I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 698: Brother, smoke this, this is great

Looking at Li San, who was still shouting for the fire-breathing dragon, and the audience shouting for the two elves, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly and said to Shanaiduo:'Sanaido, it's okay, don't be too reluctant. . ’

  ‘Well, master hurry up! ’

  ‘Well, come on! Zhou Jiang stretched out his hand to grasp the railing in front of him and nodded.

   Sanaido, who was sweating slightly, nodded slightly, her eyes were full of purple light, originally surrounded by the pale purple light, the flame that was about to be uncontrollable and already restless fell silent in an instant.

   is like a tamed wolf. Although the flame is quiet, no one knows if it will erupt or when it will erupt.

   However, Xanadu did not increase the output of his thought power to maintain the status quo.

   The fire-breathing dragon is continuously transporting flames to the opposite side. Although it has tried its best after it erupts, it can't emit much fire, but this does not mean that Shanaido can continue to bear it.

  Wolves, even if they cannot be tamed, will rebel one day, but when they are about to rebel, they can be sent where they should go.


Suddenly, the flame that was stalemate between the two elves was directly cut off by Xanadu. After being cut off, the flame caught by the mind net quickly turned around and flew toward the fire-breathing dragon. After being cut off, he lost it. The flame of control finally flew toward Shanaiduo again.

   "Fire-breathing dragon, fly up!"

   Although the fire-breathing dragon stopped the jet of flames, the flames from the latter half of the previous half still flew toward Shanaiduo.

Shanaido will definitely not eat hard. She has such a low-defense and low-blood skill. She is afraid that it will be cold. This is because the fire-breathing dragon has severely reduced the intensity of its flame after exhausting it. Jet flames, then Zhou Jiang stopped playing, and went directly to the wizard center to accompany her.

Xanaduo wanted to protect, so naturally she had to withdraw some of her thought power, but the fireball that lost part of Xanaduo's thought power instantly became agitated again, and as the distance between it and Xanaduo became more and more distant, the flames became more restless .

   Li San is not blind, so he can see such obvious changes.

   And seeing the change of the flame, he didn't realize that it was a compressed flame.

   After all, he also let the fire-breathing dragon practice compression. Explosions are naturally common. It was only a momentary inadvertent. Under the cheering of the audience, his attention was all on the mutual struggle between the two sides.

   And now this change, he really lived for so long without paying attention.

   However, I noticed it, but the fire-breathing dragon is not so easy to fly away from here.

   itself, it is flying at a standstill in the air and then breathing fire all the time. If it wants to fly high, at least it needs an acceleration process. It is impossible to fly away immediately.

   If he had noticed early and then reminded the fire-breathing dragon, it would still be too late, but now that Shanaido's offensive has come to react, it would be too late.

But it’s a bit late, but the fire-breathing dragon’s fighting consciousness and reaction are not overwhelming. After training honestly and climbing to this level, it won’t be too weak. It would be true if it were replaced by Zhou Jiang’s elves. Of pills out.

The fire-breathing dragon immediately stopped the radiation of the flames and flapped its wings to leave here. However, the speed of the flames returned by Xanadu was too fast, much faster than the fire-breathing dragons. Already forcibly used its strength and flapped its wings with all its strength, but it still couldn't fly far.

   The fireball came not far from the fire-breathing dragon. In order to make the explosion more powerful, Xanadu even gave the fireball a little excitement with the thought power that only existed there.

   used the little thought power left there to instantly compress it towards the flame, and then instantly withdrew the thought power.

   The fireball that had been picked up instantly blushed, and it couldn't stand the teasing, and it burst out with infinite light and heat.


   After the moment of strong light, there were deafening explosions, strong winds and scorching temperatures that could be felt even if it was isolated by a protective cover.

  Of course, there is the usual earthquake...

Fortunately, he was prepared and grasped the railing tightly, so it didn't have much effect. It was just a moment of blindness and slight tinnitus after a moment of strong light, but the effect was not big, like seeing a shocking bullet in the distance. Like being detonated, although it has an impact, it will not affect it too much.

   But this was Zhou Jiang who was prepared, and the others, especially Sun San, were directly blown up.

