After Robin joined.

The Straw Hat Pirates headed in the direction of the record pointer as usual.

And sailing on the sea is boring if it is always calm.

Know that the world is wonderful.

Money will not fall from the sky, but huge pirate ships and harmonious-faced and enthusiastic "skeletons" will fall, no, as soon as Usopp opened his eyes, people posted it.

Usopp yelled in fright.


Fortunately, before the skeleton hit him, Yamaji kicked him away.

It turns out that wishful thinking is fruitless.

And when the waves subsided, the sea was already full of shipwrecks.


After the storm.

Usopp and Choiba were still worried, hugging each other to keep warm.

Luffy looked up at the sky, "Why?" Why do ships fall from the sky?

Solon agreed, "But now there is nothing in the sky, not a single flying object can be seen."

Bai Yun smiled slightly and replied, "Could there be a possibility that this 'flying object' is flying too high for us to see."

Solon thought that Hakuyun had a point, but before he could answer, Nami exclaimed.

"What's wrong! Miss Nami!!

Yamaji asked immediately.

I saw Nami looking at the record pointer on her wrist, but immediately the pointer pointed to the sky.

"The recording pointer is broken, the pointer is facing up."

At this time, Robin of the intellectual needs to appear.

"No, it was sucked by the island with a stronger magnetic force, so it replaced the new record, and the pointer pointed up, indicating that it was taken away by the "empty island" and took away the !! of the "record"

Even Robin, who had just faced Bai Yun and their face lightly, had a stunned look on his face at this time.


Later, Robin explained the existence of the empty island.

It is said to be an island, but more accurately a sea in the air.

With such a wonderful existence, Luffy's adventurous heart was instantly hooked, and he immediately wanted to leave for the empty island, but he couldn't say anything.

Just looking for clues.

Robin judged from the skull of the skeleton that the ship that fell from the sky was the [St. Bliss] located in the South China Sea and set sail 208 years ago.

Such an ability to infer is admired by Bai Yun.

Over there, Luffy and Usopp venture to the wreckage of a small number of ships floating on the sea, and really let them find the map of the empty island.

Although there are maps, Nami said that the open space does not necessarily exist 100%, because there are more fake maps in this world.

But turning his head and seeing three faces that had fallen to the point of whiteness, Nami immediately emphasized that there was, and the empty island must exist.

But the question, it exists, so how to go about it?

The pointer is just pointing to the sky, but they can't fly, and neither will the Melly.

So, what is needed now is [intelligence].

So, in the end, Luffy, Solon, and Sanji put on a bucket wetsuit designed by Usopp and dived into the sea to look for [intelligence] on the St. Blis.


"Wait, bring Xiao Bai with you, it will be useful too."

Bai Yun took Luffy's hand, and Xiao Bai automatically circled Luffy's wrist.

"How can Xiao Bai help?"

"Well, since Bai Yun told me to bring it, then take it with you."

Luffy replied with a smile.

Then Choiba turned to the pole, the rope slowly loosened, and the three of them sank, and their words would also pass through the mouth in the bucket to the horn above.

In the sense of Mo, Usopp is also the inventor of the Straw Hat Pirates.

And just when the three people sank, an accident happened at this time, but it was not an accident below them, but an accident on the ship and on the sea.

Just listen, the words "salvage ~ salvage ~"

were sung, and the sound spread.

There is also the sound of gold and platinum.

I saw a ship with a monkey holding a pair of cymbals in the bow in front of me.

A man who looked like a great ape and whose name was also called an ape stood on the boat and shouted.

Head of the Ape Pirates.

The "Salvage King" ape appears.

The bounty amount is: 23 million Baileys.

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