5 kilometers before Arubana, Vivi and Luffy meet Kosha, the White Luck body.

Vivi has been on board until now, for this.

And in front of the south gate of Arubana, in the streets, in the alleys, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates also have their own battles.

Klockdar's lower body sandification flew directly from the rain to the top of the castle of the Kingdom of Arubana, where Robin and King Kobra were also there, in order not to let Klockdar find out the clue for the time being, the doppelganger Bai Yun also rushed over, ready to "sacrifice his life for righteousness".


"White luck!"

"It's you again, no, I mean, how many doppelgangers do you have?"

On the desert 5 kilometers before Arubana, Luffy asked, as white luck fell.

"Hahaha, guess if this me in front of you is also a doppelganger?"

Bai Yun said with a smile, obviously embarrassed by Luffy.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say that."

"This surprise is not good enough, Vivi... Princess, I used my own personality to guarantee ah, I am so tired, I already knew to use Solon or Yamaji.

Bai Yun took the initiative to get out of the way and stood beside Luffy, letting Vivi and Kosha who was sitting on the horse look at each other.

"White luck... Thank you. Wei

Wei had countless words of thanks in her heart that she wanted to say, but she only said the three words "thank you".

Bai Yun shook his head slightly, "I told you just now, we are partners, there is nothing to thank." "

Let's get down to business."

"I think Mr. Kosha is also very confused now."

Bai Yun smiled and looked at Kousha.

Kosha looked at Vivi, and memories of her childhood also emerged.


..." "Boss..."

replied Vivi, still keeping the same name she had given to Kosha as a child.

As he spoke, tears flowed.

Decisive killing.

Kosha gripped the reins, resisted the urge to dismount, and asked Vivi.

"Princess Vivi!"

"What the hell is going on here?!!

" "Is it the kingdom that steals the rainwater of this country, whether it is your father's !???"

Vivi looked up and shouted, "My father... The king is not that kind of person! Absolutely not, all this is..."


. In front of the South Gate of Arubana.

The battle of Usopp, Joba and Mr.4, Ms. Merry Christmas.

"Gotta hide farther, Usopp!"

Mr.4's pet is a gun that eats the fruit of a wax sausage dog, and the wax sausage gun Lasu, by sneezing, Rasu spits out a timed baseball bomb in his mouth, and calculates the time through Mr.4 and hits it out with a weapon four tons of baseball.

Even though Usopp dodged on his stomach, the bomb exploded directly above Usopp.

However, those who can get on the Straw Hat Pirates are Xiaoqiang who can't be killed, and this time down, it's not too much of a hindrance.

Watching Mr. 4 baseball lean against the stone, the stone was directly crushed, and Usoppe's eyes widened almost as long as his nose.

This surprise also includes the figure of Bai Yun on a broken bridge behind Mr.4.

Bai Yun said that there are a total of six doppelgangers.

One was killed by Klockdar in the rain.

One now rushes to the top of the castle.

The other four, the four battlefields of the partners, just one person, but he is not ready to shoot, and even if he does, he may not necessarily win, after all, it is just a doppelganger.

The doppelganger Bai Yun stretched out his finger to his mouth, signaling Usopp not to say it, and then sat down directly on the ground and took out a small bucket to drink, indicating that he was not ready to make a move.

Usopp swallowed, understanding Bai Yun's intentions, but returned his gaze to Mr. 4 and Ms. Christmas Merry who jumped out of the ground and stood behind him.

"The Mole Man is out! She's the Mole Man!?."

Usopp shouted pointing at Ms. Merry Christmas.

However, the current Ms. Merry Christmas has not yet transformed... Although there is no difference.

"Pig!! You two pigs !!."

Ms. Merry Christmas is angry to death, originally a violent temper.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Enjoy my territory, [Mole Tsuka No. 4 Street]."

Ms. Merry Christmas raised her hand, her nails lengthened, her mouth extended and pointed, and she opened her mole form, but with her fat body it looked like...


Choiba and Usopp said at the same time in tacit understanding.

"Didn't I say it was a mole!!"



Ms. Christmas Rays ran away again, and Mr. 4 and the dachshund gun were all in the ground.

Bai Yun was interested, just to experiment with how his domineering spirit was now.

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