Ms. Merry Christmas and Mr. 4 and his pet dulshund gun have all burrowed into the mole hole that Ms. Merry Christmas dug, which is their way of fighting.

Usopp and Choiba are forced to play "whack-a-mole", but this gopher can spit bombs and scratch people's ankles.

The doppelganger Bai Yun sat on the broken bridge, watching their battle below, and exploring the hole where Ms. Merry Christmas and Mr.4 emerged with seeing and smelling.


"It's in the ground,"

Chopa said, worried that the situation he had just been blown up by a series of attacks would happen again.

Usopp bit his mouth, his eyes crossed, and said.


"Run now!!"

Make the most determined expression and run the fastest escape.

Giving Choba the whole thing.

"You wait a minute!!"


Choiba changed his words, because in the hole in front of Usopp, a dachshund gun suddenly came out and opened his mouth to hit a baseball bomb.

Usopp's whole body immediately bent like a bent shrimp, and the bomb flew against his waist.

But Mr.4 appeared again at the hole in the back, caught the flying bomb, hit the stick, the bomb flew into the air, and then fell.

"Huh? It turns out that the number four batsman is not a hundred shots, this kind of ball can be dodged with closed eyes.

Usopp kept running.

Who knew that after the bomb fell, it directly spun and bounced up and smashed into Usopp's back.

"It's a spinning ball! Watch out for Usopp!"

Choiba directly transformed into a beast form and bit Usopp's fate after his collar pulled him away.

The explosion was generated in the back, but the real man never looked back at the explosion.

For Mr.4's attack, "referee" Bai Yun said that it is not better to hit people directly with bells and whistles, zero points?

Usopp: Who are you on a team with!!

"It turns out that you are also an animal series, and I already knew that you were not human."

Dawei Tianlong, Da Luo... Sorry, it's a crossover, a tandem.

Merry Christmas the Mole said, looking at Joba, who had changed back into human form.

At this time, the dachshund gun came again.

Choiba rushed directly towards Mr.4.

"Just knock you off first!!"

But suddenly his figure froze, and the mole Merry Christmas came out of the hole directly, and a pair of paws grabbed Joba's feet.

"Hee-hee, pig!"

"The batsman can't be absent, die!"

The bomb flew past Choba, and Mr.4 in front seized the opportunity to slam it back.

The impact and explosive power of the wielding, this time, Qioba is not dead or crippled.



Usopp shouted worriedly.


"Choiba !!"

Then the bomb flew over Choba's head.

I saw that Qioba changed back to his usual appearance, a small one, and dodged the bomb.

Bai Yun said: That is, can this dress that can also be smaller with a link.

"It's so risky, I almost forgot this trick."

Qiao Ba wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued to transform into a strong man.

Merry Christmas against the mole and Mr. Four is Kuang Kuang's two punches.

But they were all evaded by the two of them hiding in the hole.

Chopba looked around and saw that Usopp was also gone.

Only Bai Yun from the "God Perspective" knew where Usopp went.

"In... Here!"

"Usopp... Crush !!"

I saw Usopp emerge from the hole in the back of Mr.4, and a "5-ton" iron hammer in his hand smashed down on Mr.4's head, and Mr.4, who already had no neck, was even more absent.

Bai Yun smiled, rather than using the scene to fight, Usopp was probably the most powerful on their ship.

Landing, Usopp stood in front of Mr.4, who had fainted, and swept his fingers over his nose.

"Don't think you're the only ones who can roam freely in the underground palace!"

"!" Choiba was surprised.

"What! Five tons of hammer!! Your boy's strength turned out to be so great!!"

This is the surprise of the mole's Merry Christmas.

Bai Yun really couldn't figure out what material could be compressed to a frying-pan-wide hammer weighing 5 tons.

"I am the king of destruction who has sunk countless battleships."

Usopp acted.

"That's awesome!!"

Choiba believed, and this is not surprising.

"You: What kind of Holy Spirit are you!!"

It's no surprise that the mole also believes in Merry Christmas.

Usopp carried the hammer, stepped on his feet, and crooked his mouth.

"I am Captain Usopp!!"

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