monster fiddled with the spider silk, and the cocoons on the cliff fell to the ground one after another like ripe fruits.

Wang Jiang walked to one of the long and narrow cocoons, stretched out his hand and peeled off the spider's silk, revealing a shiny black centipede head with purple spots the size of a basketball.

The centipede's huge fangs and tentacles more than one meter long were still twitching subconsciously.

"Unlock the paralyzing poison on this monster."

The spider monster quickly crawled over, stretched out a sharp spider claw and pierced into the cocoon.

"Hiss hiss!"

The centipede woke up immediately, and the body wrapped in the spider's cocoon began to writhe crazily, but it couldn't break free from the shackles of the spider silk.

"Master Wang, what are you doing!?"

An unexpected scene appeared, the general Wang took the initiative to put his palm in front of the centipede's fangs.

The furious centipede spirit saw the flesh and blood coming to the door, so it was not polite, and bit down viciously, tore off the palm of the king's hand, and swallowed it.

"Yes, that's it!"

Wang Jiang turned a blind eye to the cut on his arm, and instead of being angry, said happily.

From the cut in his wrist, what flowed out was not blood, but a black unknown liquid that was as dirty as mud.


The centipede that swallowed the king's flesh and blood neighed in pain as if it had been poisoned.

The purple spots on the carapace of the centipede continued to expand, and the tentacles continued to grow. Thorns began to protrude from the carapace, and the aura became more ferocious and terrifying.

The king turned a blind eye to it, and came to another cocoon, and did the same thing.

This time, inside the cocoon was a big red bat with a wingspan of more than two meters.

"Quack quack quack!"

The big bat wailed terribly, with tumors forming on its back, and fleshy wings grew out one after another.

The big bat and the centipede, which became even bigger and deformed, began a bloody and crazy fight between the two.

It didn't take long for the winner to be decided.

The centipede strangled the big bat, and countless hooked feet pierced deeply into the latter's body. The big bat was struggling to move its new wings.

After being killed, the big bat turned into a puddle of mud-like black unknown matter, which was absorbed by the centipede essence.

"Hiss hiss!"

The centipede erected its nearly ten-meter-long body, opened its teeth and danced its claws, and six pairs of bat wings grew out from behind.

In the next second, the centipede soared into the sky!


As if it hadn't gotten used to the newly grown wings, the flying centipede smashed to the ceiling of the cave in a panic.

But not long after, the flying centipede swooped down and launched a surprise attack on Wang Jiang and the other two monsters.

"Damn it!"

The spider monster cursed angrily, and immediately spewed out a bundle of spider silk from its mouth, tightly entangled the flying centipede in the air.

But in the next second, the wings of the flying centipede were like extremely sharp blades, splitting open the cocoons of the spiders, and rushed towards them aggressively.

"How is it possible that you can break free from my spider silk entanglement!?"

The spider monster was taken aback.


The king raised his only remaining hand and blocked it in front of him, a dark red light wall appeared in front of him.

The flying centipede hit the light wall heavily, but the light wall remained motionless. Instead, it wrapped the flying centipede backwards, turning into a dark red sphere floating in the air.

"This is the art of witchcraft!"

The spider monster and the white-haired monster looked at each other, obviously shocked.

The two monsters before were nothing more than miscellaneous fish monsters. After they devoured and fused each other, the evil spirit of the flying centipede was much stronger than before, and even the spider monster felt threatened.

How strong would it be if more than a hundred monsters in the monster cave merged into one! ?

"After devouring my polluted flesh and blood, the seeds of the 'Ghost Bud Luo Technique' were planted, and the monsters also inherited my immortality. Ordinary attacks cannot kill them."

General Wang's voice returned to its previous calmness, and he said in a leisurely manner.

"The moon has reached the correct position. At Mount Fuji, the arrangement of the art has been completed. After one hundred and eight monsters devour each other and merge into one, they will become my new body!"

One hundred and eight?

The spider monster suddenly had an ominous premonition, and even his soul trembled.

"It's been really hard for you all the time, how should you reward your loyalty?"

General Wang's tone was very gentle, but it revealed creepy malice.

"Just let you become a part of me!"

"My lord, you can't do this——!"

Before he finished speaking, General Wang uncovered his baboon fur.

As terrifying as a nightmare, the king's body has completely rotted away. Various strange-shaped limbs and faces of beasts kept moving, and two thick black fleshy slime tentacles shot out.

The spider monster couldn't move immediately, and the viscous and disgusting black liquid was forcefully poured in from its mouth, and then its body swelled abnormally as if it was blown, and various redundant scales and limbs grew out.

"Ah, ouch!"

The spider monster let out a roar that completely lost its mind and looked like a wild beast.

"Hey! Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee——!"

Wang Jiang laughed wildly.

But after not laughing for a long time, it coughed violently like a bellows, and black mud flowed out of its mouth continuously.

"Damn it, even if I have gained incomparably powerful power, the second crimson moon has polluted me too seriously. Even if I have an immortal body, my body and spirit have already reached their limits."

General Wang's body began to disintegrate, and the filthy black mud submerged all cocoons like a wave.

The cocoons burst open one after another, and the monsters screamed and transformed continuously, their bodies became even bigger, and their appearance became even uglier and deformed.

In the end, Wang Jiang was left with only a baboon head floating in the air.

Although there was only one head left, General Wang's sanity was very clear.

"Peel off the most polluted part, then reshape the body with the technique of ghost sprouting, and dilute the pollution from the crimson moon with the flesh and blood of hundreds of monsters. Only in this way can I live a new life and live a second life." World."

The general Wang also had no choice but to launch.

A group of demons danced wildly in the monster cave, but for the hundreds of monsters that had become huge monsters, it was so small that they couldn't even stretch their bodies.

"Boundary enchantment!"

The king's head let out a low cry, and an evil and filthy red light burst out.

A thick dark red beam of light broke through the crater and snow of Mount Fuji, like an upside-down hood covering the mountain of Mount Fuji.

Immediately afterwards, the monsters in the cave couldn't wait to ride the clouds and rush out from the crater of Mount Fuji!

"My remaining monster energy can only maintain the big enchantment, and I have to fall into a deep sleep."

The general Wang spit out a bell from his mouth, and it made a burst of pleasant bells.

"Ring ring ring—"

The giant black monster with a body as thick and long as a train poked its head out of the soil layer, and swallowed the king's head in one gulp.

Then it also began to mutate, with horns growing on its head and fangs protruding from its upper and lower jaws, which looked like a dragon's head.

"But no matter what, I will be the final winner!"

"I am immortal, plus the oni budara technique that can devour other monsters, sorcery and demonic energy, I will definitely become a god in the new world! Even a superhuman who appears in Sapporo City can't kill me."

"Bite! Devour! Let's kill each other! This bloodbath will be a salute to celebrate the birth of a new god!"

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