As if he had been taken up by a ghost, Zhou Jiang yelled out a spell completely uncontrollably, and then the golden key in his hand, which he didn't know when, also flew up and aimed at Dantrian's chest.

Although his body was uncontrollable, Zhou Jiang's consciousness was still sober. Seeing the beautiful little Lolita close at hand, Zhou Jiang's heart could not stop beating quickly.

So wife!

"No, I am the sky, the sky in the pot!"

Different from the cute and playful voice before, a solemn and solemn voice came from Dantrian's mouth.

Listening to Dantrian's words, Zhou Jiang felt sorry for her again.

When I watched anime in the previous life, I felt sorry for this little Lolita. Every time the main man opened the door, he asked questions and denied the fact that he was a "person".

Zhou Jiang believes that although she is a "book shelf", she is indeed a living girl with her own soul.

She likes to read books, like toast with sugar, like male protagonists...


"Wow... It feels so amazing!" Jiang Shui, who had recovered a bit and started to jump off, said.

"The sound... it sounds good, there is an urge to worship." Wang Qingyan murmured.

"So cool, so envious!" This is fat Zhou Nan...

Only Li Linghui and Xu Feng did not speak. Li Linghui did not know what to say, while Xu Feng was thinking about the problem.

The two possibilities Zhou Jiang said before, he thinks are correct, but he doesn't know which two.

And now... he feels that the possibility of being hypnotized has greatly increased...

He suspected...All of this was imagined by Zhou Jiang!

And they were just dragged into his dreamland!

Zhou Jiang was a house before, everyone knows, and after traveling together and getting acquainted later, he also learned the fact that he is a lo*ic*n...

And look now.

Medieval-style buildings, books, cute gothic loli, spells in the second two, and unknown elves-like beasts that have been inexplicably anchored.

And the beast didn't even know the name, but Zhou Jiang knew it very well... This is not a good explanation, this is Zhou Jiang's fantasy, so he would know it!

Although I don't understand why they appeared in Zhou Jiang's fantasy dream, but... in short, Xu Feng thought they were hypnotized!

Eighty, ninety possibility!


After Dan Trian's voice fell, white light suddenly burst out of this small space. At this time, Zhou Jiang felt that he was able to move!

However, before he was happy, he felt a whirl of the sky, and then his mind became dizzy, and he slowly closed his eyes.

Xu Feng, who was watching from the side, were the same at this time, feeling that their eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and then their brains became muddy and they couldn't remember anything, and they fell directly to the ground.

Before falling down, Xu Feng forced his way to look towards Zhou Jiang. He couldn't speak even if he wanted to speak. Eventually, the sentence "Mai Selling" was stuck in his throat, and he rolled his eyes and passed out.



‘Wake up! ’

‘Wake me up! ’



There was a sharp pain, and then Zhou Jiang directly hit the tree beside him before he knew the reason...

"it hurts……"

With the face on one side and the back on the other, Zhou Jiang almost couldn't breathe from the severe pain from two places.

After opening his eyes slightly and adapting to the dazzling sunlight, Zhou Jiang slowly sat up, looking at Kirulian flying on the opposite side, annoyed.

"What's wrong with you, Kirulian?! It hurts, okay!"

Meow, if it wasn't for her to be a girl, he would definitely hit someone.

No one has ever slapped him, is this tolerable?

Well, Zhou Jiang still endured it.

As the saying goes, people who work hard, don't let the sky live up, and if you don't want to pay for it, you can swallow Wu.

Zhou Jiang believes that one day he can sanction her!

and many more!

Wrong...Where is this?

Zhou Jiang suddenly reacted. Wasn't he in that old castle? He also saw Dan Trian...

"Could it be...I'm dreaming?!"

"Of course you are dreaming, sleeping so hard you can't wake up no matter how you call it."

Zhou Jiang looked at it and found that it was Xu Feng and the others. They were all lying next to them under the shade of the trees, enjoying the cold.

And here... is where they were stationed before, right?

The thing about walking and being trapped in the fog and going up the mountain before is really a dream...

Zhou Jiang nodded.

"It's also... how could it really happen..." Zhou Jiang smiled helplessly.

But Dantrian... I really want to meet, that cute and somewhat arrogant little loli.

Gee! It's really a failure, I didn't feed her in my dream...

If you have similar dreams next time, you must remember!

Hmm...what dream next time...blood? Appointment? Agriculture...'s so tangled, they are all wives, unable to choose...

"Ha~ tell the truth, Zhou Jiang... I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. Dad is very disappointed in you!"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang turned to look at the other side, and saw Zhou Nan looking at himself with a complicated expression.

"I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language, you say it again? I promise I won't kill you!"

"..." Zhou Nan was silent and couldn't beat him, what should I do...

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of Zhou Jiang..."

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of Zhou Jiang..."

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of Zhou Jiang..."

"Hey, you guys are to play repetition? What else do you mean, what did I do?" Zhou Jiang looked back at Xu Feng and they looked confused, leaving their dreams aside Aside from it, he shouldn't do anything, right?

That night it was normal to sleep after chatting by the campfire, I didn’t do anything...

Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

"Did I talk in a dream when I was dreaming?!" Zhou Jiang was startled.

No... I have no precedent for talking in my sleep...

But if you really talk in sleep...what should I do, if I say something, I should not say...

"Huh? Dream talk? We don't know that thing, but we know one thing!" Xu Feng and the others got up, walked in front of Zhou Jiang, and blocked Zhou Jiang under the tree.

"...What...what's the matter?"

Zhou Jiang reluctantly asked with an ugly smile.

I don't know why, he always has the illusion that he will die socially.

"Are you dreaming?" Xu Feng asked.

Zhou Jiang was a little dazed, but he nodded.

"Dreaming about the fog?"

"Dreaming about a mountain?"

"Dreaming about a mansion?"

"Dreaming about the castle?"

"Dreaming about Dantrian?"



Zhou Jiang stood up in shock.

Zhou Jiang leaned back against the tree trunk and looked at the five of them with a dazed expression: "Did you dream of it too?!"

They didn't talk in their dreams, and they couldn't read minds, so how did they know?

Naturally, I have the same dream as myself!

In that dream, Xu Feng and the others are so realistic. Later on, they believe that the elves are fake, but believe that they are real. Can they be real?

And now with what they said...could it be that six people have the same dream? !

Is it really online in a dream? !

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