After all, the fireball was not far away from him in the end. Although the protective cover kept him and isolated all the violent external energy that could hurt him, the sound could not be completely isolated, at most it would be weakened a little more. That's it.

   But there is no adequate preparation, and there is still such a violent explosion, even if it can be weakened a little, how can it be better?

   Sun San was not affected by the loud noise and the shaking of the ground. It was already very good to sit on the ground.

   As for the audience, they are also dumbfounded.

  If this explosion is bigger, they will all think the end of the world...

   Zhou Jiang shook his head, then patted his ears that were still tinnitus before he felt better.

   Zhou Jiang is not worried about Shanaido, because the connection between them has never been broken.

   He looked into the field with some curiosity. He felt that the fire-breathing dragon would not have the ability to fight anymore. After all, this wave of explosions was not a joke, but he was a little curious about how it was blown up...

Although this is an explosion caused by a one-time release after the energy of the fire attribute is squeezed, the fire-breathing dragon still has some resistance to it, but the momentum is so great, no matter how the fire-breathing dragon can adapt, it is impossible to be immune. ?

   "Hiss~!" Zhou Jiang couldn't help taking a breath as he watched the scene inside the venue.


   More than a half of the site opposite has become pitted at this time, some of the pits are still flowing with a layer of red magma, white dust and smoke in the air, like smoke and dust, but also like hot air.

   The fire-breathing dragon was lying motionless on the field over there. Judging from its abdomen and neck, which were a little black, it was probably "cold."

   At the last time, Zhou Jiang saw that it could not run away, so he turned his head and breathed fire and prepared to block it, but as it looks now, it couldn't be blocked, and it couldn't get up again.

   If it is not fatal, it should not be fatal.

   It is estimated that there will be some internal organ problems. This is caused by it falling out of the air unsuspectingly. The damage caused by the explosion only makes it unable to fight and hurts a little. It is estimated that it will take a week or two to get out of bed.

  Of course, this is the result of their strong physique. If you change to an ordinary human, you will be blown up in minutes. Of course, in fact, it is even more likely that there is no ashes...


   At this time, Sun San also looked over and found many orange-red skins of fire-breathing dragons lying on the ground.

   "Spray... the fire-breathing dragon loses the ability to fight, please..." the referee picked up the player flag that had fallen from the ground and rubbed his ears and shouted.

  He is also miserable. Excluding the elves, except Sun San, he has been affected the most severely. So far, his head is still buzzing...

   It wasn't until the referee pronounced the result of the match that the audience reacted and a new wave of cheers broke out.

   Although Zhou Jiang felt that the fire-breathing dragon would not be life-threatening, and could be seriously injured at best, Sun Sanhe and the medical staff of the alliance did not think so.

   One is his own elf, and the other is not slacking off seeing how miserable it is.

   Their responsibility is to send the badly injured elves to the elves center for treatment. Once the slackness causes the elves to be permanently disabled and other things, they can't eat them.

   But they don’t need to be too cautious.

   The elves have a strong physique, and the medical technology and medical technology here are also one-to-one. As long as they are delivered in time, it is basically not a problem, and it is easy to tell when they are delivered and when they are not delivered.

   Severe injuries and minor injuries are still very easy for the elves to distinguish. As long as they look miserable, they can't be minor injuries, but serious injuries that aren't miserable... basically none.

   After taking away the fire-breathing dragon, the commentator was forced to talk over there. Zhou Jiang didn't care after hearing the beginning, and went to chat with Shanaido instead.

   The fire-breathing dragon was a bit miserable, but Shanaido was intact.

Although half of the flames of the fire-breathing dragon behind continued to fly towards Shanaiduo, it was blocked by her with three light walls, and even the explosion that occurred in the back was carried over by the defensive skill, so she said she could do nothing. No.

   At this time, Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo were chatting, in a state of trance, so they didn't see Li San's glare.

   Of course, even if I see him, I don’t care.

   Ending the fire-breathing dragon in this way is considered to be a face to them, at least he still used his brain, otherwise, Shanaido can directly control the fire-breathing dragon to hit the ground with his mind, simple and mindless.

