Colonel Rat followed Aaron's advice to grab the money, and he could get thirty percent of the money he received.

In this way, Aaron did not violate his agreement with Nami, but also made a sum of money, and could also let Nami continue to measure for him.

But this time was different, this time, there was Bai Yun waiting for his mouse.

After Nami saw Colonel Mouse coming, as Bai Yun said, knowing that Aaron had been playing tricks on her for so many years, the mouse was of little use.

Oh, and also, it can relieve gas.

Bai Yun slapped his hand and turned around to punch Colonel Mouse in the face.


Colonel Rat was punched back by Bai Yun, and the nosebleed instantly flowed, and he immediately reached out to cover his nose.

"You... How dare you attack the Captain! Shoot! Shoot him!!"

Colonel Rat retreated behind the dozen or so soldiers he had brought with him, yelled in annoyance, and ordered the soldiers to shoot.

The soldier naturally did not dare to disobey the order and immediately took the spear behind his back.

But the white movement is faster, the hand is raised, the heart moves at will, and the flintlock gun appears.

With two shots, a blood hole immediately appeared in the shoulders of the two soldiers, and the spears in their hands fell directly to the ground, causing them to lie on the ground and wail.

"Whoever dares to continue to raise the muzzle will end up the same as them."

Holding the smoking muzzle, Bai Yun threatened expressionlessly, which shocked the other soldiers.

Colonel Rat saw that he did not dare to move, and was so angry that he opened his teeth and claws behind his back, "Shoot!" He's alone, are you afraid you won't be able to beat him alone!!"

"On... Damn it!!"

Shouting and shouting, Bai Yun came to Colonel Rat in a flash, so frightened that Colonel Mouse's eyes were about to pop out.

What surprised him even more was the soldiers who fell to the ground behind Bai Yun, how Bai Yun stunned them, and he didn't even see a shadow.

Colonel Rat just wanted to open his mouth to beg for mercy, Bai Yun directly punched him in the abdomen, and suddenly Colonel Rat was like a cooked curved shrimp, covering his stomach and bending down and kneeling.

But Bai Yun did not stop, kicked him in the head, Colonel Rat spun around, spit out two front teeth in his mouth, and lay on the ground.

Bai Yun stepped on his chest, the flintlock muzzle against his head, and asked with a smile, "Come, tell me, what are you here for?" Also, who did you just call 'stinky girls'?"

Kenzo looked at the fallen Navy soldier with a surprised look on his face, and Bai Yun who stepped on Colonel Mouse.

Surprised and speechless, even Bai Yun dragged these people away with a cart, and smiled at him did not respond.


On the way to the east coast of Along Park, Bai Yun dragged Colonel Mouse's back collar.

The other soldiers had already been thrown by him next to the warship on the shore, and the warship was also cut in half by him, so there was no need to worry about someone reporting now.

And this mouse, Bai Yun intends to give Aaron the fish as a "gift".

Colonel Rat had fainted, his face was stained with nosebleeds, two front teeth were missing from his mouth, and the beard on his face had been pulled clean, making him faint in pain, or the two soles of his feet that had been pierced by bullets.

When he arrived at the door, Bai Yun kicked open the door and pulled Colonel Mouse in.

Threw Colonel Rat in front of Aaron.

"No, no, Aaron."

"As the hegemon of this area, I actually let this naval mouse in, and I really lost my face."

"Still... You guys know each other?!"

"It doesn't matter, I solved him by the way, no need to thank me, but it's better to lock him up and not spoil tomorrow's game."

Along endured his anger and stared at Bai Yun deadly.

"Then what are you doing again!"

"How to compare tomorrow, I haven't made it clear, 5 against 5, we have five players on each side, the one who wins three wins, but we can set a

'king', the king wins, the whole team wins, the king loses, the whole team loses, how?" Bai Yun hugged his arms and said calmly, not caring at all about the eyes of these fish people who wanted to tear him apart.

At this time, Aaron's reason was half covered by anger, and he agreed without thinking more.

Bai Yun nodded, then turned to leave.

As Bai Yun left, the wooden chair handle under Along's seat finally couldn't bear to snap and smash.

"Damn stuff! Damn humans, tear them apart for me tomorrow!!"

Aaron's words are obviously addressed to the cadres, since it is a one-on-one battle, it is natural to come out of the elite.

Xiaoba, Croobie, and Tweet all responded immediately.

"Pull this guy down and find a random human doctor to show him."

Along then ordered the people to pull the half-dead Colonel Rat down for treatment, he knew that this was the dismount that Bai Yun gave him, but what could he do, he called Colonel Rat to go, if he did, wouldn't there be three hundred taels of silver here.

Moreover, as a fishman, the first thing he thought of was that he would not lose, he would definitely not, so in the future, he would need this mouse to cooperate and avoid other navies.

It's not that he's kind enough to save humans, and if Colonel Rat is useless to him, I'm guaranteed to stomp him to death now.


Haku Yun left Aaron Park, did not go back to Nami's house, but walked to the pier, guessing that Usopp and Solon should have arrived at this time.

Arriving at the pier of Cocosia Village, the Forward Melly stayed quietly on the sea, enjoying the sea breeze.

As expected, Solon and their small boat were coming in the direction of the Melly, coming from the right, passing the very coast of Aaron Park.

Usopp and Johnny rowed frantically as three fish men chased them behind.

The moment he saw Bai Yun, Usopp had a feeling of seeing the savior.

Bai Yun did not let him down, raised his hand, and it was a silver shoulder rocket launcher.

With a bang, the rocket launcher burning with white smoke accurately smashed on the three fishmen behind the boat, and the huge explosion caused a burst of fire and black smoke, and when the black smoke dispersed, the three fishmen had no shadow for a long time, and most of them sank to the bottom of the sea.


"Oops, this is not Brother Solon, just don't see it for a while, why is it pulled so much."

Jumping onto the boat, Bai Yun opened his mouth to play cheap.

Solon didn't bother to pay attention to him, "What's going on?" Why is the Meli here, Nami?"

Bai Yun then told them about Nami and Aaron and about tomorrow's match.


"So, will you do it tomorrow?"

Bai Yun asked.

The man couldn't say no, and the corners of Solon's mouth curled up into a smile representing the will to fight.

"What's not to do."

Usopp's brain reacts quickly, 5 to 5 ah....

"Hahaha, let me ask, 5 against 5, don't include me, Bai Yun...." The

thought of dealing with those fishmen made Usopp stunned.

But Bai Yun's smile shows everything.

Usopp immediately covered his chest, "No, I have a disease that kills me in the game." "

Do you want to let Nami go up?"

Nami: Do you hear that you are talking about people?

"I have the disease that if you don't play Usopp you will die, save me, you won't refuse, right?"

Bai Yun replied.

Usopp was silent, he wanted to escape, but he couldn't.

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