Robin began to "mess around" at the age of eight, which is much more difficult to fool than Nami.

Knowing that the identity of the Bai Yun mercenary was fake, but did not debunk it, but showed a smile that brought back a city, what can Bai Yun do, can only smile back.


"Well, mercenaries and archaeologists?"

"You two really have a lot of experience."

"Then again, what are you good at? Miss.

"Bai Yun is very good at everything."

Usopp continued his interrogation work.

Robin still kept smiling, but still kicked the topic to Bai Yun.

"Anything? Bai Yun's little brother is really reliable.

"I could see it when I was in Alabastan."

"So, what fruit did Bai Yun's little brother eat?"

Bai Yun also learned that she supported her chin with one hand.

With a wave of his other hand, he added two flowering arms to Luffy and Joebaddo, who were playing with Robin's flowering arms over there.

Although Robin had guessed it before, he was still a little surprised, "It's really a domineering and terrifying ability." "


Bai Yun replied.

"How about I go, you guys?"

Usopp interjected.

Robin looked at him, "I'm sorry, it's just that Bai Yun's little brother is really curious."

"I'm good at, yes..." "


Robin spoke lightly, but Usopp was scared to death.

"The interrogation is over, Luffy!!"

"The interrogation proved that this woman was a terrible terrorist."

But Luffy and Joba are already having fun with the Blossom Arms.

"Did you listen to me?"

So angry that Usopp shouted.

At this time, Nami's voice, who was sitting on the deck on the second floor, came down leisurely.

"It's really sad to be played willingly."

"Wake up, this woman was the vice president of the crime syndicate three days ago, a good partner of the crocodile, even if you can fool Luffy and them, and those who see a woman are called big sister..."

Bai Yun returned with a smile, this is ordering me.

"You're trying to lie to me too! If you dare to mess around, I will throw you off the ship.

Nami said righteously, saying that everyone was drunk and she would be sober.

And to Nami's warning, Robin still kept smiling, "Hehe, well, I'll take it to heart." Then he pulled out a bag of gems from his back, "Oh yes, I brought some gems from the crocodile."

Nami, who had just spoken righteously, instantly moved to Robin's side, her eyes glowing with gold, "Wow! Good sister, I love you to death. Sure

enough, no one can escape the law of true incense.

Solon and Usopp were speechless on the back of their heads.

"Hey! Feed! Feed!

"It's not good, Nami was bought."

"What an insidious means."

Solon complained.

Bai Yun came over, "Sinister? If people with brains, after understanding, they all know how to buy Nami like this.

"And Yamaji, pure color."

The three looked at Sanji twisting his waist, looking like a peacock opening the screen to court, "Take the snack and hand it to Robin, all indicating that this guy is not saved."

"No backbone at all."

From the green algae head's contempt for the color cook.

Usopp also raised his hand, and said as righteously as Nami did, "What a bunch of guys to worry about." Before the words "not like me" could be spoken, Luffy's voice called him from behind.


"What for?"

"I'm Choba." I saw flowering arms growing on both sides of Luffy's straw hat, cosmos Joba.

"Poof! Hahahaha!!

And the righteous Usopp instantly broke the knot, and laughed with Choba.

Bai Yun smiled and shook his head slightly.

"Sure enough, the law of true fragrance is so terrible~"

Solon was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

"Maka's law?"

"Well, how to say it, it's the way Nami and Usopp said righteousness just now, and then they were bought in an instant, this is Maka's law."

"So you understand?"

"Miss Robin is coming, will you fall for this law?"

Bai Yun explained.

Before Solon could answer, Robin walked over, and Bai Yun and the two of them leaned directly on the fence.

"Are you usually so lively?"

Solon: "Yes, that's always been the case.

Bai Yun: "For boring sea navigation, this is interesting, isn't it?"

Robin's smile turned into a smile more than a smile, but not a laughing smile, you see.

"This way."

Solon folded his arms, still feeling that Robin must have some conspiracy.


Compared to the addition of others, Robin's addition is still relatively dull.

After "buying" everyone except Bai Yun and Solon, Robin can also be regarded as joining the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Miss Navigator, there is no problem with recording."

"No, the northwest is right, Sister Robin."

The power of money, just now it was "you this woman" and now it is "Sister Robin".

Luffy also ran over, "Nami, is the next island Snow Island?" The

difference between having money and not having money, Nami's tone suddenly changed.

"You still want to play in the snow."

"According to the record pointer, the next island is Akishima."

"Akishima? It's okay, I also like autumn.

Bai Yun, who was idle, was watering two orange trees and complained, "I'm afraid you like it in any season, Luffy."

"Hahaha, as long as I can adventure with you, I like it."

Luffy replied with a smile.

Before Bai Yun could answer, something fell onto the second-floor fence, and then onto the deck, making a "ticking" sound.

"Well, it's raining?"

Solon said.

Bai Yun bent down to pick things up, "No, this is... Sawdust? "

Wood chips?"

Everyone looked up and saw more wood chips floating, and a tattered pirate ship more than ten times larger than the Melly fell upside down from the sky.

Frightened, everyone's eyes widened, and although Bai Yun knew, he still felt shocked.

Fortunately, the ship did not hit the Melly, but only landed next to the Melly, but the huge waves also made the Melly shake for a while.


"Everyone, hurry up and don't fall off."

Bai Yun rolled Qioba back with a whip, and prompted everyone to hurry.

At this time, Sanji noticed that things continued to fall from the sky, and immediately reminded, "Be careful, something has fallen again." Then he told Luffy to hold on, "Luffy, hold the ship quickly, you can't hold it."


Luffy replied, the ship tilted to the side, and he stretched out his hands to pull the low side up to stabilize the Melly and wait for the waves to pass.

At this time, Usopp took a seat, "Don't be afraid of danger, close your eyes and recuperate first."

"Then open your eyes and see, what a peaceful breakfast."

And in his quiet morning, the moment he opened his eyes, a skull fell down and appeared in front of him, wanting to "stick" to him.


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