
After hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Li Yong's blood rushed to his head and he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

"You are so sharp-tongued, you will cry one day."

Li Yong snorted coldly, returned to his teammates, and told them that he must expose this matter in the professional forum.

Let Lin Yuan become a rat crossing the street.

Wang Ping saw the angry Li Yong, and then looked at the calm Lin Yuan, shook his head and sighed.

Young and vigorous, he doesn't listen to advice.

It's okay to suffer a little loss.


Wang Ping discussed with another team that was just watching the show and planned to move on.

Now that we are here, although there is no way to pass the level, we will just fight as far as we can.

After the two teams decided to set off,

Li Yong thought about it and joined them.

The three teams ignored Lin Yuan and walked towards the hillside on the right.

After they left, Lin Yuan looked around and looked at the surrounding environment again.

They are currently on a platform with two roads in front of them.

The road on the right has fewer monsters and is relatively safe.

The road on the left leads to the underground, with complex terrain and relatively dense monsters. The destinations of the two are the same.

In the end, they can all reach the front of BOSS No. 1

"Let's go left."

Lin Yuan didn't want to see that annoying donkey face, so he chose the road on the left.

After walking about 100 meters, they encountered a monster.

【[Wild Boar Man Minions] lv25

HP: 250,000

Attack Power: 3,000

Violent Strike: Causes 150% damage, with a small chance of knocking the target unconscious.

How to describe these wild boar men? They are pigs walking upright with sharp fangs next to their mouths.

To describe them in one word, they are ferocious.

Lin Yuan was about to take action when Zhang Fan said,"Don't do it yet. I promised to take you flying." With one skill from Lin Yuan, all the monsters here would be killed instantly.

This copy is to prove one's strength, so Lin Yuan just needs to lie down.

Hearing Zhang Fan stop him, Lin Yuan knew their plan and walked aside to watch the show.


Zhang Fan took the initiative to attract a wave of monsters.

There were a total of 5 monsters in this wave.

In less than a minute, the five wild boar man minions turned into five corpses.

"Not bad."

Lin Yuan praised them.

The cooperation of these people was very good. Zhang Fan took turns to use control skills to contain the monsters.

Xu Shan and Zong Junru were outputting as much as they could, and

Wang Xue was releasing buff spells to keep Zhang Fan in a state of reducing damage.

None of the damage from the monsters on Zhang Fan exceeded 100 points.

The other three teams combined were not as good as these people.

That was natural.

The other three teams were all ordinary professionals.

The most talented was only C-level, which was a little higher than Zhang Fan and his team.

The rest were not a little bit worse in terms of equipment, awareness or talent.

Through the wave of monsters just now, several people had a little confidence in their own strength. They were more daring to attract monsters.

At most, there were even more than 50 monsters.

Zhang Fan relied on super strong damage reduction and blood recovery to eat these monsters very easily.

During this period, Lin Yuan did not move his hands once, and was just a spectator.

I have to say that this feeling is very good, and there is a feeling of being a boss.

15 minutes later, several people came to the bottom of a cliff.

BOSS No. 1 was on the cliff.

If you want to go up, you must climb up from the bottom of the cliff.

"Are we going to climb up?"

Zhang Fan and his companions were a little stunned as they looked at the 100-meter-high cliff.

It would take a lot of effort to climb up.

Not to mention the delay, if you are not careful halfway through climbing, it will be uncomfortable to fall down.

Lin Yuan was also looking up at the top of the cliff.

He had demon wings, Zhang Fan also had elf wings, but the other three did not.

But don't forget,

I just learned an S-level earth skill yesterday.

Spear of the Earth.

Suddenly, his heart moved,

"Got it."

I am a man who can fly with a sword!

When everyone was racking their brains,

Lin Yuan summoned five spears of the earth.

"Come and stand on it."

At this moment, Lin Yuan stepped on the Spear of the Earth, floating in the air. With one hand behind his back, he looked like a swordsman in the fairy world.

"Oh my god! What the hell is this?"

Zhang Fan turned around and almost popped his eyes out.

"Aren't you a mage? How can you fly with a sword?"

Zhang Fan asked what everyone was thinking.

Lin Yuan smiled when he heard this.

"It's just a skill"

"Come up quickly, I'll take you up."

Seeing Lin Yuan casually say that this is just a skill, everyone was speechless.

This beep is you pretending again.

Then, the others also experienced what it means to fly with a sword.

Don't say it, it's really exciting.

So cool!

When these people came down from the Spear of the Earth, they were a little reluctant.

It seems that no matter whether men or women, they are not immune to vulgarity.

When they came to the top of the cliff, Lin Yuan saw a 4-meter-tall wild boar man wandering in the same place a hundred meters away.

【[Carla] (Elite) lv27

HP: 950000

Attack Power: 30000

Brutal Strike: Causes 200% damage to the target, reduces the target's defense by 20%.

Wild Boar Charge: Randomly selects a target to charge, stuns the target and causes 12000 damage.

This is the first BOSS.

Lin Yuan also found that this BOSS has two younger brothers around him, which is very stylish.

【[Boarman Priest] lv26

HP: 320,000

Mana: 20,000

Attack Power: 15,000

Healing: consumes 500 mana points, restores 30,000 HP to the target, casting time 2 seconds.

This BOSS is quite interesting.

It carries two blood-replenishing people with it. Is it so afraid of death?

Not long after Lin Yuan and his companions came to the top of the cliff,

Li Yong and Wang Ping were still fighting the last wave of monsters before the BOSS.

After the battle, these people did not challenge the BOSS immediately, but rested for a while to restore their HP and mana.

During the rest,

Li Yong took the initiative to talk to the others:

"There are two priests who heal the boss. We only have 15 people this time. The output is not enough. We can't attack the boss directly."

"I will pull the BOSS aside in a while. Thief, you control one priest, and the others focus on the other one. After you kill the priest, come over to kill the BOSS."

"The healer must pay attention to my health. This boss's skills can reduce my defense."

There was nothing wrong with the tactics proposed by Li Yong. No one objected.

So after a good rest, the three teams headed towards the boss.

But when they reached the top of the cliff, the three teams were dumbfounded.

Where was the boss?

They searched around and finally found the body of the boss in a corner.

The bodies of the two boar priests were also there.

It seemed that they were killed together with the boss.

"Who killed the boss?"

These people were confused.

"Could it be!"

There was another team of professionals besides them.

Could it be them who did it?

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