【Zhou Jiang】: Don’t say anything, I’m leaving now.

   [Zhou Nan]: Well, come on!

   [Xu Feng]: Don't be nervous, just play normally.

   [Chen Yongan]: To win beautiful.

  [Wang Qingyan]: Come on!


   Sitting in the lounge, watching the mobile phone chat group cheering, Zhou Jiang smiled knowingly.

   "Let's go!" With a voice that only he could hear, Zhou Jiang got up from the chair, ignored the eyes of the other trainers, and walked outside.

   Now it's a battle between one hundred and twenty-eight and sixty-four, a day and a half of rest is a thing of the past.

The night before, Zhou Jiang and the others went out for a plain dinner. After they came back, Zhou Jiang told Zhou Nan and others about the incident. Of course, it was limited to the few they knew, that is, they had traveled with him and saw The few people who have passed the energy cube automatic production machine, that is, Zhou Nan and the others, plus Xirona, the water is soft and Zhou Jia and the others.

   As for Zhang Ning Baiya and his father, he didn't say anything.

   No need.

   Two reasons.

   One is that they don’t know. If they don’t know, then they don’t know how to go on. Anyway, if they know, they won’t gain or lose anything.

   The other is that most of the people who "encircle and suppress" Zhou Jiang have already got the answer and know the reason.

   People like Zhou Nan and others who knew the truth accounted for 80 to 90%. Even if Zhang Ning and others didn’t know, they would not have any influence on Zhou Jiang anymore.

For example, if they were to "block" Zhou Jiang for this reason, they would definitely go to discuss with Zhou Nan and a large group of people, and Zhou Nan and the others who knew the truth would naturally help Zhou Jiang find a way to stabilize. Their.

   In this case, there is basically nothing wrong with him.

   One hundred twenty-eight into sixty-four, a total of sixty-four games are required.

   There are a total of eleven battlefields, which can be played in less than a day.

   Zhou Jiang’s game was still in the morning, the last game in the morning.

   brushed shoulders with the trainer in the previous match, Zhou Jiang came to the passageway, this time, he didn't wait here anymore, but directly opened his legs and walked out!


   "Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang!!!"

   All the shouts converged into a torrent, echoing across the entire battlefield.

   Listening to the audience's shouting, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly, and couldn't help but raise his hand and wave at them. After he waved his hand, the audience shouted louder.

   Zhou Jiang’s opponent came out after he stepped onto the opposite platform.

   Zhou Jiang has already been on the opposite platform, and he just came out, so the audience will subconsciously stop shouting for Zhou Jiang, cheer up, and give him applause instead.

   I have to say that he is still quite smart, and the small delay in his appearance eliminated Zhou Jiang's "home court" advantage.

   Of course, it is impossible to really resolve it. After all, the popularity gap between the two sides is so big that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one world. He can only take advantage of the audience's subconscious sympathy for the weak.

   But this can only make his appearance not too embarrassing. Other substantive uses are nothing. After all, the gap is there. After the game starts, Zhou Jiang's name will be floating everywhere in the audience.

   is still to guess the order at the beginning.

   Zhou Jiang is a late attacker and a late release.

   is also funny. It’s called "Guess the First Time". Listening to the name, you will definitely think that it’s better than before, right? After everyone likes it.

   After all, everyone's strength is basically the same, and the back attack, the side where the elves are released from the back, can choose to restrain according to the elves released from the opposite side.

   For example, if the opponent releases an electric genie, then you will not release a flying system, water system? If there is a ground system, it will definitely be placed on the ground system, attribute restraint, not just for fun.

The advantage in attributes is much more important than the first attack and then the attack. Certainly, even if you attack first, you may not be able to play any advantage. If you attack, the two sides are not close. It is easy to MIss. The only profit is high, so you can only add BUFF. Or add DEBUFF to the opponent, but basically if the training of status skills is not in place, the launch time is not short. In this case, the initial attack will be let out again...

   So, first-hand attack is not only at a disadvantage, but also very troublesome. Second-hand can be used later. After all, there are so many choices. There is no need to think about it. As long as you respond according to the choices of the first-hander, you will rarely suffer.


   Sun San saw that he was the first to attack, and he slapped his tongue unhappily.

   The day before yesterday, the rich man took the risk, he and others would naturally not underestimate Zhou Jiang.

   No matter how perverted his strength is, what he has to consider now is how to fight him and defeat him, otherwise he thinks of other things will be useless.

