"Save me!"


Solon's voice for help fell, and Bai Yun immediately agreed, waiting for your words, now you have to give me a boat.

I saw Bai Yun quickly raise his arm, and the bracelet on his hand immediately turned into a silver shield blocking the bullet.

The bullet hit the shield, sparks burst out, failed to penetrate, did not stay on it, and fell directly to the ground.

"What is it?"

"Where did you get it from?"

Solon looked at this shield in shock, how it appeared in the blink of an eye.

"It's called magic."

Bai Yun hung Solon's appetite, and when he turned his hand, the shield turned into a long knife again, and he brushed two knives against Solon, and in an instant, the rope tied to Sauron was broken.

"You can also use a knife?"

Solon straightened up and turned his wrist.

"Will get some fur."

Bai Yun replied, and then another sideways step away from Solon.

Solon didn't understand, what was this for?

Immediately, two arms reached out from his side and grabbed the wooden stake.

"I'm coming!!"

Solon turned his head to look and saw Luffy's whole person bumping over.


With a bang, Luffy bounced down and sent Solon back to the stake.


Solon coughed twice, felt a pain in his chest, and couldn't help frowning: "Damn! Are you trying to kill me! Straw hat bastard!!

Luffy pressed his straw hat back, a hippie smile, "Hahaha, isn't it convenient to come down."

"There were three knives in there, and I didn't know which one was yours, so I brought them all."

Saying that, Luffy took all three knives behind his back in his hand and placed them in front of Solon.

"These three are mine!"

"I'm a three-knife flow."

Here it comes, the three knives - "Liu Solon" appears.

This is the historical meeting of pirates - "Wang Luffy" and Sandao - "Liu Solon".

Solon took all three knives back, Luffy said with a smile.

"Three Blade Flow?"

"It seems to be interesting."


Solon snorted coldly twice, thinking to himself, it is indeed quite interesting, and it is even more interesting to cut you.

"What's going on with your arm just now?"

Solon asked as he adjusted his grip on the knife.

"That's because I'm a rubber man who eats rubber fruit."

Luffy replied.

"Rubber man?"

"Shoot! All shoot Lao Tzu!

"Yes, just like this!"

Just as Solon was questioning, Morgan rushed to the square with the soldiers, saw the three of Bai Yun, and immediately ordered the soldiers to shoot.

The soldiers did not dare to disobey the order and opened fire one after another.

A succession of bullets ejected the chamber, all hitting Luffy, but instead of seeing the bullets go in, they were all bounced back after being dented.


"Get out of the way!"

This can frighten the navy in the square, and they dodge around.

"What kind of monster is this!!"

A round of bullets bounced back, and several soldiers were shot and fell, while the rest looked at Luffy in horror.

And the axe-hand Morgan is much calmer, still with a straight face, like everyone owes him 5 million.

"Don't panic!"

"He just ate the Devil Fruit."

"What! Devil Fruit, that legendary Devil Fruit. "

The adjutant next to Morgan was very competent.

"Straw hat boy, I don't care who you are, if I offend the great, I will die."

"Also, Roronoa Solon, your great name spreads, but it is not worth mentioning for my rights at all!"

Morgan shouted, and continued to let the soldiers attack with knives.

Solon was surprised and turned cold again.

"It turns out that you are the son of the devil."

"Anyway, already offended the Navy."

"Might as well go to sea with you as a pirate!"


"Welcome to join."

Luffy and Bai Yun were happy and welcoming when they heard this.

And after Solon finished speaking, he bit the handle of the third knife and flashed in front of Luffy, blocking all the soldiers' knives.

"If you dare to move, I will cut you!"

It was really overbearing, and all the soldiers were too scared to move.

"Although I promised you to be pirates together."

"But I have my ideal, to become the world's number one swordsman, now whether it is notoriety or good fame, I want the world to know my name!"

"You pulled me on board, if you dare to force me to give up my dream, then you must commit suicide in front of me!"

Against all the soldiers' knives and biting the hilt, Solon still spoke clearly.

"I'm not that bored."

This sentence was answered by Bai Yun.

"Hahaha, the world's number one swordsman, that's interesting, and One Piece's partner must also be excellent."

Luffy replied, and then a whip kicked the soldier behind Solon.

Shocked, Morgan's eyes protruded, but he immediately ordered the soldier who had just shown weakness to commit suicide.

Luffy and Solon were shocked, something was wrong with this army.

An attack was launched in an instant.

Coby also turned back at some point, heard Morgan's order, and his faith in the navy was almost shattered, crying and shouting.

"Luffy, hurry up and destroy this navy!"

Luffy did face Morgan, jumping to dodge his axe, and smashed Morgan to the ground with three strokes and five by two.

The scene was instantly quiet.

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