I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 530: New training method

Let Kirulian meditate over there, and Zhou Jiang went to run the treadmill for Katy Dog.

Although the little guy is still a toddler, he can still complete the exercises that Zhou Jiang has arranged for him.

You don’t need Zhou Jiang to supervise it, as long as you give it an order, then it will go back and complete it. Zhou Jiang is really shocked when you see it, should you say it is a loyal dog Elf Caty...

Of course, although it does not need supervision during training, Zhou Jiang will need to reward it when it is trained.

For example, the honey water mixed with royal jelly, the dog's head and the belly that rubbed it.

"Wow~ I'm so envious, I want a Katie too..."

"me too……"


After letting the elves out and let them train on their own or study with Big Needle Bee, the three girls of Jiang Shui ran to the Caty Dog and surrounded there, watching the Caty Dog exercise.

The Katy Dog who was running slightly turned his head and glanced at the people around him, then turned his head and continued to run hard.

It has long been used to being watched by them while it exercises.

Anyway, as long as they don't move their hands and feet to disturb it training.

As far as it is concerned, the others don't matter, as long as you don't disturb him to exercise, if it affects its reward from the owner, then it will go crazy! Will bite!

For Katie Dog, getting Zhou Jiang’s love is simply the happiest thing in the world~

After thinking of being able to lie in the arms of the owner while drinking delicious honey while being touched by the owner, the Katy dog ​​floated instantly. When he thought of the big warm hands slowly rubbing his head and back, his eyes narrowed. .

The three women watched the Katy dog ​​exercise over there, laughing from time to time, while others watched the big needle bee teaching the elves to learn strange powers or to train their other elves.

Like Xu Feng and the three of them, they all went to train the elves.

They don't have Zhou Jiang's invincible plug-in, and they can only continuously train if they want to make the elves stronger.

This aspect of eating is temporarily guaranteed. The medium-quality energy cube allows their elves to be fully supplemented with nutrition, and only after that is exercise.

That thing, Zhou Jiang can't help.

Maybe I can help, but I don't want to help...

Zhou Jiang hasn’t even tried to add something to other people’s elves, but he doesn’t want to try...

After all, it is hard to say, it is not pleased...

For training, just let them take their time.

With the energy cube given to them by Zhou Jiang, their elves are already strong enough, and there is no opportunity to relax and exercise, so they can really be said to be the top batch of them this year.

Of course, this is only the cultivation of the level of the elves, skills, on-the-spot performance in battle, etc., it depends on them.

Zhou Jiang was already very good at letting Big Needle Bee teach them skills.

Xu Feng, Zhou Nan and their three elves are all low in level, so they are all training hard, Lu Ran and the others are different. They don't need to let the elves do some physical training.

Of course, it's not that they don't do physical training, but that there is no need to do it in such a small place.

They need a very large space for physical training. In such a place, the equipment and the like are ruined all at once.

Moreover, it is not enough for them to perform as much as possible if the place is small, so now it is better to look at the teaching of Big Needle Bee.

Weird power is really a very practical skill. As long as it is close combat, there is really a huge difference between having this skill and not having this skill.

Although the elves were all watched here, Lu Ran and the others did not go to the side to stay and rest. Instead, they also watched the Big Needle Bee attentively.

Although they didn't understand what the Big Needle Bee was saying, they were still watching carefully.

The elves understand how much they can understand, and they can use skills, and if they learn something, they can merge their thoughts and brains to create new creations.

Although he knows the principle of this skill and some other ideas, he still has to look at how Big Needle Bee uses it.

In this way, everyone was training or had something to do, so Zhou Jiang sat there alone...

Feeling a little boring, Zhou Jiang released Fire Dinosaurs and Menas.

Although there is not enough space to do other training, but after thinking about it, I found that the fire dinosaur can still perform skill compression training.

The compression of the water gun by Meinas is already very strong. It can only wait for the increase of its ability value if it wants to continue to go up. Unlike the fire dinosaur, it is still far behind.

The fire system and the water system are opposite, and Menas is stronger than the fire dinosaurs, so Zhou Jiang is not worried that the fire will burn up, at most the water vapor will be much more...

But it doesn't matter, there is ventilation in the trainer.

Let the fire dinosaur and Menus face each other, and then wait for the fire dinosaur to compress the flames and then Menus is responsible for extinguishing the flame with the same intensity of attack.

This will test Menus's eyesight.

The skill intensity cannot be too high or too low~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it is too high, it will push the fire dinosaur without the flame, and if it is too low, it will also be pushed to itself by the flame.

The measurement among them needs to be grasped by itself.

Zhou Jiang looked at the water column that was constantly advancing and retreating on Menus's side, and touched his chin with some pride.

This is the training method he just thought of.

This training not only allows the fire dinosaurs to train compression skills, but also improves Menus's eyesight and control.

Once this is done, you can definitely save a lot of energy when you do it later!

What Zhou Jiang fears most is that the elf's skills cannot hit the opponent.

Because with the exception of Big Needle Bee and Kirulian, the other elves' failure to hit means that their physical strength is wasted so much, and there is not much physical strength. If it is wasted, then it is not far from GG.

Can save a little is a little!

Zhou Jiang now has the only four that can be used: Big Needle Bee, Kirulian, Ghost Stone and Minas.

The other elves can't compete with the enemies he needs to face now, at most they can only do some assistance.

Big Needle Bee is Zhou Jiang's most reassuring, and his physical strength is the most abundant, while Cirulian has abnormal physical recovery skills and a bunch of defensive skills, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

As for Ghost Stone, Zhou Jiang is only used outside the game. For example, it can only be used when encountering people like the Rockets or preventing other ghost spirits from approaching.

The ghost stone is magical, as long as the opponent is hypnotized at once, then its effect is basically gone.

It's the kind that runs when it gets older, so it doesn't have any requirements for these, it just needs to practice hiding well.

Only Menus' words are weaker, so it now needs to control skills and save energy.

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