   Settling down, Sun San took out a poke ball from his waist and waved his hand: "Go, fire-breathing dragon!"

   "Fire-breathing dragon?" Zhou Jiang raised his eyebrows and looked at the fire-breathing dragon slowly falling on the court with its wings flapping, feeling a little difficult.

   Originally, he wanted to let the Qingteng Snake fight, but the opposite was actually a fire-breathing dragon...

   This is also difficult. The fire-breathing dragon can fly, and it is not easy to fight. It is still attribute restraint to the Qingteng snake. One increase and one decrease is equivalent to four times the restraint...

   And the unique tricks of the Ivy Snake are not easy to use on sunny days and sunny flames.

   After all, the sunny day also has blessings on the fire element. Don’t strengthen the opponent and take it away with a wave of flames. That’s funny.

   One hundred twenty-eight to sixty-four is still a 3v3 game, and Zhou Jiang will naturally bring fire dinosaurs if he brings a vine snake.

   And the fire dinosaur hits the fire-breathing dragon...

   Think about it or forget it.

   The fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side should be the trump card, the strength has reached the elite level, and it is about to reach the quasi-tianwang, and the ability value of the fire dinosaur should be about the same, but the physical fitness between the two is far worse.

   One can fly, the other can only run on the ground...

   And the attacks between the two are also very different.

After the    fire dinosaur evolved into a fire-breathing dragon, in addition to its fire-breathing more powerful and fire-resistant ability, it also has an extra pair of wings and a longer tail.

   Compared with the fire dinosaur, the fire-breathing dragon has stronger melee combat ability, faster speed and more agile! And although both sides are resistant to fire, the fire dinosaur is definitely not better than the fire-breathing dragon. In addition, the fire dinosaur fights less and suffers less. The skin is definitely much thinner than the fire-breathing dragon.

  In terms of overall performance, the fire-breathing dragon is definitely capable of exploding dinosaurs.

   The fire dinosaur has been strengthened, and it has caught up with the fire-breathing dragon in terms of special attack, but it is far weaker in other aspects. And after all, it's a series, so I can't use my strengths to compete with the opponents' weaknesses.

   After all, the shortcomings of the fire-breathing dragon are also its shortcomings, and even some of its shortcomings are not the shortcomings of the fire-breathing dragon.

   After all, evolution is a mechanism for the elves to self-improve their own defects. It makes no sense that the more evolved the more garbage, right?

   Of course, if this is a natural evolution, if it is "ripened", it will not count.

   Although "ripening" has also become stronger, it will definitely leave shortcomings. For example, the original shortcomings are magnified or new shortcomings appear. These are inevitable.

   "There is no way." Zhou Jiang sighed softly, then took out Shanaido's Elf Ball, and said softly: "I'll leave it to you, Shanaido."

   The wizard ball shook slightly, seeming to respond to Zhou Jiang.

   Zhou Jiang nodded, and with a flick of his hand, the wizard ball flew out.

   The elf ball exploded in mid-air, and after a cloud of white light emerged, the ejection device inside the elf ball set off and the elf ball bounced back in the original direction and fell into Zhou Jiang's hands.

   The white light of the elf ball burst and fell on a position about ten centimeters from the ground, and then transformed into a human form.

   Long green hair, white clothes, and a nice figure with a gentle atmosphere, no wonder someone commits a crime for this.

   "Sanaduo..." Sun San gritted his teeth slightly, and squeezed his trousers tightly with his hands hanging on the side of his trousers.

   In order to be cautious, he would naturally look for Zhou Jiang's information, and the knockout video was almost turned over during the day and a half during the break, and Zhou Jiang's next sentence of opponent's video was naturally viewed.

   Although he was amazed at Zhou Jiang's caution and stamina, he had to say that after Zhou Jiang was bored with this "game", the strength he showed was really nothing to say.

   It can be said that gods block and kill gods along the way, and Buddhas should kill Buddhas.

   used Big Needle Bee Shane Duo to single out three or four games without a single defeat. Even if he encountered multiple people running directly, he could easily block their pursuit. Can you say he was weak?

   You need to know that Zhou Jiang’s elves were always fighting, and someone jumped out just after a fight, or someone jumped out after a few steps.

He didn't even have time to put medicine on the elves. After the whole game, none of Zhou Jiang’s elves had been drugged. It can be said that after the entire elimination game, except for those who were directly eliminated at the beginning of the battle, everyone else He was the only one who did not take medicine.