   The high-level elite is indeed powerful, but he is just a younger brother in front of Xanadu. This is still the case when Xanaido did not use the origin. He used the origin, and it was even the younger brother.

   Although Shanaido's origin is still very weak, it's not bad for those who can't beat the origin.

   And only if both sides have their roots, the strong and the weak can be divided. If the opposite party does not, then it will be considered as a crushing. There is no difference between the strong and the strong.

   Although Li San is angry, the game will continue.

   But before he let it go, the referee asked Zhou Jiang if he wanted to change the elves, which made Zhou Jiang regain his senses, but it is impossible to change the elves.

   He was too lazy to deliberately withdraw Xanadu to hide himself, and then make a big news.

   Being a champion is already exciting enough, other things are optional, and he doesn’t bother to bother too much.

   Of course, I can't do my best if I can.

The main reason for    is Zhou Jiang's persecution and the persecution paranoia.

He always thinks that if someone sees him unhappy and comes to do him, then according to the routine, he should only send someone with a higher strength than him, instead of directly opening the full-level boss, so he always thinks about hiding the clumsy .

   One is to be able to pretend to be forced, and the other is that if someone else comes to **** him, he is likely to be killed directly because of Bei, and he might be able to save his life at a critical moment.

   Especially since he has the system now and can be "self-sufficient", so he doesn't need to consider his reputation and funding from outsiders.

   If there is no system to wait for cheats, he still needs to consider how to expose his reputation while not being remembered or reserved.

   This requires brain cells. Fortunately, I can only say that there is a system father, which is really great!

   If Zhou Jiang doesn’t change the elves, then Sun San can release the second elves.

   His second elf is an ivory pig.

The ivory pig is still very strong, and its large tonnage represents its strong melee strength and defense is not weak, and the key is that its speed is not weak, but the special attack is low, otherwise it is really a mobile tank. .

   But even so, it is very strong. Once the elves are close by, it will basically suffer.

   It’s just that although it is very powerful in these aspects, it has been restrained a lot.

   Water, fire and grass bucket steel, these five attributes are double restrained, and the key is that they have the most attributes, and the three most common water and fire grasses have double restrained it, which is a bit difficult.

   But at this time, it's good to use it to beat Shanaido.

   itself is close combat, and it doesn't rely on long-range skills to play output, it is not afraid of Shanaido's control skills, and it has a large tonnage, and it is difficult to be controlled by Shanaido's mind.

   The key is how to overcome the problem of Xanaduo's movement. As long as Xanaduo's actions are blocked, Xanaduo will definitely be unable to hold it behind him.

   After all, Xanadu's skin is too thin, high offense and low defense, high offense and low defense.

   Of course, this is just Sun San’s thoughts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Shanaido breaks out, no matter how heavy the ivory pig is, no matter how strong it is, it will not be able to resist it. The gap between the ranks is really big.

   But Zhou Jiang wouldn’t let Shanaido do that.

   No need.

   If you really control the ivory pig, it would be too high-profile, not completely controlled, and meaningless.

   In that case, it's better to use your skills to directly use the opposite reality.

   "Ivory pig, rush forward!"

   After the referee called the start of the game, the opposite Sun San yelled preemptively.

   Zhou Jiang saw this, shook his head slightly, and shouted, "Sanaiduo, tie a knot!"

   "!" Sun San's face turned green when he heard Zhou Jiang's name.

Before he reminded him, the ivory pig was tripped and slammed on the ground that had cooled down and had some potholes. The huge body fell heavily to the ground, and Zhou Jiang on the opposite side felt the ground. It shook violently.

   Hearing the screams of the ivory pig, Zhou Jiang felt pain.

"It's amazing. Contestant Sun San wanted to preemptively and let the ivory pig approach Xanadu quickly, but he was unexpectedly..." The commentator said loudly, showing his sense of existence, but whether it was Zhou Jiang or Sun The three ignored him.

   "Ivory Pig!" Sun San is only a commander, so he can only use Rejuvenation Roar on the opposite platform.

   Fortunately, although the grass knot is calculated according to the tonnage of the elves in the move, although its tonnage is large, it has a thick skin and a lot of blood, and it is only the beginning of the game, and it will not be out of the game directly.



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