The moon and the sun alternate shifts.

The moon sets and the sun rises.

The ink-stained night turns into a golden morning.

Bai Yun got up early in the morning, prepared breakfast for the others, and went out.

Fishing at the shore crossing between the village of Cocosia and Aaron Park.

Wait for Luffy and they "fly".


"Ah, it seems that the fish here are very smart."

Bai Yun is still "Bai Taigong" fishing, but unfortunately, the fish here are very smart, time passes little by little, and not a single fish is caught.

However, a large fish was delivered automatically.

I saw the moo rushing towards me, it was Aaron's pet, a sea beast with a minotaur body.

Bai Yun estimated the distance and stepped back little by little.

Luffy on the ship also noticed Bai Yun on the shore, "Bai Yun, hahaha, we're here to 'catch' you and Nami."

Bai Yun smiled back and continued to retreat, taking the last step back when Moo hit the shore, just on the edge of the gap that Moo had knocked out.

Gravel, fierce wind, let it fly, white luck does not care in the slightest, elegant, too elegant.


Bai Yun was elegant, Luffy they were different, and the impact flew with their boat.

Bai Yun then turned around and pulled a rope, and between the two large trees behind, a net made of vines was lifted, just enough to stop Luffy and their boat.

"Well, everything is planned."

Bai Yun turned over, Moo Moo had sunk into the sea, and Bai Yun did not care.

The fishing rod turned into a flintlock gun, and without looking into the sky, a shot was fired, and a seagull fell.

Bai Yun caught the seagull, what is this called?

This is called Angler Never Air Force.


With the seagull, oh no, the ingredients that should be called bird soup now, Bai Yun walked over to Luffy and them.

Even with a net to stop it, Luffy and their boat were shattered.

Luffy and Sanji were fine, and Yosa was just an upside-down green onion stuck in the ground.

"Hahaha, it's really exciting."

Luffy said with a smile on his waist, and saw Bai Yun coming towards him.

Sanji didn't know how to say hello, what to call it?

Then I listened to Bai Yun greeting.

"Hi, curly eyebrows."

"Are you polite!!"

Yamaji shouted instinctively with his teeth grinning.

"Hahaha, just kidding, Sanji, welcome to join, what to find me in the future, big things can't help, small things don't want to help, but remember to find me."

"It seems that a fall is nothing to you."

Bai Yun replied, and his voice just fell.

"I... Yes.. thing.."

Josa sends out a cry for help, and Luffy pulls him out.

"Phew, thank you, Brother Luffy."

"You're welcome."

"Bai Yun, where is Nami? And Usopp and Solon arrived first, right?"

Luffy turned to Bai Yun and asked.

"Let's go, they're at Nami's house, I'll take you there."

Bai Yun replied.

"Hmm." Luffy accepted nature.

Sanji also silently followed.

Jessa didn't understand, didn't he say that Nami's eldest sister betrayed him?

How is this like going to someone's house as a guest.


"Hey, Wang Fried!"

"Win, you two pirates give money quickly."

Bai Yun took Luffy and they arrived in front of Nami's house, and before they could enter, they heard Miss Nami's voice coming from inside.

Bai Yun pushed open the door, and saw Nami, Nokigao, and Usopp fighting the landlord on the table, which Bai Yun taught them last night.

Just replaced the peasants with pirates, and the landlords with the navy.

Miss Nami liked it and quickly got started.

However, Bai Yun could see that he was still worried about the game, and Nami would be happier if he won without worry.

"Yo! Here it comes. Solon

, who was not interested in playing poker, greeted Bai Yun and Luffy for the first time.

"Nami, I'm here to take you back!"

Luffy shouted as soon as he entered the door.

Noki held her face and looked at Nami's partners with a smile.

Yamaji couldn't walk when he saw the beauty, and his eyes flashed in with love.

"What a paradise!! There are you two beauties. "

Miss Nami is still beautiful, what do you call this young lady?"

"Her name is Nokigao, she is Nami's sister, okay, let's get down to business."

Hakuyun walked forward, sat down, and explained to Luffy and Sanji about today's match and the matter between Nami and Along.

This is tantamount to rubbing salt on Nami's wound, but it must be said.


The more Luffy listened, the more angry he became, and he stood up abruptly and wanted to run directly to Along Park.

Bai Yun understood him and grabbed him by the back collar.

"Don't worry, Luffy, the chance to fight Flying Aaron is there, it won't run."

"Damn it, that damn Aaron!"

Luffy sat down huffingly.

Nami looked at these men who were going to fight for her later, and her heart only felt warm.

The tears couldn't help but get wet again.

"Thank you, Luffy, Hakuyun, Solon, Usopp, Sanji, thank you, I obviously..." Luffy

took his hat off and put it on Nami's head.

"Don't say it, Nami, we're partners."

Nami was stunned, remembering how much Luffy loved his hat before.

Combined with Luffy's words, even if the heart was made of stone, he was moved.

Luffy smiled, stood up, and the smile disappeared.


"Okay." ×4


"Bang !!"

Along was lying on a wooden chair meditating, and the east gate was instantly smashed.

Luffy took the lead, "Who is that one named Aaron?"

Along was furious, but after seeing Bai Yun, he knew what was going on.

"That's how you came to the game?"

"I'm here to fly you."

Luffy replied.

There was a tension between the two, and Bai Yun jumped out.

"I've swallowed so much money over the years, I don't think you're so bad, Aaron."

"Just remember the game."

"5 vs 5, the venue is right here."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's start comparing."

"Just to my liking, we can't wait to tear you apart now."


"Yes, Brother Aaron."

On Aaron's side, the first to play was Tweet.


Seeing Ji on the field, the five Bai Yun turned around and discussed in a circle.

"Who's on it?" Solon asked.

"According to the horse race, it can be counted..." replied Bai Yun.

Halfway through the sentence, Luffy asked, "What is a taboo horse race?" Bai

Yun explained by the way, the field is not horse racing, strong against middle, medium against weak, weak against strong, win two rounds one must win method.

"Nice approach."

Sanji said.

"So, according to this method, our weakest against Aaron's side is the strongest."

"Who is the weakest of us?"

Bai Yun spoke, and everyone looked at Usopp in tacit understanding.

Without thinking, Usopp knew that the other party's strongest was Aaron.

"Nope! No way! It's going to die!!"

"Then you are on this game."

Bai Yun immediately continued.

Usopp: ...

Usopp had the feeling of being tricked.

First inning.

Usopp vs Tweet.

Straw Hat Pirates vs Dragon Pirates.

The competition officially began.

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