A fateful separation, a fateful reunion.

Luffy and Bai Yun, the two pirates, reunited at the naval base, essentially because of Solon.

With such a chance, then you must not be invited to the ship quickly.

Not on?

Whatever about you, if you don't get on it, it's hard.


Seeing Solon's silence, Bai Yun could only move out the strongest killing move.

"Your knife has been taken away."

"Luffy go help you get the knife back."

"But if you want a knife..."

"You've got to be our partner!" ×2

In the last sentence, Luffy and Bai Yun said in unison.

"You guys are too mean, aren't you!"

Solon was so angry that he yelled, but Luffy ignored it, and after Bai Yun told him that the knife was in Bellumeber's bedroom, he set out to find Sauron's knife.

"Compare, take this little girl out, wait a minute, it's a scene that is not suitable for children."

"Little girl, don't worry, we will save this green-haired brother from the evil navy."

Luffy goes to find the knife, and Bai Yun asks Coby to take the little girl out.

But Bi did not refuse, or did not dare to refuse.

And when the little girl heard that Bai Yun would rescue Solon, she was very expectant, and raised her fist to cheer Bai Yun up.

Immediately, the two turned out of the naval base.

Bai Yun looked at Solon again, still with a polite smile.

Solon ignored him, and Bai Yun got closer and closer.

Solon instantly exploded, "What are you doing!?

"No, just see what is different in your left eye."

Bai Yun replied, he understood everything.

"Are you sick?"

"I don't know, maybe so."

"My body is too weak."

Bai Yun replied.


was completely speechless, who was asking you.


"So, who the hell are you? What do you want to do? Why invite a pirate hunter to be a pirate?

Exhaling, Solon steadied his emotions and stared at Bai Yun and asked.

"What do we want?"

"That's a problem."

"We pirates, you already know this."

"My name is Bai Yun, and the guy in the straw hat just now is my partner, and he is also my younger brother, called Luffy."

"Likewise, the captain of our pirate group."

"Don't look at him as if he is out of tune, in fact, the strength is very good."

"Anyone who has a dream is great."

"It's like you want to be the number one swordsman in the world."

"Luffy's dream is... Become One Piece!

"To be precise, becoming One Piece is only the first step in his dream."

Bai Yun smiled and said to Solon, like a salesman's face, and a very skilled salesman.

"One Piece?"

"There are so many pirates in this world, you can't just talk about becoming a Shanghai Pirate King."

Solon himself has been a pirate hunter, there are so many pirates at sea, you can't catch them all, you can't catch them at all, how easy it is to surpass all pirates as One Piece.

"Isn't this the same as Solon you want to be the number one swordsman in the world?"

"There are many strong people in the world, and there are not a few who use swords."

"But you are different, you still have this dream."

"What a dream is called an easy to achieve."

"You don't believe in Luffy's perseverance, don't believe if he can hold on?"

"I'll just tell you so, Luffy himself said that this is his own ideal, his own choice, even if he pays for it."

"I believe he can succeed, Solon you don't believe it, then it's better to come up and take a look, if disappointed, you can go down at any time."

Bai Yun patted Solon on the shoulder and smiled sincerely.

"Hmph, just say that you talk a lot, it's noisy."

"What about you? You support Luffy so much, what is your dream?

Solon asked, he would ask so, most likely he had agreed to get on the ship, there was really no conflict between the pirates and him to become the world's number one swordsman.

"Oh, my dream...

"Maybe you just want to go to the dock whole point of fries, believe me, if not, you will regret that you didn't go to the dock whole point of fries."

Speaking of his dream, Bai Yun paused for a moment and then continued.


Solon's head showed a question mark, what is this! And just when Bai Yun put away the joke and was ready to talk seriously.

A loud sound came out, and I saw that on the Navy Building on the left, a stone carved upper body fell from the top and smashed on the ground, falling apart.

Then he heard, "Kill him!! These three words resounded throughout the naval base.

Bai Yun smiled, he knew that this was Luffy's masterpiece, it seemed that fate was destined that Morgan's statue was destined to shatter!

Morgan turned his head and coincidentally met Bai Yun's eyes, and his eyes couldn't wait to eat Bai Yun.

"Jailbreak! Run away!

"Damn stuff! This is blasphemy against me! "

Directly grabbed the long robbery of the soldier next to him, and fired a shot at Bai Yun and Solon with a gun in one hand.

Slow motion playback.

Bullets hit with a heat wave.

Solon panicked, he couldn't just die, he still had things to do! His oath!

He still carries the power of Gu Yina, he can't just die like this!

"Save me!"


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