I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 413: I ask you, are you human

Can dreaming be linked? Do you think this is a game!

Listening to Zhou Jiang's words, several people were startled, and then looked at each other, a little confused.

We... are fake?

In addition to being dumbfounded, they are still dumbfounded now, even Xu Feng is dumbfounded. He thought Zhou Jiang had discovered something before, but you told me that we were fake?

"I said... Then can't you rule out the possibility of us being hypnotized? And we are fake... It's obviously impossible, right?" Xu Feng looked at Zhou Jiang speechlessly.

I was expecting you to figure out a way to lead everyone back, but you directly doubted whether everyone was a real person...

Zhou Jiang looked at Xu Feng: "Then explain why the elves disappeared? If they were not hypnotized, then they passed through or something, what about the elves? All disappeared! And it was not directly after we passed through. The ones that disappeared, but waited until we got here...and didn’t you feel that the elves were a bit stunned before?"

After speaking, Zhou Jiang sighed, "Except for us being hypnotized, I can't think of the reason why the elves disappeared."

Could it be that the elves were sent back by "world consciousness" after crossing the world of "Dantrian's Bookshelf"?

No, no, how is that possible...

Moreover, Zhou Jiang felt strange to the elves themselves, not at all like living elves.

He hadn't thought about being hypnotized before, but now that he thought about it, he felt even more strange for the elves.

Anyway, anyway, Zhou Jiang now suspects that they are not real people. Of course, Zhou Jiang is also very sober.

He can suspect that they are not real people, but he can't directly be sure.

After all, he is a suspicious person, once there is a little chance, he will not make a decision rashly.

Besides, this is only his suspicion. Although this idea seems to have no flaws, there may be a possibility of coincidence. This is also the reason for his entanglement.

Otherwise, if he really thought they were his own illusion, he would have passed by a knife.

After all, aren't many illusions solved in this way?

You have to kill the cherished ones to break open, such as...Papa Chesi...

"Yes, then my question is, how do you tell if we are real people?" Xu Feng sat there and asked angrily: "If you think it is, if we are all imagined by you, then We all know the method you can tell, right?"

"..." Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched.

Should I say that I am worthy of Xu Feng... I told myself the most difficult part.

"Wait... You asked us to tell us what happened before, and there are also things that you were absent during the school trip, then how do you tell?... Is it possible that you want the "excited general method"? After all, fantasy can only be You guide and read some memories when you don’t realize it. If you are prepared, it will be useless. You are worried that the memories we spent together before will be read, so let us say things you don’t know, after all, memories It is impossible to finish reading. If someone really hypnotizes you, then the other party should not be able to tell, and then the other party will be irritated and so on, directly exposed..."

Xu Feng sat there, nodding his head while constantly mumbling to himself.

However, listening to what he said, Zhou Jiang's expression changed again and again.

Nima, all have been guessed!

It's not bad at all!

Is this mind reading? This is mind reading! This is definitely mind reading!

How can people be so powerful!


"Wow... Realistic face change..."

"The guy with glasses is so powerful..."



In the end, Zhou Jiang was convinced.

Such a smart guy is definitely not a fantasy and then manipulated by others.

And although he had doubted them when he was thinking before, he hadn't doubted them as deeply as the elves.


No... Anyway, I just think they are not, but it is also possible, so Zhou Jiang would doubt it.

But the elves... Zhou Jiang really suspected that they were fake.

Stunned, there was no activity at all, as if it were a puppet with only skin, just following their orders, without any autonomy at all.

But it was okay when I went up the mountain...

Could it be that the mansion itself had a problem, and they were recruited when they entered, not in that room?

Anyway, Zhou Jiang is now dumbfounded.

"Then what to do now...we can't get out, here..." Zhou Jiang sat down again and complained.

What the **** is it really...I knew it would not come...what alliance to play...

Thinking or something, so troublesome...



"What sound?!" The bursting voice frightened everyone, and several people quickly got up from the ground and stared at the surrounding back to back.

"This is... a tiger?!"

Seeing a tall beast with the word "king" on its head slowly coming from the direction they came, Zhou Jiang was startled.

"Tiger? What kind of fairy is a tiger? Why haven't I heard of it?" Zhou Nan asked in confusion.

"Sun! At this time you still think about this, quickly think of a way, this guy is a cannibal!" Looking at Zhou Nan, this guy still has the heart to ask this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Jiang is almost crazy.

They don't have elves in their hands now, maybe there will be a massacre here!

The tiger slowly walked towards them, and they also faced the tiger, constantly retreating towards the back.


Suddenly, the tiger stopped, then roared fiercely, the four stomped hard, and the whole body flew up and rushed towards the crowd.

Seeing the other party rushing, everyone dispersed quickly.

Can you only say that it is the physique of a person in the elven world?

Everyone’s dynamic vision is high. Let’s not talk about that. If you have traveled or added a "gift from the world," you are already very strong. Although you can't beat the tiger, you can still avoid it.

However, I don't know what this tiger is going crazy, so he actually caught Zhou Jiang...

No matter where Zhou Jiang went, this guy only chased him.


"Right, right, hide!"

"Come back, come on!"

"Come on!"


Hearing the cheering sound coming from them, Zhou Jiang was not angry.


I didn't rush into syrup, so why did he catch me? !

"I allow you to open the door."


Hearing the cold voice, Zhou Jiang was startled.

Then he noticed that what he was holding...

The tiger behind him doesn't know why. It seems to be anchored now, still in a running posture, but it stays still.

Zhou Jiang was like being enchanted. He looked at the girl who didn’t know when he appeared in front of him. He didn’t know how to ask, so he remembered it for a long time and practiced the lines thousands of times——

"Let me ask, are you a human?"

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