Zhou Jiang and his party were dragged to the group to register. Of course, it wasn't about registering anything else, it was just asking them to simply fill out a form.

It has their simple information and so on.

Although the training facilities can be provided free of charge, compensation is required if the damage is serious here. Students have their student ID cards, so there is no need to register. If foreign guests come here, they need to fill out a form.

As for how to tell if it is a guest from outside, of course it depends on the transparent door closed inside...

Now this is only the first door. If you want to enter, you need to go through the second door. The only way to open the door is to swipe your card.

Students can enter by swiping their student cards, but their guests who cannot enter can only come here to register and then swipe their cards temporarily.

Zhou Jiang and the others were filling out the form, and the lady at the front desk was introducing them to the situation and some precautions.

After finishing it, Zhou Jiang and the others got a card from the little sister, which they used together.

After finishing everything, they swiped their card to get inside.

Before the glass door was blocked, they could only see a little bit of the situation inside. Now after entering, the various facilities inside were presented to them.

On a pile of training equipment, there are exercising elves everywhere. This is a public place in the outer area. Basically, if you do some exercises or simple exercises, everyone will do it here, and there are separate ones inside. room.

Those big rooms are paid for, and the purpose is to let the elves train some secret skills and the like.

After all, if you practice skills outside in this public place, then others will know its hole cards or understand the skills, and you will lose.

Those ordinary skills are okay, if you create your own skills, it will be troublesome.

Zhou Jiang looked around for a while and said: "Let's go to the private room, after all, it's for training."

The others nodded in agreement.

Private rooms are actually not expensive, let alone those who have already issued them.

They came to continue to practice strange power, so naturally they could not be outside.

After such a long time of training, among their elves, Tian Zhengjie’s weird power is the fastest to learn. It has already felt a little bit, but it is still far from it. If you feel it, you can really learn. The slightest.

They walked all the way inside, without accident, once again attracted the attention of the girls...

But fortunately, they are all used to it... Apart from other things, even Zhou Jiang can already ignore their sights. Of course, the premise is to walk with everyone...

If he left alone, it would be uncomfortable. With all his eyes focused on him, Zhou Jiang felt that he might explode in place...

Entering the private room smoothly, Zhou Jiang exhaled heavily as soon as he entered.

Although I can basically ignore it, I still feel a little nervous and uncomfortable.

After sighing, Zhou Jiang looked at the private room.

The private room is quite large, and it is estimated to be more than ten or twenty meters long. As long as a large number of elves are not released at once, the private room will not be crowded.

"Okay, hurry up and train. After you learn the strange powers early, let Big Needle Bee teach you other skills."

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded excitedly, and then released the elves.

Zhou Jiang also released the elves, in addition to the big needle bee, there are also Kirulian and Katy Dog.

The little guy, Katy Dog, has a good growth due to eating well. Now it can be easily dragged with one hand and needs two hands to hold it.

Zhou Jiang also changed the weight-bearing ring used before for the Caty Dog. The load-bearing ring was divided into four parts and worn on the Caty Dog's four lower legs.

Of course, this little guy now naturally can't directly start bearing weights, so Zhou Jiang's weight-bearing has not been turned on. Just putting it there will have no effect anyway, at most it is just bearing the original weight. This is for Katy Dog. Dispensable.

Let the Big Needle Bee continue to teach them skills, and Zhou Jiang let the Katy Dog start training.

Zhou Jiang's plan for his elf is simple.

In the early stage, they don't need to learn skills and practice moves, they only need to lay the foundation for physical strength.

For skills or something, he would directly exchange them for them, and use these moves, the attack power went up with one force to break ten thousand magic, and the special attack mental power went up with more subtle energy control.

So there is no need to practice more in the front. When you need it, just make a modification, and then adapt to them a little bit and you can fly into the sky.

Physical strength is the most basic thing. Although after seeing the large stylus bee increase physical strength, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, but Zhou Jiang's promotion strategy for elves other than shields is still attacking.

Any combination of speed and physical attack or special attack.

Between attack and defense, Zhou Jiang chose to attack.

For the current Zhou Jiang, pure blood thickness = useless ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng's class of trainers fight, it is indeed that blood thickness is higher than attack.

After all, his elves and Xu Feng and their elves are at the same stage now, so the damage of the elves hitting the opposite side is also very high.

The problem is that Zhou Jiang is now fighting with the existence of the king above!

When the time comes, the blood thickness will have any other effect besides being a meat shield?

No use of eggs...

No matter how thick the blood is, it will be polished sooner or later, and want to consume the opposite?

That is not realistic.

In order to maximize strengthening, the attack strengthens the speed and one attack, while the defense only strengthens the physical strength and one defense.

Enhanced physical defense without special defense, strengthened special defense without physical defense.

What if an enhanced physical defense encounters a special attack wizard?

This is simply a blood bag for mobile!

After all, defense is passive, and only others can choose it, and it cannot choose the other side.

The attack is different.

With strong offensive power and fast speed, you have mastered the initiative.

It's crisp, but as long as you learn a bunch of life-saving and dodge skills, as long as the opponent can't beat the elves, even if it's crispy, what about it?

You can't hit me, my attack power is strong and I can output crazy, but is the opponent who fell in the end?

Of course, this is just an early plus point plan.

In order to catch up with strong enemies in the early stage, it is inevitably impossible to be balanced.

If all is balanced, then all will be abolished, and as long as the prominent place is highlighted, then it will fly strongly!

Of course, the price of doing this is instability.

At the same time, the stamina is still small and can't fight for a long time, so the stamina needs to be replaced in the later stage, otherwise it will not be used in the later stage.

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