  If you look at it this way, is he strong?

   is not weak at least.

   Although he was a little nervous, he recovered quickly.

   Li San is also the man who can pass the knockouts and reach the top one hundred and twenty-eighth after participating in the league conference for the first time. It can be said that he is a leader in their generation.

   "Fire-breathing dragon, flame-throwing!" No matter what, the game is still to be played. It is impossible to surrender directly, right?

The fire-breathing dragon felt the confusion and timidity of its own trainer. It was arrogant that it did not allow its own trainer to be timid, but it was Li San’s initial spirit, with good feelings and deep bonds. It is not good for the trainer to "work on this occasion." "Get up, but it can remind him with actions.

   Anger and fighting spirit are intertwined, and the flame on the tail of the fire-breathing dragon, which represents the mood, suddenly rises above the wings.


   The fire-breathing dragon roared, and the hot pillar of fire flew out of its big mouth and flew towards Shanaido.

   An adult strong man's waist-thick fire column was rubbing towards the seemingly weak, delicate Shanaido, which looked really dangerous, and even Zhou Jiang heard the sound of cold breath from the audience.

   After all, in the eyes of the audience, they don't know whether they are strong or not, but they can tell at a glance whether they are beautiful or not, and whether they are tender or not.

   "Nian Li!"

   Zhou Jiang doesn’t need to worry about Shanaido. On the contrary, he has to think about the fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side. How can he release the water without a trace?

   If he showed his full strength now, there would be no sense of pretending to be forced.

   Anyway, you have to take the masters on the "ranking list", right?

Of course, if you can meet the old one, it would be better. I believe everyone thinks that the old one in the "ranking list" can win the championship. After all, this is roughly ranked according to the strength. In the past, it was basically The champion was taken away by the leader of the “ranking list”. Even if it wasn’t, it fell into the hands of the second to fourth. The place to lose may be because of unpreparedness or poor luck. problem.

   If he meets the old one and when everyone thinks that the old one will win, he directly picks three and blows the opposite side, then that is Shushuang.

   He was shaking with excitement just thinking about the scene.

On the field, the flame of the fire-breathing dragon was enveloped by Xanadu's thoughts, the flame stopped in mid-air, and the orange flame was covered with a faint purple light, and under the purple light, there was still a pulsating flame. , A gust of wind blew by, and the flames could be seen pulsating with the thought force membrane, which looked very beautiful.

However, this is terrible in the eyes of people who know the goods. To achieve this level, it is necessary to perfectly combine the power of mind and flame, the control power needs to reach the level of nuance, and the observation ability must be against the sky. , The moment the fire-breathing dragon spit out the flame, he knew everything, including the rhythm of the flame in the air!

   However, there are only a few that can be seen. After all, the elves of the super power system are not common, and the powerful super power system is even rarer.

   On the field, the fire-breathing dragon who was regarded as provocative after being controlled by Xanadu's fire ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was completely furious.

   The fire-breathing dragons themselves are easily irritated. One is that they are "dragons", arrogant and conceited, and after adding the violent fire attributes, they become irritable.

   itself was a little angry, but now that Shanaido was so provoked, it was liberating his nature.

   The flames on his tail surged again, and the flames vomiting from his mouth instantly strengthened. The pillar of fire became thicker and the color darkened. It looked very powerful.

   However, these are all false expressions.

   The fire-breathing dragon even used the strength to eat milk, and the flames that burst out with full force still couldn't break through the control of Shanaiduo's thought power.

   However, Xanadu couldn't control it anymore.

  The conservation of energy tells us that energy will neither be produced out of thin air, nor will it disappear out of thin air.

   And where did the flames of the fire-breathing dragon go?

   Shanaido didn’t use his mind to turn its flame in one direction and flew away, but directly controlled it in mid-air, and after spraying for so long, the controlled pillar of fire did not increase, so where did the flame go?


   Of course not.

   The answer is simple, Shanaido compressed them all!

   controlled the flames with absolute strength, forcibly squeezing them together.

However, the strength of the fire-breathing dragon itself is not low, and the compression of the flame is not weak at all. This is also the reason why Shanaido can't control it after controlling it. You know, she has no water at the moment, and it is almost the strength of the high-ranking king. Can't control it, enough to see the horror of this compressed flame.


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