The monsters in the Barren Swamp are inherently thick-skinned and tough, and the difficult-level monsters have higher defense and more health points.

This is a great test of the output ability of professionals.

The configurations of other teams are similar to Lin Yuan's team, with 1 shield warrior, 3 output and 1 healer.

The lowest level of monsters in the difficult-level Barren Swamp is level 25.

The higher the level, once the level of the monster exceeds that of the professionals by a lot, the skills and damage of the professionals will be weakened a lot.

It is difficult for four full-strength teams to pass, let alone with novices like Lin Yuan.

Of course, the above are all for ordinary professionals.

Lin Yuan is a pervert and is not included in this list. The people in his team are not ordinary professionals, so naturally there is no need to worry.

Lin Yuan ignored what the other teams said. These people were dispensable in Lin Yuan's eyes.

If you want to pass the abyss, you just need to have hands.

But Lin Yuan's silence made others even more aggressive.

The shield warrior who spoke first walked towards Lin Yuan.

This person was called Li Yong.

His level was 27, the highest level among all people.���

Li Yong looked at Lin Yuan, who seemed fine, with anger flashing across his face.

This was because he had specially bought some potions to increase health and all attributes in order to clear the Abyss today.

These potions cost Li Yong 50 gold coins.

Li Yong had fought the difficult Barren Swamp twice before, and both times he got stuck at the final BOSS.

Today, Li Yong invested a lot of money in the hope of defeating the final BOSS, but ended up meeting Lin Yuan and his group of rookies who had just reached the first level.

The reason why Li Yong wanted to clear the Abyss so much was because the final BOSS dropped a gold-level one-handed hammer, which was a small top-grade item for shield warriors.

Li Yong only had three gold-level equipment, and the rest were silver.

Including the weapon and shield in his hand.

Gold-level shields are too difficult to explode.

So Li Yong urgently needs a gold-level weapon.

This will make his hatred more stable.

When Li Yong walked towards Lin Yuan, a shield warrior from another team stood up and said:

"I know that you young people are ambitious and want to challenge high difficulties, but you were still too reckless today. Take this as a lesson. When you go out, you must study the strategy carefully and don't aim too high."

The shield warrior who spoke was called Wang Ping, and he was a bit cowardly.

Why did Wang Ping say these words to Lin Yuan and the others?

Because Wang Ping had done such a thing before, but Wang Ping was unlucky at that time and met a narrow-minded professional.

Those people posted on the professional forum after leaving the abyss, deliberately discrediting Wang Ping and putting all the responsibility for the team's destruction on Wang Ping. As a direct result, no one wanted to team up with

Wang Ping for a long time.

If he hadn't met his current teammates, Wang Ping would not have been able to enter the abyss again.

It has been almost a month since Wang Ping reached level 25, but he has never dared to challenge the difficult barren swamp because this abyss has left a shadow in Wang Ping's heart.

Today, under the persuasion of his teammates, he finally mustered up the courage to come in.

Then he met Lin Yuan and the others.

Wang Ping smiled bitterly in his heart.

It seems that he is really not suitable for entering the difficult level abyss.

It is better to brush the simple difficulty in the future.

Wang Ping's earnest words were heard by Li Yong, who sneered:

"What's wrong, Wang Ping? Are you thinking about your past self? Do you also think that your past self was stupid?"

Then Li Yong pushed Wang Ping away, stood in front of Lin Yuan and said loudly:

"Boy, who told you to choose the difficulty at random?"

Li Yong's hair was already very long, and now he was sulking, the whole person looked like a donkey.

So stupid.

Lin Yuan didn't want to pay attention to this idiot, but he kept moving forward,

Lin Yuan was a little angry,

"The Abyss is yours, I can go in if I want, it's none of your business."

When Li Yong heard that he dared to talk back, he became even angrier.

"If it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't do it here, I would definitely teach you a lesson, so that you know you can't just say things carelessly."

In response, Lin Yuan rolled his eyes.

"You should be thankful that you can't do anything here, otherwise you would have become a scum."

Zhang Fan saw Lin Yuan quarreling with others, rolled up his sleeves and came to the side,

"What's the matter? You have a donkey face, what's the big deal? Who are you yelling at?"

Li Yong usually hates people saying that his face is long.

Zhang Fan directly said that he has a donkey face, and

Li Yong's face immediately turned purple with anger.

"The donkey's face changed color, it really opened my eyes!"

Zhang Fan continued to speak.

Lin Yuan saw Li Yong's expression and couldn't help laughing.

This almost made Li Yong faint.

He stretched out his finger and said tremblingly:

"You guys just wait, when this abyss is over I will post on the professional forum to talk about this matter properly."

Lin Yuan showed an indifferent expression on his face after hearing this, but Wang Ping was anxious.

He had been cyberbullied before and knew how serious it was.

He naturally didn't want Lin Yuan to be hurt in this way.

From this point of view,

Wang Ping was cowardly and timid, but he was kind-hearted.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely not care about this matter.

Wang Ping reached out and grabbed Li Yong,

"We can discuss it. They just passed the job transfer task and don't know anything. You are going too far."

Li Yong shook off Wang Ping's hand and pointed at his face and said:

"I went too far. Didn't you hear what they said? They are disrespectful and should be taught a lesson so that they can understand the dangers of society."

Wang Ping said pleadingly:

"Tell me what it will take to make me stop." Li Yong rolled his eyes after hearing Wang Ping's words and replied,"It's easy to calm me down. Just compensate me for my losses.


"I'll do the math for you. I spent 50 gold coins on potions today because they didn't have any.���After clearing the Abyss, we have to compensate for our mental loss. 20 gold coins per person is not too much, right?"

"I won't bully you. Give me 150 gold coins and we'll settle this matter."

150 gold coins, you really dare to say that.

Wang Ping smiled bitterly and fell silent.

Wang Ping had 150 gold coins, which was most of his wealth.

But he couldn't empty his family's wealth for a stranger he just met.

Seeing Wang Ping's silence,

Li Yong snorted disdainfully.

I don't know what he was thinking, and said to Lin Yuan:

"I'm giving you one last chance. Take out 150 gold coins and compensate us for our losses. Otherwise, we won't be done."

"Think about it, I don't really want much."

Hearing this,

Lin Yuan laughed out of anger.

"150 gold coins, give it to me!"

"You said I caused you losses, then who will compensate us for our losses?"

Li Yong was stunned when he heard this.

"What have you lost?"

Lin Yuan pointed at Li Yong's face and said with disdain:

"Of course it's our mental loss. It doesn't matter if you are ugly, but it's wrong for you to come out and scare people. When I saw you, I thought I met a donkey-headed man."

"You tell me whether you should compensate us for our mental loss. I don’t ask for much, just 1 million gold coins."

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